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The 5 Most Useless Tournament Variations Part 1


Good? Bad? I'm the one with the fans
Did I miss something, Peck? You only talked about Kano and Johnny Cage. What were the other three variations?

Agree 110% though on Johnny. I felt so stupid when I went online and tried his tourny variations out. Who tested these? Who the hell thought anyone would slot in "Say Cheese" over Nutpunch? And what is that sunglasses toss move? I just have such a hard time believing that any thought went into these variations. They could've randomized them and they would've turned out better. I mean, I guess Shock Jock isn't as bad as Showstopper but neither is optimal.
I’m convinced that Show Stopper is essentially this game’s equivalent of Dan Habiki. It’s only chosen to “throw shade” at other players. Throwing Shade even reminds me of Dan’s autograph projectile in MVC2.