I couldn't disagree more dood.
The way I see it, it's the current metagame holding this game back with characters that have easier to find dirt so they are labelled as "top tier". So rigt now we see a lot of a few characters like Black Adam, Superman, Killer Frost and Green Lantern all the while being stumped when a Harley Quinn can make top 8.
Also what I see happening is people at all levels seem to be afraid to "play the game" like they are still learning it. What I mean by this is that the game is just as fast-paced if not moreso than MK but people just look at the walk speed and say "this shit is slllloooooooowwwww". In tournaments, it looks like people don't want to play a fast game and are intentionally slowing the pace down to where the player wants it (which should be the goal of any tournament player anyway to control the pace of the match). I don't know if it is because the game is still too new (I'm not sure how "new" the game is after 4 months but whatever) or if it is because with so many options to consider players are just afraid to speed up and miss a crucial opportunity that they wouldn't have in a game they have played for 2+ years.
I also think that it could be a little bit of perception on your part
Perfect Legend. I mean, you look at characters and think about their viability and their chances to win tournaments. Nothing wrong with that but it doesn't lead to the most fun gameplay experience either. Take for example Scorpion. Remember at EVO when you, Tom and Boon were talking and you were complaining about his nerfs? I walked up and said that he's still good and you gave me one of those "Yeah, whatever dood". All it takes is looking at the character differently. Sure his damage is nothing like it used to be BUT pretty much all of his tools are still intact. Even post patch, I can still scrub people out with J3 xx Tele. One mis-time and I get blown up but that is what fighting games are all about. So let's look at Scorpion differently now. With this new knowledge of post-patch, Scorpion is a character that is designed to get in easily, do moderate damage, get out and repeat. But people just look at the numbers and go "What? Only 25-30%? WTF is this shit! They nerfed him too hard! Fuck Scorpion!"
Anywho, that's getting into a personal rant. The bottom line is, any game is only as much fun as you make it. I still have a blast playing and am enjoying the new concepts that Injustice is bringing to the genre (as frustrating as they may be at times

). All I can say is PL, find a character that you love and pwn with it. The game is still early enough to be able to pick anyone you want and still win tourneys.