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Salty Tiers XBL Online Tournament (Sign Up)

We're up to 16 players now, this is starting to get interesting.

By the looks of it we also have some very heavy hitters are up in this bitch, so bring your A game!
All current and future participants please be advised that the, Rules and Regulations section has been updated. Take the time to be aware of the rules and understand what is required by you and what rights you have within the tournament.



Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
hey sign me up

count me in to win..haha

i also agree to abide by contest rules

i reside in the central time zone..
Come on everyone, let's fill up the last few spots! We need less than 10 people and the last few days no one has signed up. Let's git er dun.
Cmon ppl 25/32 so far let's fill this up tell your friends. Good bad ugly it doesn't matter its all for fun and a good way to meet people.


i'll see if anyone on trmk wants in.

EDIT: Treadmill is on board.

Treadmill: GT Treadmill1150, EST

Just need 2 more now, MoFaT.