Oh my god this. This a million times.
To be honest, I don't think anyone posted this because it was so fairly obvious?
e.g. I've never seen anyone post that you can 211+2 and it'll lift them if they block, even with the icebomb poppin' em up.
I guess you get credit for compiling the information, but U4xxMidbomb (mid-air) into 34, 211+2, 334, B12, or B22, or (short bomb, hope the guy jumps, ex-freeze), or ex-divekick , or divekick, etc, you get my point. -This all works. And people know that- The biggest hickup in -all- of these is of course, the wakeup attack. Take a character like Kabal who can cancel, armor cancel, buzzsaw, or Sub-Hero who can techroll away into an ice clone, or basically any character whose wakeup attacks are pretty damn safe or completely safe, that it makes it almost just as risky for Cyber. And while you can say it's 50-50 on pen and paper, there really isn't a reason -not- to wakeup attack if it's safe, relatively safe, or if it immediately avoids the pressure combined with a roll.
So I hate to be the buzzkill, but... this just isn't new. Used For Glue is comin' up with something big though, and is relatively the same, but it's slightly safer and leads to big damage and mindgames. But I guess for anyone that wasn't aware of the strings you could do that still pop up into damage after the popup bomb on a blocking opponent, then this was helpful, and so credit is given there.