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So why aren't there any mentor programs for other characters?


Nightwolf Mourner
No, this is not me bragging about the mentor program I posted for Nightwolf. I am more concerned about the community then my own posts. Why aren't the better (Insert character here) coming out and helping their own? Or even new players period. I understand people have jobs, and girlfriends and etc. But this community won't grow if we neglect the newer players. Time isn't a thing that can be extended to do what you want, i understand that. But without these better players helping newer players who have just started getting out of bad habits like mashing or going on auto pilot, then what competition will we have, or hype?

Let's look at Marn and Justin for this example. Marn trained under Justin's wing at the start of sf4 (If I remember correctly.) After a few months, Marn started getting better and better. He couldn't beat Justin sure, but he started topping people easily after that period. Because a better player taught him the ropes, giving him the kick he needs to continue on and strive to be better. This is why we need to have more people volunteer to do programs. Because not everyone is like Marn, Marn strived for those victories, and he was lost until he went under that wing. Casual players will not, they will want to have fun, okay understandable. But when they reach a point where they will not get better, or they play lesser skilled players constantly and then fight a better player. They won't want to improve, they will get frustrated and start blaming it on certain things or not thinking on how they lost. THIS IS NOT WHAT WE WANT.

We want those casual players or newer players to be put under guidance of a player who knows what he/she is doing, and after a week of mentoring or longer, then that casual player will crave for those victories like Marn will. Then these newer players can do the same, and mostly everyone will be on equal terms. It will also cause them (hopefully) to seek out offline play and strive for that top 3 major winnings.


i think a major deterrent for this kind of thing, at a local offline level, is player/friend respect. i NEVER...and i mean NEEEEEEVER, main or focus on a character that i have offline competition on a regular basis with. what i mean is, i know who all the local players use, and i don't touch them. it may because i inherently hate those characters for fighting me so much, it may be because i don't want to step on anyone's shoes, but either way i don't touch them.

on the forums i think that actively posting in any character forum will form a bond between top players and noobs for that character, and i doubt that any of the top guys here would shun a newcomer who wanted help or tips with their main.

i think the only way a specific "character apprenticeship" program or idea could work would be online, where the thought of local players using that character wouldn't impede with it. then again, i've never had the luxury of having a large enough offline group where we had multiple mains of one character. it will be interesting to see what the people who do have to say here.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Mainly because it's almost impossible to really teach someone online.

And if you think people don't mentor eachother offline then you're wrong.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Mainly because it's almost impossible to really teach someone online.

And if you think people don't mentor eachother offline then you're wrong.
This. And it's especially true for MK9.

Samsung Crunchy

Studying all of her moves
Mainly, the greatest source of learning for a player is participating in offline tournaments. Hell, we as members of the kommunity implore each other to go out and show support for our game. In doing so, we profit both from the learning experience and the representation MK gets in the fighting game community.

I know you don't want to people to become discouraged or to stagnate in their progress but it all boils down to the player's choice. If I a player is truly willing to become better, the player make the effort to attend an offline event.


Boob Titbot
You need a mentor to set you on the right path though. Showing up to an offline event not knowing what you're supposed to do and not knowing anyone can be extremely daunting to a lot of players. I know, because I've been there. It took someone to take me under their wing and show me the ropes before I could grow as a player and fully appreciate the offline scene. Every top player that I know had a mentor at some point in time.

Mentors are important, especially when starting out.

In regards to ONLINE: Netcode prevents you from having solid execution. But you do realize that execution is not taught right? You know how hard I worked in training mode on my execution with Ryu in order to master his 1 frame links? Running execution drills over and over till my fingers were numb. How do you think I got the nickname, The White Daigo? lol :p

Mentoring someone On or Offline has nothing to do with execution. It has everything to do with walking people through their obvious mistakes and predictable patterns. I sat down to play Justin Wong at WNF one time and after the first two games where he wiped the floor with me, he said, "you keep throwing a fireball at this distance after you sweep (i cant remember exactly what i did now but something like that)." Sure enough he would capitalize on it everytime and punish me for it.

Then I corrected it on the spot after realizing my pattern. I proceeded to beat him afterwards for a few games. Minor details and fixes can make a huge difference in your game. Sometimes it just takes someone - like a mentor - to see it and bring it to your attention.


Well im apart of the wolf pack and i have learned a lot about Nightwolf.
Im more knowlegeable about him, and or how to use him.
Now my execution is a differnt story, but watching youtube and having an experienced player show you the moves in real time are two compleatly diffent things.
I do wish there were more mentors for charaters , however i got my hands tied with what the pack leader has given me :)
Thats another thing, not only am i told my weaknesses, im given homework if you will, to better my game.
Bottom line i joined this site because of this pack, its really ashamed how this is the only form of mentorship (from that i have seen).
I was listneing to one of Tom Bradys podcast (I think it was a cast). He said Mk9 doesnt haves its own community, its really ss4 and mvc3 players. For all the streams ive seen thats mostly correct . All im saying is saying its almost imposible sounds a lil bit of a cop out to me no offence.
I think that all of MK9 enteties should have one. I know the knowledge of weath is here!


How's my volume?
And if you think people don't mentor each other offline then you're wrong.
Very true, ever since the game came out I've been helping out the people in my college (got 30 people now playing regularly) learn how to play and character specific stuff (you might notice that I'm around the character forums "sporadically," I'm looking for things to help out the people there up their game). Of course, they teach me things too through playing them, and that's never a bad thing.

As for mentoring online, I tend to teach better if I'm face to face rather than over the web.
Reactions: 7L


Nightwolf Mourner
Mainly because it's almost impossible to really teach someone online.

And if you think people don't mentor eachother offline then you're wrong.

If I put that image that I would imply that, then I apologize. I am merely speaking about on these forums and online in general. Zebster said he teaches offline, and he teaches better face to face. That's fine, he's helping his community out and making sure they level up properly. But online players won't get the same opportunity. (Note here that I am not saying Online is good. It is merely only good to play around or teach someone.) I just want to make sure people who get only 1 chance to get to a tournament ever year (Evo for example) can show up, blow everyone up, and have a blast while doing it.
All I can say to some of the posts in this thread is wow. First off this thread is great Dai I think this is a great thread and good idea online and offline. It may seem like I'm an online player which I think I am. Simply because I been to a couple of tournaments and quite a few gatherings. But in my eyes thats not good enough to be considered an offline player not until one consistently goes to tournaments then I'll consider one an offline player. Just thought I put that out there before I go into yet another rant.

This talk of offline being the only way and nothing else matters is absolutely ridiculous. Might I remind all of you offline players your on a ONLINE forum. Now you may be thinking what does being on a online forum have to do with online play. Well we're on here to learn, post and exchange knowledge. Thats one of the reasons why online play exists to exchange knowledge and learn. Back before online play people got on forums to set up sessions and what not and now we're in a time where online is big. There are people who started online and got good before moving to offline. I would of never known about offline if it wasn't for online.

Even though I play online a lot and complain so much about it (I actually complain a lot in my head) I still think online is good. Why? Well one reason I already stated another is for experience even though there's a lot of crap players online. Still you get experience with match ups and may even learn a thing or two most of it may not be useful but I did say a thing or two after all. If you were to take all the sales of the casual/online players there would be no offline period. The sales of offline people alone is not enough of an incentive for a developer to make another game. Sure you can throw what I say out the window and say its all theory but I believe this is what happened to VF5 look at VF now only in arcades in Japan.

Dont get me wrong that games great I think at least and did not suffer from online lag but everything else about online was shit. Look at it now its nothing but a memory of the past. No matter how much you offline players talk about online being shit you need online for the reason already stated. Its like how water, tree's, and humans are all relative. Tree's need water to exist we need water to exist. For offline play to exist we need the casual/online players to buy the game so we can play offline. I don't really care what people will think of me after I say this, but it needs to be said any offline player that calls online shit and says its pointless is a moron . End rant

I definitely wouldn't mind being a mentor in this game once I know more about this game. Already I play 9 characters but only have two mains. As far as frames and pretty much any concept from 3D that can be applied to this game I know already. But this whole concept of 2D is completely new to me I mean I played MK before but never took it seriously til 9. So if someone could mentor me that would be great.

Hey I played you the other day good to see you here I believe your the same guy but have a different GT.


Aquaman is dead lel
You know I don't have any friend who plays MK to train with, mostly because I am the only one who has a console. Where I live console gaming is not a really widespread thing yet you see. So for me finding someone online who is willing to teach is important to get better. I can't even attend offline tournaments because there is no one! Competitive gaming here means CSS and SC2 99.99% of the time.


I think what the nightwolf wolfpack is doing is great. I know it's online but if that connection is good and communication is good also then people will learn. Weather is strategy, basic combos, ect.. I think it's a good idea. So props to those who are doing it.
I think what the nightwolf wolfpack is doing is great. I know it's online but if that connection is good and communication is good also then people will learn. Weather is strategy, basic combos, ect.. I think it's a good idea. So props to those who are doing it.
Wish someone would take this same approach with Sub-Zero. I've committed Tom's guide to memory, I work on execution every day, and I can actually see myself getting better, but I would love to have something like this to take it to the next level. I'm on the verge of making my first tournament showing, and I know I'll probably get bodied and slaughtered, but I'd like to make sure I don't get sent home as a free after my first two matches.


Boob Titbot
Wish someone would take this same approach with Sub-Zero. I've committed Tom's guide to memory, I work on execution every day, and I can actually see myself getting better, but I would love to have something like this to take it to the next level. I'm on the verge of making my first tournament showing, and I know I'll probably get bodied and slaughtered, but I'd like to make sure I don't get sent home as a free after my first two matches.
I don't know Sub but you can add me on PSN to get some games in. If I see anything you're doing that could use fixing, I'll let you know.


Yup its me :) and might i add nicely wrote.......ps ive been working on NW, looking forward to our rematch ;).


I agree with basically everything everyone said lol. Having a mentor makes a huge difference, yeah theres youtube and guides but having someone to talk to and interact with is completely different be it online or offline. And I agree with the point once the online player gets good and confident enough and is willing to spend some cash to travel to a tourny or even just go to a local he will. I also think locals and every in general should be nice and welcoming to eachother. I too will be going to my first tourny (for MK/a fighting game) this Saturday and I'll admit I'm pretty nervous because i dont know ANYONE except one guy i played a few matches against but I have no mic on PS3 so I haven't even heard the guys voice, it's pretty intimidating I will probably get bodied but I'm going for the experience, to learn, meet new people, and get games in offline. Should be fun.


Cock Master!!
i dont plan on doing one with sindel until i actually level up my game.. i make mistake after mistake in fights and until i fix those i dont feel like i should be mentoring anyone...

so after the patch and if i go to ECT ill start one..


Haha Won and Wax agree. lol Good luck i hope you level up. ;) .....
I want to get into the tourny scene soon, however i see nothing out here in VA smh

I had another match with Dai, I was having some probls against a freindly player. He played me, my friend and broke down what I was doing wrong and showed me how to do it right( KING OF THE HILL). I now am able to get in a few wins against my friend.
I feel sorry for all the other player trying to level up that have no real place to go smh......(that dont have a tourny scene like myself)


Crazy 88 king
I think the online mentor program is a great idea and was wondering why no other chars had this.Yes a face to face mentor is superior to an online mentor but an online mentor is better than none at all.I applaud anyone who signs up to help anyone in search of it.
This is a really off the topic question but it concerns something you mentioned in the first post. What's auto-pilot? >.>. From what it sounds like, it might be something the people I'm teaching are doing. How do you teach not to do it?


No i live in Kansas City sorry man, i was just saying they had a cool idea getting a bunch of Shang players together and training.