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Starfire Pre-Release General Discussion

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B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
Dude her zoning is oppressive lol. Based on labbing she can actually contest with Deadshot - I never thought I'd see the day Deadshot gets zoned out lul

With trait the opponent's scared to move and the chip + meter build on stardust lets you put out MB orbs which buy a bit of time for trait to recharge and also only really cost half a bar because you build it back throwing projectiles

21 might be -8 but it's a pretty good stagger. 23 is also decent. Her J3 is legit un-anti airable for some D2s. Her D2 isn't too bad either.

Her shimmy game is OD. She'll take half life for one bar and half of trait. Though I'll usually only use the full trait if I'm going for the kill since she needs it for zoning. Otherwise I'll just use the first hit since it still adds a decent bit of damage. Also trait recharges between rounds.
inv me scrub
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