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Video/Tutorial The Nightwing Corner Vortex/Setup by Sajam


To Achieve, You must Believe
You lab monsters are keeping me alive.

I'm so inexperienced, I'm focusing so much on getting better at making reads and playing footsies that I truly neglect trying to uncover new things in training mode. I can't thank you all enough for putting the time in. This stuff is priceless.
Fundamentals is everything to a core fighting style.


Nightwing In Retirement
Hmmmm....not viable. I don't like it cuz I said so sorry! Pack it up you're done.
Oh shit, Tyrant says it's done? Damn, I messed up then.

Pack it up guys, the dream is dead. Let me just delete the video and we can all go home.


Who gets away with whiffing stuff on people's wakeups? Isn't that basically telegraphing the fact you're going for some crazy ambiguous bullshit?

R melo

does any know the nightwing mid screen set up where u end in staff spin, conform out of staff dash forward cross up jump 2 or 3