But lets say (hypothetically) he placed 3rd at two different stacked US majors with Bane, and then someone else made Top 8 with bane after that -- would it be completely crazy to start entertaining the idea that Bane might be better than people originally thought?Tournament places should not matter at all, I use Mustard as an example, He placed I think 3rd in a Major here in the UK with Bane, Bane is no way top 10 sorry, He's pretty damn good tbh, but not Top 10, Tournaments are the smallest factor if not at all a factor to do with tier lists...

I don't think either "results never matter, only theory" or "only results matter, never theory" is correct.. I think you need both and they both help balance each other out.
Like rev0ver and khaotik, they both help to fill... in... each other's... ho-- ok, nevermind.