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Should U2 aka Neutral Jump Punch return in MK 10, yes or no?

Should U2 aka Neutral Jump Punch return in MK 10, yes or no?

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Angry Joshua
lol I'm actually the opposite here, I want to keep the kick since it does more damage then the NJP and get rid of the NJP. :p to each his own I suppose. Guess we'll see.

Think I saw that a while ago they're nice and all, it's too bad they're not practical in a serious match though know what I mean? They're just weird at times and I personally hate how they can stuff out a cross ups. :mad: those are sweet combos though.
There pretty practical if u catch someone jumping


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
There pretty practical if u catch someone jumping
Which the NJK or NJP? I've had success using NJK's more the NJP's to be honest, one thing people dont' mention is the hit box is bigger with the kick because it's wider then the punch more ranged I mean.


Angry Joshua
The mind games that revolve around jumping vs NJ1 or 2 and NJ1 or 2 vs Anti-airs......Neutral Jump Punch should definitely stay


What's the point of a random Krypt?
I hope that in the next MK each character gets it's own air normals while also keeping the generic ones. I would make any jump attack with BP or BK be the generic version we loved in Mk9, and make the ones with FP and FK unique to each character, and yes, that means keeping the NJP. They should improve the NJK though.
Maybe I've just been playing too much Injustice, but I'd personally really like it if different characters got different jumping attacks. Some could keep the NJP, but others would get different ones with different hitboxes and properties.

IDK, it just seems odd that such a diverse cast grants everyone universal jump attacks. *shrug*


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I'd like it if they kept it, but had some other sort of attack than the beach ball thing...it looks too out of place and takes me out of the fight. I mean just because its a punch doesn't mean it has to look like that thing... hell it doesn't even have to be a punch animation. Remember that Balrog has kick buttons classically in his move list and he still throws friggin' boxing punches. They could put something better looking in there.


Infinite Meter Kombos
No no no. Please no. Because it leads to endless bouncing which is damage scaled but because online is a pissing contest everyone does bounce or jip to start EVERY DAMN KOMBO.


Angry Joshua
I hope that in the next MK each character gets it's own air normals while also keeping the generic ones. I would make any jump attack with BP or BK be the generic version we loved in Mk9, and make the ones with FP and FK unique to each character, and yes, that means keeping the NJP. They should improve the NJK though.
that's actually a really good idea
Dizzy probably understood the meta of the jumpkick better than anyone else in the MK9 era, ironically, considering Cage's options from a jump in are amongst the shallowest in the game.

While it won't happen either way, this philosophy lead to the most facepalm-inducing endeavor in TYM history. #therulesofthegame
u do not want cage jumping in on you, then you're in his trap of doom. He really doesn't need something like a low starter from jump in. He'd be too retarded then :p


"On your Knees!"
lol I'm actually the opposite here, I want to keep the kick since it does more damage then the NJP and get rid of the NJP. :p to each his own I suppose. Guess we'll see.

Think I saw that a while ago they're nice and all, it's too bad they're not practical in a serious match though know what I mean? They're just weird at times and I personally hate how they can stuff out a cross ups. :mad: those are sweet combos though.
Yeah, you just have to execute them very well. The Air Blast is useful as a stun so when the opponent gets hit Ermac can get on the ground faster and do the combos, but when the animation is already finished the opponent has already recovered.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
u do not want cage jumping in on you, then you're in his trap of doom. He really doesn't need something like a low starter from jump in. He'd be too retarded then :p
I meant that he has no aerial moves nor can he really score anything from a regular jump kick.


It AA's, checks crouch blocking, extends combos, and generally causes salt in your opponent. I love njp.


I like the way Injustice handled the NJPs, in MK the neutral jumps just looked silly. I'd rather everyone get real anti-airs and unique air normals.
The reason why block button is a must for MK is not to respect tradition. It's because of dem 8-10 frame ninja teleports. There's a reason why there's no ninja teleports in SF.

In a MK without scorpion, smoke, ermac etc. then it would be ok to remove the block button.

For NJP I don't really care. It's kinda ugly and lame that everyone has the exact same shit. It wouldn't kill them to at least make each NJP unique in some way (at the very least visually). Maybe some would do more damage but flatten the enemy on the ground and allow for good oki, others would be able to juggle from a ground bounce and others would be able to special cancel out of the air to restand the opponent.


Play Monster Hunter!
@gamemk I just recently did a re watch of Farscape and Rygel's voice is still fresh in my head, and it makes all your posts amazing!

Also leave Ice Clone out of this... it is completely fair in all ways.


But what about the reality that it doesn't adhere to the standards that it set for itself as a 2d game in MK1-UMK3. And, what about the fact that your statement could be altered to reflect my sentiments when they jumped ship to 3d.

1997 me "Does MK really have to change that much to adhere to the standards set by [Tekken]?"

MK has been 3d since after MK4, and what we have now is a hermaphroditic 2d/3d MK, so changing it and trying to reincorporate some of the good 2d parts it used to have wouldn't be out of character, and incorporating some modern 2d elements that are similar to other successful 2d games wouldn't be totally bad. The problems that that would cause though is that it might alienate the 3d fans that played 3d MK and who play and like the hermaphrodite MK series because they don't actually like 2d fighting games, they just like MK games, preferably 3d or hermaphrodite 2d/3d MK games.

I am way off topic, and no this is not a troll post, so please don't be offended.
Good use of hermaphrotidic to describe MK lol, I'll try an actual reply later though because I'm falling asleep.