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Question The 1 Character you HATE fighting against the most?


Triborg Enthusiast
Grandmaster Sub-Zero is a pain and pretty boring but I roll my eyes when someone pick Kitana.
I suffer her gameplay soooooo much with her full screen zoning/pressure and good up close game.
Even when she's played bad, I rarely win and I don't know why.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
MK9: Smoke. The hate I have as a Quan Chi main for this character is hotter than a thousand suns. Honorable mention to Sonya and Johnny Cage. Everyone else was fine.

Injustice: Green Lantern, Raven, Hawkgirl.

MKX: Imposter Shinnok, Takeda, Kung Lao.


Meterburn the Meterburn
Grandmaster Sub-Zero everytime I see this character its followed by a guy with a 10000/1 win rate..

Ermac the d4 is real. hate losing a match where its because I let him glance me once

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
It's that face you make when you hear that characters name, that head-shake or the closing of the eyes when you try to prepare yourself to fight your most hated character.

This Face

So who is it?



GM SUB....Fuck that character (Tears of salt)

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
Thanks to the XxHamood Bufoon guy or what the hell his name is in psn....For making me look free as a bird against tanya every time i match up against him.


1 2 3 drink
I dont mind takeda unless its ronin, i hate playing that variation.
Other characters i find annoying to play against are liu kang, tanya and sub zero.
And fuck venomous on the old netcode


ADM Riddles
Idk what it is about kotal but he is my nemesis in this game. I've labbed him so much and still freeze up sometimes when he gets in or try to poke when I shouldn't.

Really I think it comes down to I'm impatient sometimes under pressure so it not really kotal fault but I still hate fighting him lol

Alright RyRy

Florida Kombat
Believe it or not, Goro.

A very underrated, solid character who shuts down a lot of the top tiers pressure with his ExPW. I know he's not broke, but he's an asshole with 4 arms who just spoils my day.
I knew there would be 1 person.

Also, totally forgot about Sonya, that is the most irritating character in MKX, and I used to main her.......


Liu Kang and Kung Lao. I dont have the beta, but with current netcode you have to just sit there and eat chip damage for half the match and listen to Liu Kang's awful noises while he does it whu wha whaaaaa whu whu whaaa woooooo wobblablabla. Kung Lau's noises are not much better....Huh huh haaa Huh huh haaa over and over then try to poke when you think its safe and get smacked in the face. Its literally never your turn to get offense going. I can put tape on my block button and go get a snack and come back when I have to play either of these. Hopefully its easier to get out of pressure with the new netcode, but something tells me it wont be.

Cryo Sub is annoying as well same thing I can go get snacks and come back while they do there 41% stabby stabby combo on me.