Ra Helios
Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
Www.youtube.com/hyksosamoHey now I played HG for a long time I ain't no hipster , then again I did drop the characetr!!
I used mine for a long while and swore by it, I just got lazy one night and didn't feel like getting off my ass to plug in my stick (God that sounds really bad) and just booted the PS3 from my wireless and discovered I was just better at it. SInce 360 is the standard for IGAU now I went the route of getting use to the old Madcat pad so I could have two identicle controllers one for practice the other for tourneys, much better than using converters. I will check out your channel too though, I reaaly need a secondary cause just running BG can get boring and I have been crosed between CW, WW, and Zatanna for while and CW fits my style way mor ethan the other two...
People say the fight pad is good. Might think about that one