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Salty Tiers XBL Online Tournament (Sign Up)

The Salty Tiers XBL Online Tournament is now full with 32/32 contestants. More applicants may be accepted if there is a surge of popularity, however registrations at this time are now closed.

Good luck to all Kombatants there are some heavy hitters in this competition so bring your "A" game.

Salty Tiers XBL Online Tournament Roster:

1. I MoFaT I / est
2. GUTZnGORE / est
3. Satauiyeshadou / pst
4. Forever King / est
5. ANinj / est
6. Pink I Zepplin / cet
7. Komegak / gmt
8. BeatDownMao88 / est
9. Cor3y b4by / est
10. AngryWorm v2 / est
11. lord nero2012 / est
12. Indian guy / pst
13. TureDimsky / pst
14. KevoDaMaN / est
15. Cactus Flagg / gmt
16. Pecapowa / est
17. Gutty333 / est
18. XbL Mind Gamez / est
19. Charlie Murphy41 / cst
20. JimmyPotato / gmt
21. Oilcanboys / cst
22. SaintMasterson / cst
23. Blak Felow / gmt
24. Squirrel 1571 / cst
25. Mr Vneck23 / est
26. Phantomstars21 / est
27. Javierdavila / est
28. Mcnastyjfu / pst
29. Zee yello guy / pst
30. Treadmill1150 / est
31. Totterymanx / est
32. CJK Rattlehead / pst

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
should we expect you to post up the round robins in another area? Or are you simply going to update this one? Either way you should use the mentions feature so that we all see what you have in store.
should we expect you to post up the round robins in another area? Or are you simply going to update this one? Either way you should use the mentions feature so that we all see what you have in store.
I'll be posting a new topic still under wushi I'll make it now all info will be there and personal info will be pmed to you on run and xbl