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Should U2 aka Neutral Jump Punch return in MK 10, yes or no?

Should U2 aka Neutral Jump Punch return in MK 10, yes or no?

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Back to block makes more sense than having a dedicated block button (for other fighting games at least) but I can see why they originally designed MK this way to have a block button. There are too many unorthodox mechanics involved for a back to block system to work correctly. I personally wouldn't mind a true 2d MK minus the block button. It could play very traditional if designed correctly yet still be unique. I always thought the over the top gore, fatalities and overall western flavor were what made MK MK, not the block button. To me the block button was always just a minor nuisance/quirk. I get it, it's unique to MK, But it's 2014, I think MK can evolve to something more without losing its identity and to me that is not the block button.


bye felicia
MK needs to move to character specific normals, if they want to keep the jailing and the weird cross over properties fine, but its time to move beyond 1990s animation standards.


There it is...
Back to block makes more sense than having a dedicated block button (for other fighting games at least) but I can see why they originally designed MK this way to have a block button. There are too many unorthodox mechanics involved for a back to block system to work correctly. I personally wouldn't mind a true 2d MK minus the block button. It could play very traditional if designed correctly yet still be unique. I always thought the over the top gore, fatalities and overall western flavor were what made MK MK, not the block button. To me the block button was always just a minor nuisance/quirk. I get it, it's unique to MK, But it's 2014, I think MK can evolve to something more without losing its identity and to me that is not the block button.

There is already soooo many back to block games, go play those.

If you get rid of button block u also get rid of dash canceling, which means completely reworking the combo system

I duno if its just me and my friends, but i'd be happy for mk10 to be the same except:

New characters
2d hitboxes
Reworked meter building for zoning characters.
New Netcode

There is no need for pushblock, back to block, or clashing.
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Trufenix, everyone in MK 9 had their own unique normals it's not like past MK's or SF's where they both recycled moves.

Yeah, you just have to execute them very well. The Air Blast is useful as a stun so when the opponent gets hit Ermac can get on the ground faster and do the combos, but when the animation is already finished the opponent has already recovered.
Yeah I mean it's great for combos and occasionally for fighting cross ups but tend to use NJK more in Ermac's case ;) I love his Air blasts, they're great. Hope they bring them back if he comes back.

i think it should be on mk10 it wasnt OP and the combo possibilities with different characters was amazing
I put it in the OP, lol it's in the title buddy feel free to vote;)

@ GamerMK guy: I Disagee, it fits fine. MK9 is NOT 3d, it's 2d....2d means no 3D movement, side scrolling pretty simple really. You can't tech roll sideways in 2D, only forwards or backwards. There are no restrictions, anyone who's played the older MK's knows MK9 feels familiar even Boon and NRS programmers confirmed this in several interviews prior to MK 9 coming out. MKDC is a 3D fighter, not MK 9 however.

MK4 was 2D/3D or 2.5 D. MK9 is pure 2D, I don't see what you mean in UMK3 you can't do combos from anywhere you have to hit the person still. There is no NJP in the older MK's, it's a newer thing to juggle the opponent.

You seem to be confusing newer elements that may or may not be in 3D fighters with 2D platform. MK 9 is a 2D fighter, NRS confirmed this, so did all the players. It's as smooth as every other fighter 60 FPS. Also, not sure why you're bring up SF different game. I also don't agree that the clone is unfair, how? It's an integral part of Sub-Zero...

I disagree on the string whiff gig vs. not, I don't see how this makes any difference honestly if you can string without hitting in a 2D or 3D game. Other games have that too, I've played Tekken, DOA, VF you can whiff a string(without hitting the guy)

MK 9 looks 3D like SF4 but clearly both are 2D fighters....that being said I respectfully disagree on that 2D/3D element. Pretty much to give you an idea of what I'm saying is play MK D and MKA, MKvsDCU then MK 9 the differences are rather obvious.

I do agree with you however on the NJP, I find it useless 95% of the time if not more and I don't like how it has the same damage as a NJK. NJK should have more if anything.
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Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I used deep jump kick into fwd 3 nut punch a lot. That was really good.
I said regular jump kick, DJKs are best used for whiff punishment where it looks like JIP won't reach. What I mean is how Dizzy was so good at picking all the right spots to use it despite Cage's limited options from one.


There it is...
- I already do, but thanks for the hostility , I appreciate it:)
-- I never mentioned pushblock or clashing. Whats clashing anyway?
Sorry didn't mean to come off hostile, just aloooott of people seem to want back to block, along with gore and big titties, Button to block is what makes MK. If you don't like it, go play a different game, no hostility intended.


Trufenix, everyone in MK 9 had their own unique normals it's not like past MK's or SF's where they both recycled moves.

Yeah I mean it's great for combos and occasionally for fighting cross ups but tend to use NJK more in Ermac's case ;) I love his Air blasts, they're great. Hope they bring them back if he comes back.

I put it in the OP, lol it's in the title buddy feel free to vote;)

@ GamerMK guy: I Disagee, it fits fine. MK9 is NOT 3d, it's 2d....2d means no 3D movement, side scrolling pretty simple really. You can't tech roll sideways in 2D, only forwards or backwards. There are no restrictions, anyone who's played the older MK's knows MK9 feels familiar even Boon and NRS programmers confirmed this in several interviews prior to MK 9 coming out. MKDC is a 3D fighter, not MK 9 however.

MK4 was 2D/3D or 2.5 D. MK9 is pure 2D, I don't see what you mean in UMK3 you can't do combos from anywhere you have to hit the person still. There is no NJP in the older MK's, it's a newer thing to juggle the opponent.

You seem to be confusing newer elements that may or may not be in 3D fighters with 2D platform. MK 9 is a 2D fighter, NRS confirmed this, so did all the players. It's as smooth as every other fighter 60 FPS. Also, not sure why you're bring up SF different game. I also don't agree that the clone is unfair, how? It's an integral part of Sub-Zero...

I disagree on the string whiff gig vs. not, I don't see how this makes any difference honestly if you can string without hitting in a 2D or 3D game. Other games have that too, I've played Tekken, DOA, VF you can whiff a string(without hitting the guy)

MK 9 looks 3D like SF4 but clearly both are 2D fighters....that being said I respectfully disagree on that 2D/3D element. Pretty much to give you an idea of what I'm saying is play MK D and MKA, MKvsDCU then MK 9 the differences are rather obvious.

I do agree with you however on the NJP, I find it useless 95% of the time if not more and I don't like how it has the same damage as a NJK. NJK should have more if anything.
i did i put yes lol
i think some of the things that made mk9 so great should stay. breakers, the meter system, xrays, THE BLOCK BUTTON, the neutral jump, etc. stuff like that should only be touched if it needed fixing (which i dont think it did) other than that some new thi ga should be added
I think NJP was an important AA in certain situations with certain characters/matchups. They may have changed the game in a way that it is no longer necessary, but without knowing anything at this point, I would say it should stay.
NJP was one of the most satisfying things to hit someone with in mk. I hope it stays. As for crossups, let them stay in injustice. Let me block lows and overheads, and get hit if I'm wrong. None of this "oh I think im blocking correctly, but I can't quite see if the tail end of his ass is hitting me slightly behind my head or not so im dead" crap.
I couldn't agree more. Igau is a train wreck once you get cornered. That superman dive punch shit in the corner is ridiculous. I want to know I made a decision wrong. Not that green lanterns f3 from distance x somehow may or may not cross me up when im knocked down.


Master of Quanculations
Mk also has alot more teleport attack characters. I don't want to be thinking about that crap in half my matches. And if I end up getting "ass to back of head" crossuped by bird Lao , you're
gonna see me on the news after having slaughtered a shopping mall.
Keep NJP's. Only thing I would do to them is give them more recovery frames on whiff. I thought they gave every character a decent anti air option on a read and I actually like how they look. Reminded me of the jump attacks in Castle Crashers