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Since no one else will do it, I'll give it a try. XBL UMK3 Tournament!


Exactly what i was thinking... but you know darxyde likes to take the easy way out.

What the fuck are you talking about? I diden't know he was from the UK.

The first people to sign up got in. And I was gonna add you too until you backed out so, how am I taking the easy way out?

Let me go through the thread and update everything...


Hey sorry i have not been posting, completely forgot about the tournement well i managed to play Blk albm yesterday and won, i just got the FR from MistaKM and i accepted just waiting for him to be online. ill be on tonight.
elitebomberX let's do this tonight.

Guys.....win lose or even D'Q it doesnt matter as long as we set a duration to this tourny.
Cosmos, I'll be on tonight from about 8-10 eastern time. I might be playing Lost Odyssey or something, but if you sign on while I'm playing I'll find the nearest save point and get on UMK3 as soon as possible.


1white and Ryo I don't know what to tell you. I don't see any way to change the matchups so you're stuck with one another. I guess try again, if you still can't play I'll just flip a coin or something. That sucks.

Here's the new brackets.

We can't play, we've tried it four seperate days, even with a third party host.
No way I can fight someone else? I mean if we have to do this w/o fighting I guess I could get dq'd cause his reptile is pretty solid, I was hoping I could have a shot at winning, but I guess you can DQ me...

He's on my friends list, and used to play each other quiet frequently, I don't know whats wrong with it now, I wanna write a letter or something with a big middle fuckin finger to xbox.

Edit: just saw your post.
haha. tails??? hahaha. fuck man.

black album

fuck this i hate my life. i feel emo. For some reason I totally suck this week I lost 2-0 vs both my opponents really makes me want to fuckin quit playing this game. I've bveen lossing to random noobs the past few days on xbl. People that spear then uppercut with scorpion and shit. I'm so heated right now. Sorry darxyde i quit after our match but I have to go to bed.


When I see the waiting circle twice while doing kabal punishers I don't consider myself beat. Luxton, I'm sure you're a cool guy and all, but its just rude for you to even sign up for this tournament. Dark, you shouldn't have let him in. Oh, and how the fuck you gonna come on here and say you flawlessed me? You lagged me bitch.

It would not be unfair to dq him, it would be appreciated by everyone. Let me play black album and the winner play mane, no one wants to play someone from the UK. If I'm wrong someone please tell me.

If not, have fun mane, with kabal spamming laggerific match :)


Mane just play him.

If you think it's unplayably laggy then I'll figure something out. But you should at least give it a try, you might win.

If all else fails I could reset the winner of KM vs Luxton, then just bypass him in the loser's bracket.

Maverick and GameOver you guys need to get going!

Same for Benny and Elitebomber.


dark i've been on xbl all day, let's play our matches. for some reason i've been hosting laggy matches for the past hour tho, so host it and inv me, I sent you a FR.

I gotta leave in 20 minutes for the rest of the night, so it's now or late tonight/tomorrow