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Video/Tutorial Selina Kyle Combo's (List/Video)


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Commonly Used Strings:
Combo pathways:
(String Starter)~Cat Claws/Cat Dash, B3, JI2/JI3, ~ (Combo Ender)​
(String Starter)~Cat Claws/Cat Dash, B3, F3(1-hit), ~ (Combo Ender)​
(String Starter)~Cat Claws/Cat Dash, F3, ~(Combo Ender)​
Hard Knock Downs:
Whip (Low)=7%​
Whip (Straight)=10%​
Cat Stance (3)=13%​
Un-clashable damage:
B3, B3=19%​
B3, F3=21%​
(MB B3), B3=25%​
(MB B3), F3=27%​
(MB B3), F3(1hit),F3=35%​
(MB B3),(MB B3)=29%​
(MB B3),(MB F3)=31%​
(MB B3),(MB F3 1 hit),F3=39%​
(MB B3),(MB F3 1 hit),(MB F3)=43%​
1 (6 Execution Frames)
(1F2, 122, 12~, 12B3, 112~)
112~Cat Dash
(Meter-less Damage utilizing B3, JI2)
112~CD, B3, JI2, F112~Cat Stance(3)=30%
~4(Full Trait)=34%​
112~CD, B3, JI2, 112~Cat Stance(3)=30%
~4(Full Trait)=34%​
112~CD, B3, JI2, 33~Cat Stance(3)=31%
~4(Full Trait)=35%​
112~CD, B3, JI2, F2~Cat Stance(3)=31%
~4 (Full Trait)=35%​
(HKD enders)
112~CD, B3, JI2, 1F2=28%
, 122=28%​
, 11, 1F2=29%​
, 11, 122=29%​

112~CD, B3, JI2, D3=25%
, F1123=28%​
, F2,U3,1=29%​

(Meter-less damage utilizing B3, JI3)
112~CD, B3, JI3, 12~Cat Stance(3)=31%
~4(Full Trait)=35%​

112~CD, B3, JI3, F2~Whip=31%
~4(Full Trait)=37%​

112~CD, B3, JI3, F112~Cat Stance(3)=32%
~4(Full Trait)=36%​

112~CD, B3, JI3, 112~Cat Stance(3)=32%
~4(Full Trait)=36%​

(HKD Enders)
112~CD, B3, JI3, D3=27%
, 1 F2=30%​
, 122=30%​
, F1223=30%​
, F2,U3,1=31%​

(Meter-less damage utilizing F3 (to avoid stage transition))
112~CD, F3, F112~Cat Stance(3)=29%
~4(Full Trait)=33%​

112~CD, F3, 112~Cat Stance(3)=29%
~4(Full Trait)=33%​

112~CD, F3, F2~Cat Stance(3)=30%
~4(Full Trait)=34%​

112~CD, F3, 33~Cat Stance(3)=30%
~4(Full Trait)=34%​

(HKD Enders)
112~CD, F3, Low Whip=24%
, D3=24%​
, 1 F2=27%​
, 122=27%​
, F3=27%​
, F2,U3,1=28%​

112~CD, F3, 11, 1F2=28%
, 122=28%​

(Meter-less damage utilizing B3, F3(1 hit))
112~CD, B3, F3, 112~Cat Stance(3)=32%
~4(Full Trait)=36%​

112~CD, B3, F3, F2~Cat Stance(3)=33%
~4(Full Trait)=37%​

112~CD, B3, F3, 33~Cat Stance(3)=33%
~4(Full Trait)=37%​

112~CD, B3, F3, JI1, 12~Whip=32%
~4(Full Trait)=37%​

112~CD, B3, F3, JI2, 112~Cat Stance(3)=35%
~4(Full Trait)=38%​

(HKD Enders)
112~CD, B3, F3, F3=30%

112~CD, B3, F3, D3=27%
, 1F2=30%​
, 122=30%​
, F2,U3,1=31%​

112~CD, B3, F3, JI2, D3=30%
, 1F2=33%​
, 122=33%​

112~Cat Claws
(Meter-less damage utilizing B3, JI2)
112~CC, B3, JI2, 112~Cat Stance(3)=32%
~4(Full Trait)=35%​

112~CC, B3, JI2, F2~Cat Stance(3)=32%
~4(Full Trait)=36%​

112~CC, B3, JI2, 33~Cat Stance(3)=32%
~4(Full Trait)=36%​

112~CC, B3, JI2, F112~Cat Stance(3)=32%
~4(Full Trait)=36%​
(HKD Enders)
112~CC, B3, JI2, D3=27%
, 1F2=30%​
, 122=30%​
, F2,U3,1=30%​
, F1123=30%​

112~CC, B3, JI2, 11, 1F2=31%
, 122=31%​

(Meter-less damage utilizing B3, JI3)
112~CC, B3, JI3, 12~Cat Stance(3)=33%
~4(Full Trait)=37%​

112~CC, B3, JI3, 112~Cat Stance(3)=33%
~4(Full Trait)=37%​

112~CC, B3, JI3, F112~Cat Stance(3)=34%
~4(Full Trait)=37%​

112~CC, B3, JI3, F2~Cat Stance(3)=34%
~4(Full Trait)=38%​

(HKD Enders)
112~CC, B3, JI3, D3=29%
, 1F2=31%​
, 122=31%​
, F2,U3,1=32%​
, F1123=32%​

(Meter-less damage utilizing F3 (to avoid stage transitions))
112~CC, F3, 112~Cat Stance(3)=30%
~4(Full Trait)=34%​

112~CC, F3, F2~Cat Stance(3)=31%
~4(Full Trait)=35%​

112~CC, F3, 33~Cat Stance(3)=31%
~4(Full Trait)=35%​

112~CC, F3, F112~Cat Stance(3)=31%
~4(Full Trait)=35%​

(HKD Enders)
112~CC, F3, D3=26%
, 1F2=28%​
, 122=28%​
, F2,U3,1=29%​
, F1123=29%​
, F3=29%​

112~CC, F3, 11, 1F2=30%
, 122=30%​

(Meter-less damage utilizing B3, F3 (1 hit))
112~CC, B3, F3, 112~Cat Stance(3)=34%
~4(Full Trait)=38%​

112~CC, B3, F3, F2~Cat Stance(3)=35%
~4(Full Trait)=39%​

112~CC, B3, F3, 33~Cat Stance(3)=35%
~4 (Full Trait)=39%​

112~CC, B3, F3, JI1, 12~Whip=34%
~4(Full Trait)=38%​

112~CC, B3, F3, JI2, 112~Whip=36%
~4(Full Trait)=40%​

(HKD Enders)
112~CC, B3, F3, D3=29%
, 1F2=32%​
, 122=32%​
, F1123=32%​
, F3=32%​
, F2, U3, 1=33%​

112~CC, B3, F3, JI2, D3=32%
, 1F2=34%​
, 122=34%​
2 (15 Execution Frames)

(2D21, 2D2~, 2D23)

(Meter-less damage utilizing B3, JI2)
2D21, B3, JI2, 112~Cat Stance(3)=34% (MB B3)=38%​
~Whip=34% (MB B3)=38%​

~4(Full Scratch)=38% (MB B3)=42%​

2D21, B3, JI2, F2~Cat Stance(3)=34% (MB B3)=38%
~Whip=33% (MB B3)=37%​
~4(Full Scratch)=39% (MB B3)=43%​

2D21, B3, JI2, F112~Cat Stance(3)=34% (MB B3)=38%
~Whip=33% (MB B3)=37%​
~4(Full Scratch)=38% (MB B3)=42%​

2D21, B3, JI2, 33~Cat Stance(3)=34% (MB B3)=38%
~Whip=37% (MB B3)=37%​
~4(Full Scratch)=39% (MB B3)=43%​

(HKD Enders)
2D21, B3, JI2, D3=28% (MB B3)=32%
, 1F2=31% (MB B3)=35%​
, 122=31% (MB B3)=35%​
, F1123=32% (MB B3)=36%​
, F2U31=32% (MB B3)=36%​

(Meter-less damage utilizing B3, JI3)
2D21, B3, JI3, F2~Whip=35% (MB B3)=39%
~4(Full Scratch)=41% (MB B3)=45%​

2D21, B3, JI3, 3~Whip=33% (MB B3)=37%
~4(Full Scratch)=39% (MB B3)=43%​

2D21, B3, JI3, 112~Cat Stance(3)=36% (MB B3)=40%
~Whip=36% (MB B3)=40%​
~4(Full Scratch)=40% (MB B3)=44%​

2D21, B3, JI3, F112~Cat Stance(3)=36% (MB B3)=40%
~Whip=35% (MB B3)=39%​
~4(Full Scratch)=41% (MB B3)=44%​




Did this one last night it's 1 Bar ranging from 41-44% damage depending on how many Cat Scratches you have available (which it seems is randomly generated from doing Combos).


JI2, 33 xx BF1 (Cat Claws), JI1, 112 xx BF2 (Special) F112, 4 (or whichever your Cat Scratch button is not sure if it's 4 on PS3).


Post any and all combos you guys come up with and if you can't film, someone here, including myself, will surely film it.
These are mostly just flashy combos, some of the damage here isn't optimal. For all of these, you could choose to start with JI1 for cross-up potential, and/or end with her trait for additional damage.

2 Bar Combo:
1) JI2, B12D3 xx MB BF1, J3, 112 xx MB BF2, Cat Stance 3

1 Bar Combos:
1) JI2, 33 xx BF2, B3, J3, 112 xx MB BF2, Cat Stance+3
2) JI2, B12D3 xx MB BF1, F3, F2+U3+1 (Whip Jump Combo)

1) JI2, 33 xx BF2, B3, J2, F2+U3+1 (Whip Jump Combo)
2) JI2, 33 xx BF2, B3, J2, D2 xx DB1

Man, she's great. LOL. Everything I've ever wanted in a fighting game T_T


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
So, should we just have this be the official "Combo" thread? I have like two pages of notebook paper, front to back, of her shit...I'll edit the first post and list all combos from each starter. Sound good?


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Ok...I just added some combos off of 1~Cat Dash to get the thread started....I'll add more tomorrow. Eventually, I want to have every combo from every starter! Let's get to work. ;)


When you do a full combo but want to save your scratches or gain more. Is it better to use Cat Claws or Catstance 3?


I made up a basic combo with 1 bar. I'm going to modify it and see how to add in her trait and more dmg. Obviously still messing around and trying to see whats better.

36% 1 bar- JI1,F 1,1,2, Cat Claws, 3,3, Ex Cat Dash, B3, Cat Stance, 3.

Quick 40% 1 bar and Max scratches..bleh need to alter it a bit.
40% 1 bar Max scratches- JI1,F1,1,2, Cat Claws, 3,3, EX Cat Dash, B3, 1,1, Trait


im pretty sure JI2, 33 doesnt work on all characters. i had this one down flawlessly against one person and it just wouldnt connect with others. so be careful with this opener.


Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
midscreen one bar position switch mixup combo (similar to MK9 mileena 112 whiff tele ender):
b12d3~claws, b3, jump 3, f112~ex dash, b2~catstance whiff 3 (position switch) into grab, low, etc - 40%

one bar corner swag:
b12d3~claws, f2~upwhip, 21~ex dash, f3, 122 - 46%

variant of above, but with hard knockdown:
b12d3~claws, f2~upwhip, 112~ex dash, f3, d3 - 45%

adding a jump in 2 before every combo should add 3-5%

Pho Cubic

Sérieusement Sabrewulf peut aller en enfer.
Here are some meterless corner combos along with a super.

b1 2 d3~cat stance 1, f2~up whip, 1 1 2~cat stance 3 (41%)

b1 2 d3~cat stance 1, f3, neutral jump 2, d1~4 (41% with maxed gimmick)

b1 2 d3~cat stance 1, f3, f2 d3 1, 1 1 2~4 (43% with maxed gimmick)

b1 2 d3~cat stance 1, f2~up whip, 1 1 2~4 (45% with maxed gimmick)

b1 2 d3~cat stance 1, f3, f2~up whip, d1~4 (45% with maxed gimmick)

b1 2 d3~cat stance 1, f2~up whip, 1 1 2~super (51%)

Instead of pressing back+1 2 down+3 down down 3 when going into cat stance off of the b1 2 d3 string, just input b1 2 d3 d3. It's easier.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
I've got some interesting stuff I've been working on. About to be leaving for California through the upcoming week, but when I get back I'll explore it more fully if it hasn't been found already.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Here are some meterless corner combos along with a super.

b1 2 d3~cat stance 1, f2~up whip, 1 1 2~cat stance 3 (41%)

b1 2 d3~cat stance 1, f3, neutral jump 2, d1~4 (41% with maxed gimmick)

b1 2 d3~cat stance 1, f3, f2 d3 1, 1 1 2~4 (43% with maxed gimmick)

b1 2 d3~cat stance 1, f2~up whip, 1 1 2~4 (45% with maxed gimmick)

b1 2 d3~cat stance 1, f3, f2~up whip, d1~4 (45% with maxed gimmick)

b1 2 d3~cat stance 1, f2~up whip, 1 1 2~super (51%)

Instead of pressing back+1 2 down+3 down down 3 when going into cat stance off of the b1 2 d3 string, just input b1 2 d3 d3. It's easier.
Great stuff! Adding to the list and im recording these now. Awesome work!


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Some of the combo numbers are wrong.
Ex: 3~Cat Dash, B3, JI3, 112~Whip=32% It's 31%
Are you sure? I wrote them down as I completed them in training mode. Sometimes the percentages would change but I figured out that I wasn't actually hitting all of the 3 hits in 112....i'll check it out.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Some of the combo numbers are wrong.
Ex: 3~Cat Dash, B3, JI3, 112~Whip=32% It's 31%
Nope...I just did it now and it is in fact 32%. Remember...her standing 3 counts as two hits and you have to be right in there face. Also, as I said before, you have to get all the hits from the 112 (which is 4 hits, actually) and then you connect the whip at the very end.


Shazzy's Senpai
Nope...I just did it now and it is in fact 32%. Remember...her standing 3 counts as two hits and you have to be right in there face. Also, as I said before, you have to get all the hits from the 112 (which is 4 hits, actually) and then you connect the whip at the very end.
Yeah I'm dumb.
Some Meter combos. Ones I've learned and go-to strings.

33, Cat Dash, b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), Cat Stance, 3 - 38%/1 Meter/41% with Ji2
33, Cat Dash, b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), f112, Trait - 42%/1 Meter + Trait/45% with Ji2

33, Cat Claws(MB), b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), Cat Stance, 3 - 42%/2 Meter/45% with Ji2
33, Cat Claws(MB), b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), Trait - 45%/2 Meter + Trait/47% with Ji2

b12d3, Cat Dash, b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), Cat Stance, 3 - 39%/1 Meter/42% with Ji2
b12d3, Cat Dash, b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), f112, Trait - 43%/1 Meter + Trait/46% with Ji2

b12d3, Cat Claws(MB), b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), Cat Stance, 3 - 43%/2 Meter/45% with Ji2
b12d3, Cat Claws(MB), b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), Trait - 45%/2 Meter + Trait/48% with Ji2

f2d31, 33, Cat Dash(MB), b3, Cat Stance, 3 - 38%/1 Meter/42% with Ji2
f2d31, 33, Cat Dash(MB), f112, Trait - 41%/1 Meter + Trait/43% with Ji2

When I land a Crossover J3; (connects on late close hits)
J3, 33, Cat Dash(MB), f112, Trait - 45%/1 Meter + Trait
J3, 33, Cat Dash(MB), b3, Straight Whip - 40%/1 Meter
J3, 33, Cat Dash(MB), Cat Stance, 3 - 37%/1 Meter

b12d3, Cat Claws(MB), b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), d2, Trait - 45%?!/2 Meter + Trait/47%?! with Ji2
combo does less with d2 before Trait so don't use.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Some Meter combos. Ones I've learned and go-to strings.

33, Cat Dash, b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), Cat Stance, 3 - 38%/1 Meter/41% with Ji2
33, Cat Dash, b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), f112, Trait - 42%/1 Meter + Trait/45% with Ji2

33, Cat Claws(MB), b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), Cat Stance, 3 - 42%/2 Meter/45% with Ji2
33, Cat Claws(MB), b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), Trait - 45%/2 Meter + Trait/47% with Ji2

b12d3, Cat Dash, b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), Cat Stance, 3 - 39%/1 Meter/42% with Ji2
b12d3, Cat Dash, b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), f112, Trait - 43%/1 Meter + Trait/46% with Ji2

b12d3, Cat Claws(MB), b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), Cat Stance, 3 - 43%/2 Meter/45%(not 46% hmm) with Ji2
b12d3, Cat Claws(MB), b3 j2, f2, Cat Dash(MB), Trait - 45%/2 Meter + Trait/48% with Ji2

f2d31, 33, Cat Dash(MB), b3, Cat Stance, 3 - 38%/1 Meter/42% with Ji2
f2d31, 33, Cat Dash(MB), f112, Trait - 41%/1 Meter + Trait/43% with Ji2

When I land a Crossover J3; (connects on late close hits)
J3, 33, Cat Dash(MB), f112, Trait - 45%/1 Meter + Trait
J3, 33, Cat Dash(MB), b3, Straight Whip - 40%/1 Meter
J3, 33, Cat Dash(MB), Cat Stance, 3 - 37%/1 Meter
These are fantastic! I'll add them to the list when I get home!