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which variation do you like best?

  • Pyromancer

    Votes: 66 34.0%
  • Kobojutsu

    Votes: 68 35.1%
  • Dragon Naginata

    Votes: 60 30.9%

  • Total voters


Tanya, Tanqui, and Kaprisun Specialist
To me, yes. Kobu can still put a person in the corner afraid to press a button. Losing 34 in her combos honestly isn't a big deal like people are making it out to be; d1 112xxrekka substitutes a 24xxrekka ender. Losing armor on ex rekka has made kobu use ex low drill more as an ex reversal. Basically meaning I can do b31xxstaggered rekka into low drill and catch people pressing buttons. Now, ex rekka has to be used to punish setplay. B1 2+4 being -10 makes there a gap in she cancelled into rekkas. But if you ex rekka instead you can punish people for trying to reversal. Over all I still think the character has the tools to still win. Just needs a lot more work.
This is so true


I just wish they had made the pop up on exbf4 consistent. It's a great move but the pop up so inconsistent sometimes it doesn't even let you combo.

Also I just found out 24bf4 is a true 50/50.

KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic

Messing around with DN trying to find some way back to the golden days. What are yalls thoughts? I've been enjoying comboing with ex tele now that I can trip guard and blow up reversals.


Loved that b32 ex bf2 njp... Could not connect that njp not even once yet, lol. Also, I don't know if I'll connect that standing 4 after njp consistently, I get it 3 out of five times. Naginata is my favourite variation but requires tight execution for low/medium reward. Still maybe her mobility and range makes her worthed.
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KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic
Nah, it's my bad. I should have been paying better attention when putting the notations in the video. The last thing you want to do is end your combo in the low drill


Thrill Kill
To all Tanya fans (there are dozens of us!) I just wanted to share this!

Very enjoyable, excellent video about Tanya. She just cannot miss the next MK.