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Strategy Sinestro Combo Section

I get what you are saying but if they know the cross-up is coming, they can just block accordingly. If you trait before you are on the other side, it forces them to block from one side and then you immediately hit them from the other side. They have to block both sides within a fraction of frames instead of just blocking the cross-up.

I understand what his vortex is and does but I'm wondering if it can be expanded upon to give better options, increase pressure, and make it harder for your opponent to guess right.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Not sure if this is already documented but who cares. I just did a 3 trait combo and I feel good.

B13, J24, J24, B3, J2, 4shackles, J2, B213- 41%
F2D13, 112-MB Impact Event, 112-shackles, Nj2, F2D13, D1-Arachnid = 40%


think resets here man. after shackles your damage is f'ed.

f2d13, d1d1d1, 112 FS OR b2 d1d1d1d1 112 FS

once in shackles you have created the STRONGEST SITUATIONS IN THE GAME. Similarly to his mid screen stuff. The standing fucking reset man!.

Once in shackles you can do b2, f2d13, insta air ax, jump 3 axe, cross up stuff... whatever. sinestro has one of the strongest corner pressures in the game once you get it going. i played perfect legend for about 20 games last night and even his scorpion is subject to it.

and btw, non of his corner stuff requires meter unless you are getting cute. I see a lot of good stuff in this thread but you guys are way to liberal with meter/trait in situations that it does not justify.

I bet a single shot of trait would turn this into a 40% reset!!!
The 50% meterless is actually kinda practical. I had no idea how well Sinestro could anti-air someone with b3. I've just been walking back and reading jump in's and just throwing this all day. It's fun and really easy.


Beast Boy Activist
111 xx qcb1, b3, j3 xx (air) qcb1, b12 xx qcf1/MB = 31%/33% (0 MB/1 MB) "Main bnb, use MB only to kill opponent" *

Can someone tell me what qcb1 means? qcb?

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
EGP Wonder_Chef

D1-shackles bnb: D1-shackles, NJ, B13, B3, J3, B213 = 27%. so thats a good 5% increase than the usual B3 after shackles
I feel like an idiot not thinking of this. Good shit.

Also you can do:

D1 xx Shackles > nj.2 > B13 > B3 > J3 > J2 > 112 xx Trait for 26% with the trait gain.

You can also replace the trait in that last combo with fear blast and you get 28% damage.


I feel like an idiot not thinking of this. Good shit.

Also you can do:

D1 xx Shackles > nj.2 > B13 > B3 > J3 > J2 > 112 xx Trait for 26% with the trait gain.
thats probably the go-to considering you aren't losing that much damage, i've been using the 112-trait ender here n there in this combo but didn't realize how small the damage drop was

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Another thing that idk if anyone posted yet, but I think this is the best way to use the Background Bounce interactable if you would end up by them after your b13 or b3 combos.

B3 > J3 > J2 > 22 xx Shackles > J2 > 22 xx Interactable > J2 > B213 40%

B13 > J3 > J2 > 2 xx Shackles > J2 > 22 xx Interactable > J2 > B213 38%

As far as I know all of those interactables are in the center of the stage, so these work perfectly if you start your combo while cornered or almost cornered.
i rarely do max damage combos unless its late in the match. im either resetting our going for trait. good stuff. is someone updating the threads?
EGP Wonder_Chef

D1-shackles bnb: D1-shackles, NJ, B13, B3, J3, B213 = 27%. so thats a good 5% increase than the usual B3 after shackles
d1 shackles has limited uses. if you can punish with d1 u usually can punish with 111... but in certain cases it is extremely useful. for example zods d2 is only punished by d1, or martian grab et cetera. the reason i really avoid d1 shackles is that i like to end my stuff with it for rest situations. i literally have 15 different things i can do off a shackles jump 2 that do not require meter of trait.

again guys i am going to post a lot after the fall classic. i went to sj with a goal of top 8 and im going to tfc with a goal of top 3. i need to keep a lot of this stuff secret.

my big issue with this site is that it leaves little to the imagination. you better fucking believe that top players lurk in these threads to see what characters are capable of. all we are really doing is telling people how to beat us. but i can only control what i can control.
Ok now i have been using sinestro since april not to sound coucky but I definitly have plenty of tips with him. ok i fiend on his back 1,3 a whiff punisher and sinetro's best friend.you can use this up to 3 times without trait for about 18 percent damage not recommended.do it once or twice follwed by final shackles if you use it the second time input final shackles immediately, followed by back X jumping X back 2,1,3 25 percent.or back X followed by jumping 2 twice trait jumping 2 trait jumping two trait arachnid sting meter burn. it is rarely a good idea to use Sinestro' supermove in a combo as it scales SEVERLY! Here are some exceptions. corner full trait required X trait X trait X trait supermove believe it or not this does 62 percent damage. next full trait required back X jumping X trait jumping X trait jumping X trait supermove. Please if you use Sinestro take time to actually learn him if you spam you make other Sinestro players look bad. also if you hit your trait on an opponent up close you get a free back X if you do it from FAR YOU GET A FREE METERBURN IMPACT EVENT.ps by free i mean you can combo into it.


Wake-Up X-Ray
Not sure if this combo has been posted yet or not. Anyway, it's not practical at all. It's just a flashy combo with good damage and no meter.


Sorry if that is confusing, I've never posted a combo before. This one requires pretty good timing, but like I said, it's just for show.