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Video/Tutorial Sub Zero's Legacy tribute video

Yeah, so do folks like it on gamespot too ^^

"I'll write down if there's any confusion like why I switched reptile etc etc

I'll expain why I've switched Reptile and Scorpion fights. I didn't like the idea of just copy paste story/combat, and wanted something different.

So in my head it was like that Quan Chi/Shang Tsund did not like Sub zero beating on Scorpion so he sends Reptile to soft him up (as mostly in life how it goes xD, unfair combat) -hence why Sub Zero turns around to finish Scorpion and why Shao Khan doesn't attack him but ask's him for his bold request.

As for Lin Kuei ending, its not really all that. I just wanted 'human Sektor' to send message to Sub Zero (he was feeding him videos that he recorded by spying or just being there, even from cyrax etc) so that he reminds him what it is to be Lin Kuei - and Sub Zero thanks him ^^'"
Thanks :) I really hope it is that good as you say.

hey does anyone know which character tribute would people like to see most? I still got free time so I could do some tribute on character that everyone loves (besides Sub Zero and Scorpion ofc)


VERY well done, enjoyed it a lot. One for Smoke might be neat, he's one of the more interesting characters if you ask me.
At any rate, I did send both videos to Netherealm studios hoping that they find some use of it for advertising or something. I did however explain that the videos were fan made for entertaining purposes and as far as I'm concerned the videos belong to them :)


Hey, were you guys able to hear voices? My friend says the music is too loud.. Than again, he is on iphone -_-'
Heard it fine for the most part. There was one or two sections where it coulda been a tad lower, but I was still able to hear.
Yeah, its weird cause I checked the video for errors multiple times, both with headphones and speakers so I raised db here and there so people would be able to understand everything.
I wonder what Tom Brady would say about the video O_O -think I would have a heart stroke, lol

Anyway peeps, please rate it up/like, comment ^^? Its not for me I'd just like that this video is popular so people see it. Same go for Scorpion :)


Dude I know I'm late to comment but it's never late to say that was awesome vid very well made u made my favorite character look even kooler dude nice job keep beastin
hahaha, funny video xD

Anyhow, just wanted to check if anyone else posted here after so long time :D -always glad I could make more people happy with these videos

Also, wanted to let you know I've made Mileena and Cyrax tribute along with Scorpy vs Subby, but they're not that good cause Its never easy to work with lack of material..

Thanks for all the likes :) will make more vids that for sure