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Sindel General Discussion Thread

Evil Canadian

Elder God
@Evil Canadian I'm hype, got your twitch open already \o/
will be starting around 6-7pm EST

heres the way the biz works

gonna turn on mk, desperately figure out something notable for a day 1 video, because day 1 is when you get the most clicks, and then make that.
For most it'd be some kinda combo video, but even waiting 1 day on a combo video usually makes for a much stronger video that will stand the test of time better(with less clicks however.)

So yeah I make whatever I can find for a quick video, then lab lab lab.

Ck AeroVoid

Mk Casual, KI God
I REALLY Hope she has a custom move where she "whips her Hair back n forth" a few times!
wow why do I remember that old song? Lol

Evil Canadian

Elder God
since you can't go half screen with air hair flip like you can in the grounded one for variation 1 (which I hoped you could)
variation 2 is the best variation!

especially cause Sindel air banshee reminds me so much of Kollector grenades, except way better reward, and way harder for the enemy to get around. Just like kollector grenades at a lot of ranges its plus on block, and difficult to jump over.

Ck AeroVoid

Mk Casual, KI God
variation 2 air banshee auto O/S's itself since it can't be enhanced on whiff or block, so just jam the button and you will always get it on hit / no penalty otherwise.
Isn't it best NOT to look at frames and combos yet? I mean She WILL be nerfed soon like all Dlc are

Groove Heaven

variation 2 air banshee auto O/S's itself since it can't be enhanced on whiff or block, so just jam the button and you will always get it on hit / no penalty otherwise.
That's awesome. So short hop air banshee to ruin your opponent's Thanksgiving? I can't wait to get home from work.