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Should U2 aka Neutral Jump Punch return in MK 10, yes or no?

Should U2 aka Neutral Jump Punch return in MK 10, yes or no?

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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
So I've seen this talked about a lot on MK 9, but what about MK 10? Who wants it to return and who doesn't? Personally, I don't like it.

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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
we should get rid of Neutral Jump kick, and change it with classic drop kick instead.

NJPs are fine, is the only reliable AA for characters who couldn't thrust their normals for it.
lol I'm actually the opposite here, I want to keep the kick since it does more damage then the NJP and get rid of the NJP. :p to each his own I suppose. Guess we'll see.

Well @MKF30 since we are both Ermac mains, have a look at this.
Think I saw that a while ago they're nice and all, it's too bad they're not practical in a serious match though know what I mean? They're just weird at times and I personally hate how they can stuff out a cross ups. :mad: those are sweet combos though.


There it is...
lol I'm actually the opposite here, I want to keep the kick since it does more damage then the NJP and get rid of the NJP. :p to each his own I suppose. Guess we'll see.

Think I saw that a while ago they're nice and all, it's too bad they're not practical in a serious match though know what I mean? They're just weird at times and I personally hate how they can stuff out a cross ups. :mad: those are sweet combos though.
NJK did 5% as did NJP

I think its essential. Basically a mindgame tool for every character in the corner. Also useful to have a universal launcher of sorts. NJP DJK started a hell of a lot of my combos as cyrax and jax.


There it is...
When did you hear that MK 10 won't have cross ups?
Its mortal kombat, the block button is basically what makes MK.. MK

Boons is a troll but there is no way he'd do that to his fan base.

Not to mention with all the characters in this game that could teleport, it would be dumb as fuck.

KC H0oKsw0rds

iK A B A L
NJP is important because it is a vertical punish to horizontal wake ups. Otherwise the aggressor on oki would have a lot more wake ups to hold. Think about how effective neutral jump attacks are in IGAU:
Stuffs CW, joker, and other horizontal WUs ie. lightning hands, sword spin etc. Its also just as useful in MK for punishing cartwheel and stomp among other things.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Well, I think Injustice is very different from MK concerning the NJP analogy...the older 2D MK's a la MK2 and UMK3 didn't have it yet they were solid games. I won't go nuts if they do bring it back but if they don't I won't shed any tears over it either.

Its mortal kombat, the block button is basically what makes MK.. MK

Boons is a troll but there is no way he'd do that to his fan base.

Not to mention with all the characters in this game that could teleport, it would be dumb as fuck.
Oh well I prefer the block button, but that doesn't mean no crossups...there are characters afterall with high/low mix ups which help. I forgot that with certain guys like Reptile it's key to combos, but they can always change that. We'll see I guess what happens with it. They did same damage? I know the older games NJK did more then NJP did. It was one reason I didnt play or like reptile at all, cause a lot of his combos were dependent upon the NJP which I didn't like at all.

I think the block button will always remain it's an integral part of the MK franchise you know? I agree, oh i definitely dont think everyone will tp. Look at Cage, Stryker, LK etc guys like that. :)

Dude, theyre not getting rid of the block button. There would be riots.
Of course, MK has always had a Block Button :) Save that back block for Injustice NRS.

Groove Heaven

I love NJPs. NJP into Cyrax reset is one of my favorite combos in the game.

NJK should be replaced with something else, or at least have really good priority or damage.
I voted "no" but not in the sense it wasn't needed as a mechanic.

The animation for it looks weird as hell, and I just hope they change it up to make it look smoother.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
there are still Cross Up in MK with the block button.. They just aren't free... But you can definitely cross ppl up in MK
Dizzy probably understood the meta of the jumpkick better than anyone else in the MK9 era, ironically, considering Cage's options from a jump in are amongst the shallowest in the game.

Not to mention with all the characters in this game that could teleport, it would be dumb as fuck.
While it won't happen either way, this philosophy lead to the most facepalm-inducing endeavor in TYM history. #therulesofthegame


Master of Quanculations
NJP was one of the most satisfying things to hit someone with in mk. I hope it stays. As for crossups, let them stay in injustice. Let me block lows and overheads, and get hit if I'm wrong. None of this "oh I think im blocking correctly, but I can't quite see if the tail end of his ass is hitting me slightly behind my head or not so im dead" crap.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
MK 9 was pure 2D, it just looked 3D photorealistic.

Jump kicks I've always studied as someone who loves cross ups(btw I disagree with the guy who said they're noobish?) Hardly, highly disagree with that, they're apart of the game and should be in the game. What's noobish are easy resets, infinites etc for easy, free damage...

Anyway, The later you jk can determine if you can link it into other moves or not(such as say NW if you time it right after a deep/later jk you can get a free dash in there) something i never see any NW's do surprisingly. There are others that's but one example.