You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Mmm. Talk dirty to me too, Pig.Add pig of the hut and prepare your anus
Mmm. Talk dirty to me too, Pig.Add pig of the hut and prepare your anus
Damn it! You beat me too it! I literally just thought of Lex being the Principal. I would personally make Sinestro the Douchy-English teacher tho. and Zod would be the P.E Teacher.Zod's the douchey english teacher, Lex is the principal.
douchey spanish teacher if you catch my drift @AK Pig Of The Hut @General M2DaveZod's the douchey english teacher, Lex is the principal.
Well his name is Oliver. What do you expect?Green Arrow is the ladies man...
when i was a kid i went to the beach and met a weird fat kid and he told me his names was Oliver Clothseoff lolWell his name is Oliver. What do you expect?
Also, pc was the choice to go for skullgirls, but I'm sad we can't play
Injustice online IS like high school:
Doomsday is the bully
Batman is the rich kid
Joker is the class clown
Sinestro is the cheerleader
Killer Frost is the honor student
Superman is the jock
Wonder Woman is the prom queen
Green Lantern is the hall monitor
Bane is the football player
Scorpion scared everyone by pulling the fire alarm
Why does GL always have to be so lame...Lazy casuals I'm going through the list
Aquaman is the good boy who gets good grades and the nice small-town girl but will occasionally get angry+jealous+stab you in the clit
Ares is the leader of the goth kids who feel they're outcasted and plan to take over the school but never go through with it because then everyone would wear black and be conformist
Bane is the football player who the school admins decide force to the top of the class because he carries their team but is too dumb+braindead otherwise
Batgirl is the smart honors student girl who bodies everyone in the mathletes but is a bitch about it and everyone acts passive-aggressively toward and she never gets laid but it's okay because she'll make a lot of money in her future
Batman is the rich kid who acts dark as a gimmick to get laid
Black Adam is the leader of the bullies, thinks he's better than everybody but eventually gets booted out of the top clique because they think he's a muslim
Catwoman is the school bike. Everyone gets a ride.
Cyborg is the black kid who everyone thinks is cool and always wants around, but he never knows if their feelings and intentions are real ;_;
Deathstroke is the foreign exchange student who gets good grades but doesn't really interact with anyone, but always looks shady and no one wants to fuck with him
Doomsday is the drug dealer who chills with Grundy and smokes weed all day. The teachers and principals all know but are too afraid to do anything about it because he might beat them up.
Flash is the track star who acts nice even though he knows he's better than everyone.
Green Arrow is the hipster kid who hangs with girls in the library to talk about how deep his honors english 11 haiku was
Green Lantern is the school security officer who secretly bangs all the teachers and has a love-hate relationship with students, but he's there to protect them
Harley is the white trash girl who sleeps with all the druggies+football players and drinks in class
Hawkgirl flies around the cafeteria and everyone thinks she's weird
Joker is the kid who doesn't fit in with anybody else but somehow has his own clique of outcasts to troll Ares' crew but no one else cares
Killer Frost is the honors student who's chill with everyone but secretly has a superiority complex
Lex is the principal, he thinks his school's the shit but is probably falsifying test scores and using his connections to make himself look better. Sexually harasses the female teachers but they nervously laugh it off because he'll fire them.
Lobo's the gym teacher who everyone thinks is cool because he says curse words in class
Martian Manhunter is the teacher who's runs all the clubs and is really good at everything he does and none of the kids want to challenge him. Gives suggestions to improve the school but Lex just laughs and shuts him down.
Nightwing is the kid who has a bunch of friends in the popular clique but is mostly around to make jokes and sleep with all the nice girls. People keep him on their good side so he doesn't fuck their bitch.
Raven is the dark romanticist english teacher both the students and teachers think is weird and takes everything too seriously.
Scorpion is the foreign kid everyone bullies for fun and the teachers don't care because he sucks anyway
Shazam is the freshman kid who hangs with the seniors because he can
Sinestro is the math teacher who shits on you when you don't know what you're doing. Stares at the girls too long but Lex can't even do anything because he's unionized.
Grundy is the dumb kid who's cool with everybody because he's always high
Superman is the class president who's at the top of his class and acts really chill but all the lesser kids hate him for it
Wonder Woman is the socially awkward teenage girl who doesn't know how how to talk to boys but is constantly working her way up the mean girls clique
Zatanna is the pregnant girl
Zod is the douchey english teacher who shits on all the kids when they get something wrong and laughs at failure, but deep down he just wants to use tough love to make them better
LBSH ZOD IS THE SPANISH TEACHER!!!! if you do not understand why @General M2DaveLazy casuals I'm going through the list
Aquaman is the good boy who gets good grades and the nice small-town girl but will occasionally get angry+jealous+stab you in the clit
Ares is the leader of the goth kids who feel they're outcasted and plan to take over the school but never go through with it because then everyone would wear black and be conformist
Bane is the football player who the school admins decide force to the top of the class because he carries their team but is too dumb+braindead otherwise
Batgirl is the smart honors student girl who bodies everyone in the mathletes but is a bitch about it and everyone acts passive-aggressively toward and she never gets laid but it's okay because she'll make a lot of money in her future
Batman is the rich kid who acts dark as a gimmick to get laid
Black Adam is the leader of the bullies, thinks he's better than everybody but eventually gets booted out of the top clique because they think he's a muslim
Catwoman is the school bike. Everyone gets a ride.
Cyborg is the black kid who everyone thinks is cool and always wants around, but he never knows if their feelings and intentions are real ;_;
Deathstroke is the foreign exchange student who gets good grades but doesn't really interact with anyone, but always looks shady and no one wants to fuck with him
Doomsday is the drug dealer who chills with Grundy and smokes weed all day. The teachers and principals all know but are too afraid to do anything about it because he might beat them up.
Flash is the track star who acts nice even though he knows he's better than everyone.
Green Arrow is the hipster kid who hangs with girls in the library to talk about how deep his honors english 11 haiku was
Green Lantern is the school security officer who secretly bangs all the teachers and has a love-hate relationship with students, but he's there to protect them
Harley is the white trash girl who sleeps with all the druggies+football players and drinks in class
Hawkgirl flies around the cafeteria and everyone thinks she's weird
Joker is the kid who doesn't fit in with anybody else but somehow has his own clique of outcasts to troll Ares' crew but no one else cares
Killer Frost is the honors student who's chill with everyone but secretly has a superiority complex
Lex is the principal, he thinks his school's the shit but is probably falsifying test scores and using his connections to make himself look better. Sexually harasses the female teachers but they nervously laugh it off because he'll fire them.
Lobo's the gym teacher who everyone thinks is cool because he says curse words in class
Martian Manhunter is the teacher who's runs all the clubs and is really good at everything he does and none of the kids want to challenge him. Gives suggestions to improve the school but Lex just laughs and shuts him down.
Nightwing is the kid who has a bunch of friends in the popular clique but is mostly around to make jokes and sleep with all the nice girls. People keep him on their good side so he doesn't fuck their bitch.
Raven is the dark romanticist english teacher both the students and teachers think is weird and takes everything too seriously.
Scorpion is the foreign kid everyone bullies for fun and the teachers don't care because he sucks anyway
Shazam is the freshman kid who hangs with the seniors because he can
Sinestro is the math teacher who shits on you when you don't know what you're doing. Stares at the girls too long but Lex can't even do anything because he's unionized.
Grundy is the dumb kid who's cool with everybody because he's always high
Superman is the class president who's at the top of his class and acts really chill but all the lesser kids hate him for it
Wonder Woman is the socially awkward teenage girl who doesn't know how how to talk to boys but is constantly working her way up the mean girls clique
Zatanna is the pregnant girl
Zod is the douchey english teacher who shits on all the kids when they get something wrong and laughs at failure, but deep down he just wants to use tough love to make them better
Lol this made me spit out my drinkYou could always not prepare.
You can't spell surprise subtext without surprise butt sex.
He likes policing people with his gimmicky b13 badge that's why.Why does GL always have to be so lame...![]()
I changed itWhy does GL always have to be so lame...![]()
That's honestly the one of the funniest things I scrolled down to.
lol no luhvI changed it
Actually bitch, Zatanna is that one cock blocking girl who never puts out. She kinda just teleports away from you everytime you almost get it in, literally.I changed it
True. It's fucking hard to get games from people on here. I play the same 3 people from this site over and over.This is a spin off on all the MMH talk..
3.Online is like High School:
Yup, IGAU online has now become the High School style popularity/dick measuring contest. It is actually harder to for a lot of players to get all the exp they want based on who they are. In many ways online has become more about who is up on what well known player which grants you status.
Can we all just get the fuck over ourselves already?
Thanks and lets get back to leveling up.