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The official "I'm dropping Injustice for KI" player list

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
Hey now I played HG for a long time I ain't no hipster :) , then again I did drop the characetr!!

I used mine for a long while and swore by it, I just got lazy one night and didn't feel like getting off my ass to plug in my stick (God that sounds really bad) and just booted the PS3 from my wireless and discovered I was just better at it. SInce 360 is the standard for IGAU now I went the route of getting use to the old Madcat pad so I could have two identicle controllers one for practice the other for tourneys, much better than using converters. I will check out your channel too though, I reaaly need a secondary cause just running BG can get boring and I have been crosed between CW, WW, and Zatanna for while and CW fits my style way mor ethan the other two...

People say the fight pad is good. Might think about that one


Administrator and Community Engineer
I personally feel like everyone is in the "googley-eyes" love affair phase with KI. They haven't played the game long enough to get "in deep" so they're going off of first impressions, like what happened with MK9 when hundreds of people were showing up after the game's launch.

After people get used to it, only then do you start hearing about what's unbalanced, how certain characters are "broken", other characters are "useless", etc. And in this case, I could see people complaining about how there are only a few characters to play and people are tired of playing with and against the same chars.

It doesn't mean that KI won't be a great game -- but before you decide to completely drop some game or dedicate your life fully to picking up a new one, it makes sense to wait and see how things turn out over time.

Or as an old movie master would say, "Patience, young padiwan".

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Catwoman is a Rushdown Character
Catwoman has no tools for zoning
Catwoman is a rushdown, Resets, and mix ups character.
Her catdash is for fooling people out for long distance. But it is not enough for mobility speed.
I can tell you don't know how to use the character because the best way to get in when getting zone out is mb catdash or a catdash fake out. I already know about j2 so don't bother mention it when you reply. Also I explore catwoman more then you ever will. And find most of her tech by myself with no help thank you. The only thing I agree with you is patience which I don't have which I do need. I second maiming Raven so it will probably make me more patience now when I use catwoman. She isn't balance and I will bet if I create a catwoman buff thread do you know what most people will say what buff she needs. " mobility speed" last time I check Bain has a charge. I heard in the patch they buff his mobility speed. If you say catwoman isn't a rushdown character you are clueless bro. He catstance whip need to be positive. I hope in the next game mb whip grapple.
You might find tech with her, but fundamentally you're pretty weak so your argument doesnt hold that much weight. (from my experience of playing you, you're very flow chart, not a dig, just the truth) CW is pretty well balanced if you ask me, she's like WoWo, but with a little less rediculousness. WoWo has to put up with the same shit CW does. Getting around zoning in this game isnt that difficult, block a projectile and dash in, a little patience gets you a long way, especially considering that most characters that are effective up close kill you alot quicker than zoners will.

There is no real 'rushdown' in this game, since its all based around 5050s and guessing for backdashes.
She has a positive launcher in Cat stance doesnt she? The cartwheel backflip thing, thats pretty much the same shit as Sonya from MK9.


I'm willing to bet that the people who find KI insanely fun and awesome for the first few weeks will change their mind in 7 more months when they get bodied and they start blaming the game saying that the game is not fun to play and it's garbage.

Hell I'm seeing some of that right now in this thread

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
You might find tech with her, but fundamentally you're pretty weak so your argument doesnt hold that much weight. (from my experience of playing you, you're very flow chart, not a dig, just the truth) CW is pretty well balanced if you ask me, she's like WoWo, but with a little less rediculousness. WoWo has to put up with the same shit CW does. Getting around zoning in this game isnt that difficult, block a projectile and dash in, a little patience gets you a long way, especially considering that most characters that are effective up close kill you alot quicker than zoners will.

There is no real 'rushdown' in this game, since its all based around 5050s and guessing for backdashes.
She has a positive launcher in Cat stance doesnt she? The cartwheel backflip thing, thats pretty much the same shit as Sonya from MK9.
When I play you I pretty much know I was going to lose badly because my D pad was pretty much broken. I wanted to see how we'll I did. Which I didn't. So as Rico suave. So next time when I get a fight stick I can truly use my full pointentail and not 30%. You will see my real potential. But she is not balance. She still needs some buffs. Wonderwoman can get in plus she use projectiles which catwoman don't have. You cannot say a character is balance if you haven't use her fully.

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
Yeah I would definatly gove it try before buying one, my buddy tried and he likes his PS2 pad with its converter more, but I found it very easy to adjust to. thanks for the link.
I just look at the fight pad stick. I look like the Xbox 360 d pad which I'm not a fan of because once the d-pad is worn out it make you do move that you didn't even put in?

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
You might find tech with her, but fundamentally you're pretty weak so your argument doesnt hold that much weight. (from my experience of playing you, you're very flow chart, not a dig, just the truth) CW is pretty well balanced if you ask me, she's like WoWo, but with a little less rediculousness. WoWo has to put up with the same shit CW does. Getting around zoning in this game isnt that difficult, block a projectile and dash in, a little patience gets you a long way, especially considering that most characters that are effective up close kill you alot quicker than zoners will.

There is no real 'rushdown' in this game, since its all based around 5050s and guessing for backdashes.
She has a positive launcher in Cat stance doesnt she? The cartwheel backflip thing, thats pretty much the same shit as Sonya from MK9.
Catstance cartwheel is positive 3 frames. Every thing else is negative. When I mean rushdown, I mean beat him up character that stay in your face.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I just look at the fight pad stick. I look like the Xbox 360 d pad which I'm not a fan of because once the d-pad is worn out it make you do move that you didn't even put in?
The 360 pad is absolute shit, I know some folks can use, but IMO its terrible. I have a 360 as well and since MK9 is the only FG I have on it I gave the thing a try and yeah every time I tried to do many of my BnBs with Mileena she just kept jumping back. I'll be honest the only reason I went to those pads is due $40 vs. $200 for a dual mod. I got a family to support and my wife would have bitchslapped me if I spent that much on a stick...:)

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
The 360 pad is absolute shit, I know some folks can use, but IMO its terrible. I have a 360 as well and since MK9 is the only FG I have on it I gave the thing a try and yeah every time I tried to do many of my BnBs with Mileena she just kept jumping back. I'll be honest the only reason I went to those pads is due $40 vs. $200 for a dual mod. I got a family to support and my wife would have bitchslapped me if I spent that much on a stick...:)
Agree. I have the same problem with catwoman catclaw f2. But instead of f2 I jump back. So it is Terrible. So I have to buy me a fight stick. A good one cost 90$


blink-182 enthusiast
Dude get out of here with your anti injustice nonsense in EVERY single one of your posts. You are like the Anchor man for Injustice hate and KI praise. Why can't you enjoy a game without throwing dirt on another (whether directly or subliminally) in every single post?
He probably sucks at IGAU really badly. Like, REEEEAAALLLY badly


blink-182 enthusiast
its funny when you realize a lot of the people who hate Injustice and say they wish they had mk9 weren't even too good in either games to begin with.

and someone get me an xbone because I need orchid in my life
Convince someone to get you two XB1's so I can have one


bye felicia
Or as an old movie master would say, "Patience, young padiwan".
I know you've been around here long enough Crim to stay out of this nonsense. Lets just let the fly by nights duke it out and give KI the three months it takes to find out if its the next Persona or not.

My personal opinion is that 6 characters is gonna get old REAL quick and this game will Skullgirls itself out of popularity really fast. And lets face it, unless he turns out to be absolutely ass, the number of Jago mains is going to border on ridiculous by the time next years tournament. That won't help.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Agree. I have the same problem with catwoman catclaw f2. But instead of f2 I jump back. So it is Terrible. So I have to buy me a fight stick. A good one cost 90$
Its understandable if you exclusively play on 360 you shouldn't have shell as much as I would have.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I know you've been around here long enough Crim to stay out of this nonsense. Lets just let the fly by nights duke it out and give KI the three months it takes to find out if its the next Persona or not.

My personal opinion is that 6 characters is gonna get old REAL quick and this game will Skullgirls itself out of popularity really fast. And lets face it, unless he turns out to be absolutely ass, the number of Jago mains is going to border on ridiculous by the time next years tournament. That won't help.
But but but you forgot about the 2 additional characters next year and there oh no season 2 of KI releases since its Fee 2 Play, sorry I seriously couldn't resist. Anyway honestly just like MK9 and IGAU, the hype will slow down sooner or later, many are just enjoying a new game plain and simple. I can't say the game won't be a huge tourney success, but at the same time can't say it will.

Also, so looking at an earlier post about PL quitting IGAU is just lain silly, if one's decision to play a particular game is due to one or a few other top player playing it too, then one is just not playing the game for the right reasons.