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The MKX at Combo Breaker 2015 Hype and Updates Thread


The smart stuff!
From now on no one DARES noticing stream is live. 'course it will go down in split second! Just shush!


Pew pew pew
Yes, because video game tournaments absolutely establish an environment that demands respect. People take themselves way too seriously.
Uh, what's different about video games? You sit next to your opponent, you talk to them, you shake hands before and after, etc. So yes, there's usually tons of respect at fighting game tournaments. You just perceive that video games are less formal or respectful than other sports so you act like there's no such thing as being disrespectful in this type of environment, which is flat out wrong. T-bagging is no different than someone taunting someone in any other sport because you're doing better than they are.
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