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The Let's Be Serious Here Podcast: Episode 4, with Special Guest GGA Slips!

Whom should Slips blame the most for the "Scorpion scare"?

  • KDZ

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • M2Dave

    Votes: 21 46.7%
  • Pig of the Hut

    Votes: 17 37.8%
  • REO

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • Rico Suave

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Tom Brady

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • Other (specify in thread)

    Votes: 3 6.7%

  • Total voters


Zoning Master
Twitch TV: http://www.twitch.tv/perfectlegend/b/505311899

MP3: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/kjga17710jq7ouk/Let's_Be_Serious_Here_Podcast_-_Episode_4.mp3


- The agony of quitting Scorpion

- Heated discussion: Who was normalized more? Deathstroke or Scorpion?

- Deathstroke’s tier status and match up discussion

- Cyborg’s tier status and match up discussion

- More Scorpion and Deathstroke discussion

- Is @GGA Slips salty that Martian Manhunter has a superior teleport to Scorpion?

- Slips’s and @Perfect Legend 's top 5 characters

- Is Sinestro really top 5?

- How good is Wonder Woman? Perfect Legend explains

- Slips addresses Tekken and the Tekken community

- Why did Slips pick up Eddy Gordo? (@subzerosmokerain)

- Fake Tom Brady joins the call but gets the boot

- Fool of the Week: @CrimsonShadow

- Would Slips pick a different character if he played Mortal Kombat all over again?

- Slips vents about Cyrax, Kitana, and Smoke

- Fake Tom Brady rejoins the call but gets the boot…again

- Hero of the Week: Slips for saying that Smoke is broken, claiming Smoke is better than Cyrax, and calling @GGA Wafflez a “moron”

- BREAKING Match Up News: Slips says Scorpion loses to Smoke 10:0... and more Wafflez bashing

- Which characters were over-normalized?

- Which characters could need some buffs?

- Perfect Legend claims that Doomsday takes regular damage in trait… but is proven wrong

- M2Dave puts @FOREVER KING on blast for saying “Zod’s trait needs more cool down”

- Which characters could use some normalizations?

- Props to @GGA 16 Bit, GGA Slips, and @colt for the recent patch

- Are there any characters that could be S+ tier?

- Slips’s Top 8 Winter Brawl Predictions

- @Tom Brady 's past struggles

- Perfect Legend asks: "Is @EMPEROR_THEO being over hyped?"

- M2Dave wants Darkseid and tracking Omega Beams (Part II)

- Why is Perfect Legend selling his Xbox one?

- Perfect Legend’s announcement

- Perfect Legend: "I take no shits. I am a Martian"
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Thanks for asking my Eddy question Dave!

Yeah Slips, I agree, at face value, he looks like one of the coolest designed character moveset wise in the game, and then after you get past the button mashing, he is a pretty rewarding/fun character.

EDIT: This has got to be one of my top favorite podcasts for the entire year, it has Eddy Gordo, Smoke, Shazam as topics in it. Only at 2:35:40, i'll finish the rest tomorrow.
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I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I really hope this is the last time Deathstroke gets discussed on this show lol... 16-Bit and Slips made the case very well for what he is and why he should be that way, and the counter argument is clearly just saying "but I wanted to use him to just spam gunshots...".
Time to let a character that you don't even play do his thing in peace Dave. It's just getting asinine now.


Joker waiting room
This is epic

I've got something you gotta respect

But here's -

When I don't have meter...

But most -

I've got shit

But here's the thing ma -

It's just baaad, it's bad

Here's the thing man -

Everything he does

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
He should have blame more on Tom, Rico and Dave for the scorpion care, specially tom because scorpion was nerfed twice and the second time was also because of him, partially


Zoning Master
I really hope this is the last time Deathstroke gets discussed on this show lol... 16-Bit and Slips made the case very well for what he is and why he should be that way, and the counter argument is clearly just saying "but I wanted to use him to just spam gunshots...".
Time to let a character that you don't even play do his thing in peace Dave. It's just getting asinine now.
Well, somebody has yet to disapprove my argument which is that Batman, Black Adam, Killer Frost, Superman, etc. are still top ten characters, even after being normalized. Deathstroke is not because he was over-normalized.

Besides, I was not even arguing about low gunshots in this episode. I was merely making comparisons. If you want to make the case that Scorpion was over-normalized because of the "Great Scorpion Scare", I can make the case that Deathstroke was over-normalized because of the "Great Deathstroke Scare".


Filthy Casual
btw im halfway on this podcast but there was way too much deathstroke talk, I understand that you have to talk about ds because of slips but this was a bit overwhelming
Man it's Slips and M2Dave talking Deathstroke without Tom Brady there to groan every time low gunshots was mentioned. What else were you expecting lol?


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
This is epic

I've got something you gotta respect

But here's -

When I don't have meter...

But most -

I've got shit

But here's the thing ma -

It's just baaad, it's bad

Here's the thing man -

Everything he does
Hahaha I notice that too. I laughed pretty hard.
I feel like their mics are slightly out of sync.
...and dave's opinion doesn't matter...


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Well, somebody has yet to disapprove my argument which is that Batman, Black Adam, Killer Frost, Superman, etc. are still top ten characters, even after being normalized. Deathstroke is not because he was over-normalized.

Besides, I was not even arguing about low gunshots in this episode. I was merely making comparisons. If you want to make the case that Scorpion was over-normalized because of the "Great Scorpion Scare", I can make the case that Deathstroke was over-normalized because of the "Great Deathstroke Scare".
I'd say @GGA Slips argued those points very well. Top 10 is irrelevant in this game. We draw these arbitrary lines in the sand and say "these X amount of characters are better than the rest and I don't like it", but that difference is ridiculously minuscule in this game. You learn the matchup and know it better than your opponent, you can win. With anyone. That's all that matters.

LBSH, you argue about low gunshots every single time you are on a podcast or make a post. What happened to Deathstroke was one of his moves was way too braindead and good in every respect, so they toned it down and made it still a pretty good move that simply doesn't have a use in the way you want it to. There wasn't really a "great scare", it was something simply pointed out in the first version of the game and was corrected. And before you say it, yes, Trident Rush and OH Teleport and shit like that are still in the game and a bit too good/braindead, but that's on us COLLECTIVELY for not speaking out enough, and they are still pretty manageable. What happened to Scorpion was IN NO WAY similar to what happened to Deathstroke. He came out in a much later version of the game and had several broken elements about him. Too many people got to worked up about him because they couldn't adapt to how different he was from everyone else in the case (with the combined nay-sayers like myself who really hated that he got put in the game in the first place when there are SO MANY OTHER DLC OPTIONS IN THE DC UNIVERSE) and it lead to him getting demolished with nerfs. He needed to get toned down, but NRS did it a bit too harshly in response to the overwhelming number of people that were up in arms.

TL;DR; A portrait summarizing dave:


Slips is always awesome to listen to. Two hours in, this is super cool.

Question about Fake Tom Brady: Did he hack Tom's Skype account? Because you can actually see Tom's Skype avatar when he joins the call. I don't understand how that worked.

@General M2Dave

Re: Deathstroke. He went from top 5 to something within the 10-15 range. Scorpion went from top 5 top to bottom 5, which you acknowledge. Scorpion had it much worse. But I do think it's maybe time to put the talk regarding both characters' nerfs to bed. It seems like both you and the KTP crew agree that Scorpion needed nerfs (both Slips and 16 Bit said as much on your podcast). And it seems you and everyone else agree he was overnerfed and he sucks now. Of course, the topic needed to be addressed given that you had two Scorpion players on the podcast, but with Slips finally dropping him, hopefully we can move on from the Scorpion talk, and with it, the Deathstroke talk. Slips raised good points about Deathstroke and how he should be used, and you agreed with him. Your issue is with him not playing like he used to (ie no longer a zoning character), which is fair, but what done is done, and he's still a pretty decent character. What more is there to talk about?

PS: I agree about the thread closing thing. It's a bit out of hand. Even if it's just about DS low gun shots, nobody is forcing anyone to actually discuss them. If someone wants to post in the thread, they do. If not, they don't. There's no reason to close it just because something has been beaten to death, not unless the thread turns ugly.

PPS: LMAO @ "Some horny fool." Props sir.


Joker waiting room
If you whiff something like phantom strike then you deserve to get punished for double damage.


Joker waiting room
While PL is eating popcorn, watching the wild M2Dave descend from the Russian skies and discuss deathstroke.


More Displacer Raiden, please! ;P
Well, somebody has yet to disapprove my argument which is that Batman, Black Adam, Killer Frost, Superman, etc. are still top ten characters, even after being normalized. Deathstroke is not because he was over-normalized.

Besides, I was not even arguing about low gunshots in this episode. I was merely making comparisons. If you want to make the case that Scorpion was over-normalized because of the "Great Scorpion Scare", I can make the case that Deathstroke was over-normalized because of the "Great Deathstroke Scare".

I don't see a reason to try to disprove your argument as several tourney players recently included all 4 of those characters as contenders for top 5 or top 10. The tier list tends to change a bit anyway. I forget if Slips said in a recent KTP if he thought DS is in the top 10 or top 15 conversation.