Who are the lot of people? I get you have more of the inside pov on what some key people think, but mostly I see a handful of people blustering all day, every day because one game on the planet isn't their personal FG wet dream game. Basically doing all they can to spark an angry, pitchfork wielding mob marching their way to Chicago to demand for personal wants.
It's fine to not like something, and to discuss what might make things better. When it keeps spilling over into people literally cursing NRS for being unable make a proper fighting game like it's something any idiot could do, then I'm like this is getting weird.
The amount of rage directed towards a game made by some people that don't really owe anyone an orgasmic gaming experience, has gotten strange, and played out.
I've enjoyed playing the game. It's been a good fit for me so far, and I don't know that I'd like people changing it a whole lot. But then what I think doesn't really matter. I didn't make the game. I can't change the game. And like all but maybe 150 people on the planet, I can't play the game at a level where most of the stuff people complain about even matters.