... I'm So sorry to Intrude on this thread. I don't use TYM at all anymore but once I saw this thread I had to say something. The frame data you put up there in the title thread, is completely wrong. Go to practice and try all of that out again....
There is no possible way that f3 Skrc is plus 17. If I was plus 17, there would be no possible way for any opponent on the face of that character roster would be able to EX out after it... That is one thing you are wrong about out of the many..... I main Johnny and know him like the back of my hand and play many great players that have helped me test out the plus cancels such as EVB_BigD, Noobe and Gross.... Please guys.... Test the frame data for yourself if you do not truly know... Take care everyone...
@GGA Dizzy @Conflict_90