Keep in mind that my OP is simply general info I think players should know when approaching this MU. It's not really a detailed guide on the MU.
I know I am not blowing you up or anything I just want to discuss the matchup in detail, thats what the forum is for. you know the problem is, one of the basics of kung lao is by throwing a low hat, you bait the opponent into counterzoning, which is exactly what kung lao wants. You can see this very clearly in the kenshi matchup and perfect legend/tom brady do this very well. after throwing a few hats, they start to use their teleport to blow you up, because the kenshi player will start to throw out his push, giving kung lao free teleports. same thing with hellfire, it is horrible on whiff.
also about the whiffing d1/d3, I know some d3/d4 in the game lower your hitbox, but d1 is not one of them iirc. if you mess up d1 anti air you will eat a crossover. scorpion has a d4 that lowers his hitbox, but you shouldnt rely on this too much in a LOT of matchups because a lot of good players use crossover jumpkick and most of them get good damage off of it and some can even combo:
for example: kitana jumpkick fan, cage jkick f3 nutpunch, kunglao jkick roll spin full combo, jax jumpkick gotcha grab, kabal jkick f4 nomad dash.
about the d4/d1 beating kung lao strings, yes that is the way to get out of his pressure and it takes a good kl player and a lot of time to not get frustrated by this, however I have a lot of countermeasures against this. also keep this in mind. a block 21 is 3% on block. you get 2% of off d1 on hit and 3% on d4. if I hit you it is big trouble. and the thing players have to keep in mind against KL against 21 pressures there are only 2 universal ways out. poke or armor, you cannot jump out, you will get hit midair. but the kung lao players have a lot of options:
- 21 pressure is +6 on hit so kung lao player will get free standing 3(hits mid)/d4/d3. his poke will be faster than yours and kung lao DOES get frame advantage off of pokes on hit. if you dont want to eat a standing 3 you will block, which is another 21/1121/2121/24
- 21212 you cant visually confirm whether the string is gonna end at 21 or if the whole string will come out, if the full string comes out and you didnt expect it, its gonna be 29% hitconfirm, if you block it youre gonna eat 7% chip.
-24, 24 on its own is +4 on hit which is free standing 3/d3. 24 can always end in overhead, into lot of mindgames and advantage on that hard knockdown.
- crossover
-crossover jumpkick to beat d1 anti crossover
these are general kung lao options upclose and there is a lot more, be aware, scorpion can armor out with takedown but that isnt anything significant, ex spear is great, but between pressure kung lao will d3/d4 which makes you spear whiff and then youre dead, he can also jump and depending on the situation you will whiff a spear and get full combp punished.
keep in mind during this whole pressure game kung lao will chip you a lot/build meter and your character will only receive meter for receiving raw damage, not for chip damage.
Ps. please dont misunderstand, I think it is 6-4 kung lao as well, and I might make it look like scorpion is getting wrecked in this matchup but I am merely stating the facts and listing kung laos options in the matchup, because I am sure you will list scorpions options( I remember you from back in the days when I used to main scorpion).