Let me get this straight:
- You don't play the game at a high level, yet you can give opinion about a character.
- You base your opinion in a player that historically does good with any character. And based on your logic, Kano should be higher in the tier list because he was in a top 8 this past February.
- You have been longer in this community, yet I just asked a bunch of prominent community members who you were and no one seems to know you (including the boyfriend, who has been here since january 2009).
- You're not going to Evo, and I've never heard about you in any tournament ever. Yet you come here and try to talk me down, even though I do spend money and time going to actual tournaments, not just opening my mouth and saying I have "national experience".
- You won't money match me, because you know you're terrible at the game. Problem with TYM nowdays, is people like you. Sure let's have a non-constructive talk about how PL/ChrisG did something, completely negating objective facts about the game because you don't play at that level and the only reference you have is those 2. Because you don't know any other top players.

- You don't seem to know me. Which is weird, since most of the community knows me. And if you knew me you'd know that I love having this arguments. Makes my e-peen big.
*Expects the obligatory "I didn't mention PL" reply, because he doesn't understand the Filthy Casual theme he's going for*