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Random question: What do you guys think about her back dash? (Is it good enough?)
Mileena's back dash is good and I think her forward dash is even better, but it could be faster. The thing with back dashes in this game is that they are mostly either slow and travel farther or fast and travel little. Not that she needs it, but if her back dash were to the speed of lets say Jacqui or Kano then I think it could really change her game up. It could help her with spacing to punish. Not that she has a problem with spacing, but it could be like giving her safe dirt besides the OS (which I think isn't going to be around for long) and unsafe roll setups. If her back dash was made faster I think it could be comparable to Rose in Street Fighter 4. Rose's back dash was/is so good because of how fast it was and that it went a pretty good distance. Mileena would be similar to this because her back dash already goes a fair distance away and has average speed. Speeding it up would make it really good imo.
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Her backdash speed is ok, but it could probably move back a bit farther, tbh. I dunno if it's the dash itself, or the fact that she does a cartwheel animation so her leg gets hit after invincibility wears off. It's clear that she's a more positional character than a rushdown monster, so something like this could really help as @llxPeeKABooxll said.

But if NRS ends up doing something like, make the invincibility frames on backdashes increase across the board in a later patch, then this doesn't matter much.


My power equals yours!
I've noticed her legs getting hit while back dashing, as well. Like @ZeroEffect mentioned. This is the main cause for concern from me. Speed and range, whatev. If her legs couldn't get poked, leading to combo, during the cartwheel, I'd be fine with her back dash.
If she could safely get away, even at her current range, a Roll punish would be a great follow up to her back dash.
I've noticed her legs getting hit while back dashing, as well. Like @ZeroEffect mentioned. This is the main cause for concern from me. Speed and range, whatev. If her legs couldn't get poked, leading to combo, during the cartwheel, I'd be fine with her back dash.
If she could safely get away, even at her current range, a Roll punish would be a great follow up to her back dash.
Well the range increase would definitely fix that, but so would characters having slightly increased invincibility frames on startup. Either way works, but I don't know how much increased invincibility would affect moves designed to catch backdash.
Hello all. I have been lurking here since the game's release & I haven't properly introduced myself and figured it's about time I contribute. I am going to main Milleena(Ravenous) atleast until I see what Predator is all about (Cyrax main in MK9). Im enjoying her style quite a bit. Anyways loving the discussion here and have taken a number of tips to incorporate into my game.

As far as her backdash is concerned. I wish it was a tad bit faster. As @@llxPeeKABooxll said before it could really help with setting your position and baiting the wiff from other characters.


Full Combo Punishable
I wish her backdash traveled a bit more. The distance feels very short and doesn't help much against the plethora of advancing combos.


My power equals yours!
The opponent using a string to blow up back dashing is fair, in any scenario. That's just the game and their read.
Logically, Mileena probably doesn't deserve a farther back dash because of Roll and the speed/space it covers. Invincibility protecting her legs would help tremendously, I feel.


Full Combo Punishable
The opponent using a string to blow up back dashing is fair, in any scenario. That's just the game and their read.
Logically, Mileena probably doesn't deserve a farther back dash because of Roll and the speed/space it covers. Invincibility protecting her legs would help tremendously, I feel.
Absolutely. I'd be equally happy with a backdash that doesn't get poked in the kneecaps.


Has anyone figured out a use for B3,4,34? or whatever that string is? (The one where she comes down with an overhead cartwheel)
Do you mean F143? That finishes with an overhead cartwheelish move.
It's such a slow, awkward move that I only use it as a victory dance where the cartwheel hit is the Finish Him move.
Do you mean F143? That finishes with an overhead cartwheelish move.
It's such a slow, awkward move that I only use it as a victory dance where the cartwheel hit is the Finish Him move.
No it's definitely after b34. She's in the air and comes down with two hits. You gotta quickly press 3~4 to do it.

Check at 1:29
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I understand that Mileena's backdash animation is what gets her caught up for a combo, but if it were faster the invincibility frames would cover more of the dash because your essentially cutting frames from that animation. So she gets two incentives. The incentive of a faster back dash and invincibility frames covering her current animation better. Giving her more invincibility frames would only give her that incentive. Also her distance I feel is average because it takes her two back dashes to get fullscreen. Maybe just increasing it a bit would be ok but it still wouldn't stop her from getting clipped since it would have the same start-up.
How do you deal with Mileenas who ALWAYS EX roll at the exact perfect timing for some reason
What is the "perfect timing"? Like on wake up or a blocking standoff? Just hold stand block, the worse she can get you with is a low sai or F4, 4 (advancing low kick). Only one those leads into a combo. On wake-up just bait it or try to see if your character can stuff it. Just remember it's not just a 50/50 on you, it's also a 50/50 on her. Roll is highly punishable, learn how to in training mode. Set Mileena to hold block for a couple of seconds and then do an EX roll or have her Ex roll on wake up or a delayed wake up. You could also try jumping over it to mess up the hit but I don't know if that's consistent or not. Sometimes it works or sometimes they just fall into the animation when they get hit. One things for sure though, I don't think there's specials fast enough, invincible enough , or with enough hits (save spin and x-rays) to straight up beat her Ex roll on reaction. So don't even try that.
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The anticipation is killing me
Question. With the changes to B3 making following up with Telekick a bit off, has anyone checked whether the timing of B34 xx telekick for reversing wakeups has changed?


Publicly Educated
I think my PC version is still buggy and because people on TYM as well as on youtube say different things, can someone please answer my questions: Is roll start up 7 or 8 frame? Is high pounce on block -6 or -7? And Cassie's flipkick start up is 6 or 7 frame? Can cassie punish high pounce on block?


all I have is the Green
I think my PC version is still buggy and because people on TYM as well as on youtube say different things, can someone please answer my questions: Is roll start up 7 or 8 frame? Is high pounce on block -6 or -7? And Cassie's flipkick start up is 6 or 7 frame? Can cassie punish high pounce on block?
IIRC roll is 8 frames, high pounce -7, and idk anything about Cassie.


The Yankees blew a 3-0 lead in the 2004 ALCS.
I think my PC version is still buggy and because people on TYM as well as on youtube say different things, can someone please answer my questions: Is roll start up 7 or 8 frame? Is high pounce on block -6 or -7? And Cassie's flipkick start up is 6 or 7 frame? Can cassie punish high pounce on block?
Cassie's flipkick has a 6 frame start-up which she can use to punish high pounce.
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Regina George of discord
How do you deal with Mileenas who ALWAYS EX roll at the exact perfect timing for some reason
Do you mean in between your pressure? Well, Mileena can't just throw EX roll, she actually has to make a read, she uses mostly to escape pressure, to mix you up, or as a wake-up. As a wake-up, I suggest you to use an armor breaking move if your character has one to make her respect you, then start mixing her up if your character excels on that area, or simply block, but you will have to stay guessing the whole match against her. On pressure I suggest you to bait an ex-roll and punish, and same happens, you make her respect your pressure a bit more, althought ther's always going to be a treat from EX roll.