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The Beef Thread


Agent of Chaosrealm
You never "beat" me in an argument. Not even on my worst day and your best. The fact that you think you did speaks to your delusion.
All your arguments were flawed. You claimed that the women in modern games are conventionally attractive and all I had to do was post a screenshot comparison of Capcom's Jill Valentine next to NRS' Sektor to make the latter look like a dude. You claimed that women are just as interested in video games as men are, yet the global Capcom survey showed that their games (which cover a vast array of genres) were dominated by men at about 80% (which sounds about right). And no, women playing candy crush while waiting for their boyfriend to arrive at their date are not gamers, as much as Twitter would like to think otherwise. I claimed that woke movies targeting the wrong audience are almost always flops (Indiana Jones 5, The Marvels, etc.), and you gave me as an example the Barbie movie which was always targeted at the right audience.

At this point I am having trouble remembering of all your Ls.
This is a competitive fighting game forum, not a lore site. People use the site to follow the competitive scene, talk about competitive aspects of the game, etc. Fighting games themselves are designed with the multi-player/competitive aspect in mind. All this fedora-tipping, grand-standing is just a lampshade for your cowardice.
There is also a 'general discussion' thread which is the only one I frequent and has nothing to do with the competitive aspect of the game. I know it's hard to read the fine print, but can you at least MAKE an effort?
Thank you for confirming that you're a total pussy that won't back up his shit talk in-game.
I am backing my shit where it matters - I have literally zero interest in matching your video game prowess, and I am more than happy in just being your intellectual superior.


All your arguments were flawed. You claimed that the women in modern games are conventionally attractive and all I had to do was post a screenshot comparison of Capcom's Jill Valentine next to NRS' Sektor to make the latter look like a dude. You claimed that women are just as interested in video games as men are, yet the global Capcom survey showed that their games (which cover a vast array of genres) were dominated by men at about 80% (which sounds about right). And no, women playing candy crush while waiting for their boyfriend to arrive at their date are not gamers, as much as Twitter would like to think otherwise. I claimed that woke movies targeting the wrong audience are almost always flops (Indiana Jones 5, The Marvels, etc.), and you gave me as an example the Barbie movie which was always targeted at the right audience.

At this point I am having trouble remembering of all your Ls.

There is also a 'general discussion' thread which is the only one I frequent and has nothing to do with the competitive aspect of the game. I know it's hard to read the fine print, but can you at least MAKE an effort?

I am backing my shit where it matters - I have literally zero interest in matching your video game prowess, and I am more than happy in just being your intellectual superior.
"Intellectual superior" on a fighting game website. Wow.

So you just wasted a bunch of words just to say that you have no balls. Got it.


do was post a screenshot comparison of Capcom's Jill Valentine next to NRS' Sektor to make the latter look like a dude.
Screen shot comparisons are mostly bullshit because you can just cherry pick the images, and also mess with the resolution to make one look better than the other. That's been done on twitter a billion times whenever someone wants to try and downplay the graphics of another game. (For example, Supergirl in Injustice 2 when the trailers just started coming out)

You claimed that women are just as interested in video games as men are, yet the global Capcom survey showed that their games (which cover a vast array of genres) were dominated by men at about 80% (which sounds about right).
I don't know if women are as interested in games or not, but when gaming companies have for years been making and marketing games almost exclusively to men, it's not surprising when men predominately make up the higher percentage of their audience. Personally I think it's very likely that women would be more interested in games if they were actually represented and marketed to. https://thegraysonschool.org/news-resources/girls-who-play-video-games/#:~:text=Girls who play video games were once uncommon, but that,female (Fnatic, 2022).

As games and culture is becoming more inclusive of female gamers, we are seeing more female gamers. The gap is shrinking.


All your arguments were flawed. You claimed that the women in modern games are conventionally attractive and all I had to do was post a screenshot comparison of Capcom's Jill Valentine next to NRS' Sektor to make the latter look like a dude.
What makes NRS Sektor look like a man? I've seen plenty of asian women who look like her and that doesn't take away their femininity
Just because the only real life women you've seen are porn stars and plastic blow dolls doesn't mean that all women look like them

You claimed that women are just as interested in video games as men are, yet the global Capcom survey showed that their games (which cover a vast array of genres) were dominated by men at about 80% (which sounds about right). And no, women playing candy crush while waiting for their boyfriend to arrive at their date are not gamers, as much as Twitter would like to think otherwise. I claimed that woke movies targeting the wrong audience are almost always flops (Indiana Jones 5, The Marvels, etc.), and you gave me as an example the Barbie movie which was always targeted at the right audience.
Are you living in 2004 or smth? In just the FGC alone these past few years have seen the rise of numerous women as top players such as Tricky_Eileen, Infinitii, Umisho and more
The notion that women only play casual mobile games such as candy crush and aren't "real gamers" is a wholeheartedly outdated and sexist way of thinking


Also, trying to define "real gamers" is dumb. Drawing arbitrary lines in the sand as to which games count and which games don't gets way too subjective.
You're not talking to an intelligent person, so you shouldn't be surprised that they say dumb things.

I mean, if candy crush isn't a, "real game," (do people even play that anymore? Pretty sure it's an old game) then Tetris certainly isn't a "real game," and it's one of the oldest and longest running video games of all time.

Additionally, who is he to try and gatekeep who is and isn't a "gamer" when he admits he's ass at the games he plays?

Aren't "gamers" supposed to have skill?


In Zoning We Trust
I didn't know that I can't speak about shitty business practices unless I am a competitive player. You DO realize that not everyone here is an MK fan because they could pull a double flawless victory, right? You do realize that some people became MK fans due to the lore, the music, the gore, the character designs, etc.?

But I guess logic is lost on some people. That's ok. Not everyone is wise. It's just how the world rolls.
Except that this is literally a competitive gaming website, so talking the army of smack that you do but then finding out you can't even do a 3-hit combo is the reveal of the year lol. But you're right, assuming someone who religiously talks so big on a competitive website is a competitive player would be, "unwise".

After all, according to you, members can't beat you "in real life" LOL!! :DOGE


Lord of the Sick
My only dream is to fight @Tom Brady .
Always has been, always will be.
It's the only thing I want to do.

My first major ever was NEC 12 in 2011, and he came out of the crowd like Shane Douglas in ECW and challenged @Noobe to a First To Five in MK9, Sub VS Cyrax for $100, and he won the set 5-4 with one of the biggest pops of the entire tournament. In that moment, I knew what I had to do. I never wanted to be sponsored. I never wanted to make Top 8, unless it was at NEC like I prophesized I would do many, many years ago. I want to fight Brady in a FT5 for $100. Don't care if it's on the tournament floor or in the men's restroom like that one time in Texas. I'm like a ghost with unfinished business, and that dream refuses to die.

I had a plan in 2015/2016 - a really, REALLY good one, that would have made for a great story. But, life collapsed into itself, drugs happened, and the whole plan got turned inside out. 2017 was a real dark time.

Don't even know if i could put up a decent fight now, I've been out of the loop for so long. But that's the only fight in my 13+ years in this circus that I've ever wanted to have in the center of the three rings.
Brady really was that guy... still is but man he is basically retired unfortunately. GOAT imo

Subby Z

I'm at the very least aware of myself, and that Sub-zero fan whose username escapes my memory right now. Idk about others.
Probably me. I don’t play the current game. I’m more of a lore fan and they fucked it all up in this game. So I said No thanks.

I do still play MK11 from time to time and love MK as a whole. MK1 is a dumpster imo though.
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Prime Rib might be considered a more serious beef, but personally I'm a big fan of beef tenderloin. Throw it on the grill, so good.
While all are good choice, I will not hear slander against the glorious Angus Burger! I bite my thumb at you, sir.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
This site was always a resource for players of the game regardless of skill level. Sure, high level discussions were often led by competitive players, but everyone had their input.

It was never exclusively a competitive site, so it is weird that people are trying to say it is to win an argument with some dude you don't agree with.


Agent of Chaosrealm
Also, trying to define "real gamers" is dumb. Drawing arbitrary lines in the sand as to which games count and which games don't gets way too subjective.
No it's not. A person who has only played a mobile gatcha game isn't a gamer in the same way that a person isn't a movie fan if the only movie they watch is Home Alone. Sure, we could compare say, two people who understand visual allegories or undertones when watching a movie, while others like the cinematography without being able to translate or completely understand it, but they both watch a lot of movies, spend a lot of time watching movies, and love discussing movies. It's the same with games. A person who spends most of their free time with a multitude of video games is a gamer. A person who spends most of their free time playing World of Warcraft isn't a gamer - they're a WoW fan.
You're not talking to an intelligent person, so you shouldn't be surprised that they say dumb things.
And once more, resorting to personal insults because you simply cannot beat my arguments. You've been personally attacking me non-stop, passively aggressively writing on your profile posts about me without calling me by name (THAT's cowardice, btw), all because I said the word 'woke', which seems to have sent you into a frenzy. You're so desperate for a W that you keep trying to provoke me on a MK1 match, because that's what a person who can't defeat an argument does; they try to attack the person. For all your talk about renouncing stereotypes, your behavior is quite stereotypical - which again, helps my argument of stereotypes in the first place. You're literally self-owning yourself.

Also, considering the fact that you talk like you've been here forever, yet you only had 60 posts in your name when the whole debate with me started, I think it's pretty safe to assume this is not your actual account and you're probably a user who was banned here in the past. I can't imagine WHY.
Except that this is literally a competitive gaming website, so talking the army of smack that you do but then finding out you can't even do a 3-hit combo is the reveal of the year lol. But you're right, assuming someone who religiously talks so big on a competitive website is a competitive player would be, "unwise".

After all, according to you, members can't beat you "in real life" LOL!! :DOGE
I was about to say something which will own you, but then I remembered you are simping for Cetrion and I decided that's enough in itself.
Because the people that start these beefs don't have the balls to end them
Never started any beef - all I said was that genderswaps are lazy and some people took it as a personal assault on their recently-discovered beliefs. And that's on them, not me.

It was never exclusively a competitive site, so it is weird that people are trying to say it is to win an argument with some dude you don't agree with.
Because that's what people of that particular mentality do. They can't stand people having different opinions, so they try to shame those people into silence or making them leave. They are incapable of beating the argument so they attack the person instead.
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