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The hotfix just came out...


I agree his OTG is cool and its different I'm upset about this soon patch too. The damage nerf is enough and I dont even play him but speaking of which I need to pick him up while his OTG is in.
I completely agree. His OTG is very unique and I dont see it being all that overpowering. I actaully find it to be pretty ballanced. It gives smoke options with his combos, once its removed the character loses a ton of diversity. I currently play Smoke, but I just dont know if he will be viable after the patch :(


They have already nerfed Smoke's damage twice since release. I feel like taking out the OTG smoke bomb will gimp him horribly. Smoke is a character that needs to do damage in large chunks to win. He doesn't have a very good rushdown game or even a solid anti-air. His uppercut is horribly slow. His sweep is good, but he has no low combo starters. He is also not at all intimidating from a long distance, seeing as his smoke bomb doesn't chip.

What makes this character good right now is his ability to really capitalize his damage on almost any hit. Take that away and what does he have?
I feel people were just stuck in the OTG mindset, I think the character will evolve from this nerf and get more interesting.
If he proves to weak now i think they could change Smoke bomb to have the same hitbox but target low.