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Strategy Sinestro Combo Section

King Checkmate

uɐlop sı ʎllɐnʇɔɐ
uhm im no Sinestro player. But i was testing him the other day vs some friends who play pretty rough and i discovered doing b13 works pretty well for meter charge. Just saying.

b13~4 gives you about 1½ bars each time ;)
Hope it helps.


Was told to post this here so here it is.

Cross over (j3-hit confirm-axe of terror-22-shackles-b3-j2-b213-35%) use this against characters with large hit boxes.

Cross over (axe of terror-22-shackles-b3-j2-b213-27%) use this against characters who can punish your cross over j3 and against low hit box characters.
Wow B13, b3 is so damn strict. I dont see how it's possible to ever get that consistent, especially in online. Any tips?

King Checkmate

uɐlop sı ʎllɐnʇɔɐ
As i said, i only use b13 to charge TRAIT.
Gives you about 1½ bars per use.
Besides that i dont really use b13.
(Remember im not a Sinestro Main either so...)



45% Midscreen with trait best I can figure out atm and also leaves them standing.


Trait, JI2, B13, B3, JI3, 4, JI3, 4, B12 xx DB1, JI2, 111, DF1 MB

Edit: Thought I might also add that 111 onto a special seems to scale really well after shackles compared to other combos.


Got a corner combo using his trait:

b13, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 112, shackles, 112, arachnid sting - 43%

I don't know if there's been any patches or anything for this game yet because I haven't gone online yet, if there has been a patch it probably won't do 43%. Has there been a patch released for this game yet?


Got a corner combo using his trait:

b13, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 112, shackles, 112, arachnid sting - 43%

I don't know if there's been any patches or anything for this game yet because I haven't gone online yet, if there has been a patch it probably won't do 43%. Has there been a patch released for this game yet?

Go check out my corner combo thread for easier combo's with more damage. Nice combo though.