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[Sep 16, 2011] Local Battles & Kombat Network presents... Salty Battles V


Head Cage
Ok shout out time.

Shout outs to:
- Local Battles for hosting this event.
- Gamers edge for providing a ride there.
- Erik Warda for being an ex model and providing pics for us to use during the stream lol
- Tom Brady for doing what he does best...playing mk9 and trollin everyone
- phil 9.95 for being a great guy and being able to set the brackets up
- The cd bros for being awesome as always
- Swift tom hanks for being such a cool dude. srry we cant go to the Connecticut tournament but i appreciate the offer for a ride
- AC1984 for being the shit. Great guy wish i could chill with u, swift tom hanks, and teef more
- Teef for just being himself and having a great time, takin pics
- Revolver who was a great dude. hopefully see u soon
- TK Smith for having a good smoke. My third worst matchup but it was fun playing u. Shit was close
- Michael Bolton for using sheeva and being kickass
- TS Sabin for being his usual self and wow dude great kenshi!
- Chris G for the humor in the background. EY EY EYYY!
- Chris G's friend...srry for not knowing ur name but she made AMAZING Gingerbread cookies. MY GOD SO TASTY! :3
- Matix for showing up from phili. Great guy and i wanna see ur sub get great dude! Practice ur ass off
- Pimpuigi for being hyped as fuck. You talked a little to much but ur still cool lol
- Klassy Sasquatch.....DAI!!!
- All the stream monsters and supporters
- Stream itself was great
- Noob saibot glitches, gotta love them
- mk9 randomness
- Levis jeans b/c mine were so comfy
- the pizzeria next door who over cooked the pizza and the cheese fell right off....wtf!

i forget what else....anyone who I missed shout outs to you all!!!


Dude I always have an awesome time around you and Klassy Sasquatch....In fact I have wonderful time around just about everybody in the community....its so god damn awesome....words are kind of useless imo. Great community and I'm glad that I'm part of it!
Definitely had a blast at this tournament. All though I didn't do as well as I did at the last tournament, I still had fun overall. Props to KT Smith also, that was one hell of a rematch we had.


Miley Cyrax®
Salty Battles and a day

I made small journal about my experience in summer jam, though i didnt post it...why i really dont know! as time passed by, i really find my self Busy and kind of lost track of everything due to work, school, and preparing my self to graduate from Art Major this coming semester;Wish me luck, cause i've been in college for 9 years now! i swear:S

This time, i am not gonna miss writing up this small Journal, simply because i had a Blast. I dont know from where to start, though i have some pin points that i have to mention! i cannot skip them!

First off , i want to thank Everyone who was their yesterday! seriously, i attended PLENTY of other tournaments! and i NEVER in my life! seen such friendly and amazing personalities when it comes to the players! everyone is happy, everyone is respectful, everyone Knows everyone and care for them.....no shit talking, no dis respect, instead everyone smile and happy EVEN if they lost in the tournament. I made tons of friendships their at salty battle and Summer jam, and seriously i am honored to know everyone, and Pleased that they offered me the challenge of fighting them as well as COMPLETE fun and laughter with each other :). simply this feels like home to me, surrounded by you guys.....i am simply not lying, i am not exaggerating, but thank you MK community for allowing me to become a friend with you guys, and thank you for knowing you all

Secondly, Thank you Local battles for Having me, and us! such a great place. everyone is Chill, always helping, and Very respectful. Hopefully, when i get financially better, i will try to support this place for sure. it's the least of what i can do, and i bet a lot of others think the same way

Thirdly, this paragraph is dedicated to my team mates, my spar buddies. Ac1984 (simon), and Swifttomhanks (Andrew). heh, like always guys, i am proud of you hehe :p. Tomhanks, sexy you! you dont imagine how happy me and simon were yesterday for you BEING in top 8 man! you did a lot of effort, and we know that! so u deserve to have your fun man :) now it's time to step you up to become the best Sektor in the U.S and dominate more...be prepared for an MK Guantanamo Camp lol
Thanks to you and simon for always picking me up guys, seriously :). looking forward for our next session....also, be prepared for an Incoming Egyptian Dinner @ me casa lol

Fourth, This is dedicated to CD Jr. Seriously, i met great personalities from the MK community. i cherish them as well as respect them because of Many reasons! Andrew(swifttomhanks), Simon, Check, and jimmy! yesterday, i added a new friend and an AMAZING Player to my list(hehe)....this person ofcourse doesnt need introductions, it's CD.JR
Amazing player first of all! at first, at summer jam...i was like, Rain becoming top? hmm, interesting...i wonder what is CD.JR main is. yesterday, i was shocked to know it was Jax O_O. when i knew it was jax, i was like, CD jr is either playin just for fun with those two characters instead of tier whoring..OR! seriously, this guy is a NO JOKE PERIOD!

of course it was the second option, CD JR is by far one of the best PLAYERS i seen, Played against in MK9 Scene Period! dont think twice about it if you never met CD JR or saw him. CD JR is simply a walking beast. i Lost MISERABLY to him...i've never been so confused in my life except against few (which are VVV REO, Eric Warda, and CD JR). CD JR, you dont miss with him. I am not kiddin, i never seen such AMAZING reactions like that! not even the other top players i fought...simply un describable.
now far from him being a character....he has an amazing personality. VERY VERY friendly, very chill, and very respectful! i am really pleased and happy to know such a person like CD JR. seriously, these are what humans should be man haha :)

CD JR, it was a pleasure to know you man in every way :) take care of your self and hope to see you soon. also , best of luck for you in this MK9 scene career...really, you proved to Me and all of us , more than once, that your the Idol player for Mk9.

EDIT:I just read your post haha...ty man ^_^ like wise in here of course hehe. take care of yourself until we meet next time.

Finally, the players in there!! OMG! what a competition. Eric warda. such a great player man....simply one of the best Kabal(if not the best kabal). So far, His kabal is the first to ever stumble and struggle against like that man! he showed me some stuff , i never even knew it was possible with Kabal!! OMG instant dash cancel into poke!
simply an amazing player indeed.

to everyone, ty all, and all of you are great personalities and players. i had a blast, hopefully me,swifttom and ac1984 will be their at the sessions again for sure....more MK hype we need :p

Special thanks to everyone as well, who respected me, cheered for me, played against/with me, and who knew me! i am really pleased to know you as well as meet you in person as well
Thanks to
-Check. such a great helpful guy...seriously!
-Jim. JIMMY!! ^_^
-VVV rep. Such a Solid Player
-CD JR. Simply put, he IS already the MK9 idol! such a great outstanding player, BE SCARED of him if ur are not alrdy! because"god bless" every tournament from now on will be in his pocket with a lot of back up friends cheering for him.
-Tom Brady. Very friendly and chil guy who likes to laugh as well. great player
-CD brothers in general. Dominican and maxter...such amazing personalities and chilly people. that ofcourse besides the fact that they are GREAT! players too haha...awsm family indeed
-Citizen snip. BE AFRAID OF HIS REP! in the mirror match between me and him, it was back and forth and WAS SO CLOSE! simply put, he won 4-3! FEAR HIS REPTILE! haha
-Eric warda, such a great Kabal player....i cant desribe it, really...a walking machine as well
-KT Smith. very friendly awsm player!
-Dave / turtle suit Very friendly guy indeed! nice to meet you man :)
-Hitoshura. ^_^ he's the man! haha....really! this guy got such love to mk9 man...i wish we all had it like him haha
-9.95 ! sucha great hoster/streamer. Thank you so much for your work man, really! it's a pleasue to meet you :)
-Sabin/Arturo. i really didnt have the chance to either play with him or talk to him that much! though, he's a really nice guy. pleasure to know you as well man, and ty for knowing my name haha
-Simon and tom hanks....My buhhddies ^_^ great job guys
-Mike: Pimpuigi. hehe , wuts up Daaawg ! ^_^ had fun commentating yesterday huh? great stuff man! am happy u enjoyed ur time as well :)
-Shadowzerokyo: hehe very nice guy indeed ! pleasure to meet u man

to everyone else if i missed you, i apologize if i did! though it was a pleasure to meet u, play with/against you and knowing you as well!

PS: there was this Sexy girl who turned me on by her GREAT cyrax lol!! all i have to say is, keep it up! hopefully next time we can play some matches maybe, as well as get to know u better :p?

thank you all, and hope to see you all next time !
I'm the Cyrax chick and I lost hard! Woooo losing!

P.S. - I'm taken already :p , but feel free to message me on PSN for a battle! I will show no mercy!


Gaming4Satan Founder
We should set up a facebook group for the Northeast Mortal Kombat crew. Get to know each other better IRL. Or something.

PS: how has CD Jr's victory with Jax not made the front page?


Elder God
Because facebook is kind of the antithesis of getting to know each other better lmao. isnt that what these events are for? =P


I was super busy the last 2 days moving, but I will have the results up after I get home from work today.


Gaming Center
We had a blast guys.

Super shout to all you guys who came but especially 995 Phil. Without Phil or Shock these tournaments would not be as awesome as they are... they know how to run a well oiled MK event.

I would like to acknowledge chatter about lag on the TVs and a call for a more lag less solution. First and foremost, we are def here to work to making the experience better than the last. Replacing the monitors for Asus lag less or CRTs is not practical at this time for sheer cost. One of things that make Local Battles unique is that all our stations have the same exact configuration and we when we designed the venue we never considered the input lag as a deciding factor in our monitor selection.

If I were to replace all the monitors that is nearly a $6400 investment, one that I am afraid we can not commit to at this time. If we only replaced a handful then the other fighting games communities would in fairness demand the same.

CRTS. The same problem holds true for CRTs but it is even more improbable that I would be able to find exact model CRTs.

I would argue that while there is slight input lag at least it is universal to everyone competing. Nobody has an advantage over another player as everyone is playing on the same configuration. If we were to switch the configuration for just the streaming stations this would change the dynamics and the integrity of the tournament outcome. Everyone who plays on stream would presumably have an advantage over those matches that don't.

Lastly, this really has not presented itself as an issue until Friday. We have used these monitors at Summer Jam 5. I could only imagine that the competition is getting notched up in the intensity level and everything is getting scrutinized and lag on a monitor is an easy target. Jim Coastin has volunteered to truly test how much lag is real on these monitors. Jim is passionate about MK, especially at Local Battles and I trust him to provide an unbiased technical analysis. We will test them at the next Salty Sessions this Friday.

I love the MK community, if lag is a REAL issue then we will work on it. I personally rather invest in more consoles and speakers if lag is really not an issue. Jim Coastin to the rescue to get the facts.



on, regarding the ASUS monitors, KombatNetwork will have at least 2 by the time SB6 happens. Not that I don't want to help other communities, but of course MK comes first for all of us at TYM... so if we provide our own Asus Monitors, at least one for the stream, would that be ok?


Gaming Center
on, regarding the ASUS monitors, KombatNetwork will have at least 2 by the time SB6 happens. Not that I don't want to help other communities, but of course MK comes first for all of us at TYM... so if we provide our own Asus Monitors, at least one for the stream, would that be ok?
Personally, I would like for all the monitors to be the same... so we would need (7) Asus (same model) monitors.

Counting your 2 and Storms that leaves us 4 short.


I would like to point out that if the system and the TV are set on 720, there should be no problem. the tv should be on gaming mode as well. SwiftTomHanks did a little research online and found out about particular settings and modes on the TV that need to be disabled. Instead of getting new TV, we can play around with the settings a little bit and try to come up with a solution.


Elder God
I would like to point out that if the system and the TV are set on 720, there should be no problem. the tv should be on gaming mode as well. SwiftTomHanks did a little research online and found out about particular settings and modes on the TV that need to be disabled. Instead of getting new TV, we can play around with the settings a little bit and try to come up with a solution.
If the monitor is laggy, even if you set the settings correctly, there is always a problem. Def not all monitors are created equal, not at all. On a laggy tv, game mode only removes the post processing which eliminates some lag, but not completely.
Not that I had a problem with the setup at LB, as I currently own a HP monitor (v2338h) that is similar to the one at LB, so I'm used to it. also I have a ASUS monitor.

I think the best you can hope for in this situation is rey on community to bring their own equipment to the event since it's a big capital investment to replace the whole setup with asus monitors.


missiles are coming
Since the HP's are not really that bad, I think all the set ups should be the same. Having a few ASUS monitors would be nice, but it would give a unique advantage to those playing on it most of the night. Also it would then give a disadvantage to those who play on it, then switch to an HP for their next match.


Kenshi Moderator
Hello all again

hehe thank you all for ur reply! really :)

scarsunseen: heh, fair enough. Cyrax well be tough for sure. hope to see u in the upcoming casuals, and Salty battles

Sabin: hey man ^_^ hehe. next time for sure we will talk. this tournament was actually fast paced and everyone was busy cheering , meeting and watching other plays. hopefully next time at casuals or coming salty battle, we will have talk for sure man . Nice to meet u as well and take care :)

CD JR: hehe ty man! and ya i know...fuckin school >_>....boring and annoying huh? lol
take care of ur self young beast, until we meet again :)

toksikshok: hehe no prob man, next time for sure.

To all and everyone/ anyone i didnt mention...ty again . have a great day all