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[REQUEST] Red Hood for DLC

should Red Hood be DLC

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Finding a Main
Guys its 3 weeks since zatanna and no clues no nothing ... If next week will be the same I think it means no more dlc chars .
Well we just won the pot, and there's still 2 spots left. It's confirmed for myself at least that there will be 2 more characters. Ed Boon also confirmed more skins are coming. And their excuse for no DLC news is that they're working hard on the patch.


i think if they arent doing anymore dlc chars it will look stupid and unpolished... if they werent planning ondoing 4 more character then they shouldnt have done the last 2.. cause like this just feels stupid incomplete... i know 2 are better than nothing but i mean, when u plan for more dlc plan it right not do stuff halfassed... its just my opinion


Jus chill'n
I'm gettn kinda worried myself. Not even a hint? I'm wondering if this patch is gonna be huge? It could be a really bad ass patch. It could give us some of the stuff we have wanted besides all the buffs and balancing issues. Maybe archive content, emblems, player cards and skins for the dlc characters. I know people would like to see the Joker getta huge upgrade too. I sure hope it's that big! Well we'll just have to wait and see.......... NRS please hurry the fk up!:D

wee tee

Only a majority of 13 people judging by the above poll...that's not that big of a difference really...
Still the majority, though. And just to have a thread with 85 pages ongoing but a poll that close is rather surprising, for me it was at least.

I'm partial about him. What I read and saw about him doesn't strike me as very interesting characterwise, a bit cardboard cut tbh, but I know for sure I'd have totally loved him when I was younger. In regards to the game I have other preferences such as Swamp Thing, but wouldn't mind if they add him either.


Still the majority, though. And just to have a thread with 85 pages ongoing but a poll that close is rather surprising, for me it was at least.

I'm partial about him. What I read and saw about him doesn't strike me as very interesting characterwise, a bit cardboard cut tbh, but I know for sure I'd have totally loved him when I was younger. In regards to the game I have other preferences such as Swamp Thing, but wouldn't mind if they add him either.
this poll above is really outdated... there where some ppl that even came here saying they wanted to change their votes cause of the ppl in this thread and how they enlightened some of them, but i think we shouldnt judge this by majority doesnt want him as much as some ppl like yourself would prefer otehr characters first...

OFC there is teh ocasional guy that just hates Red Hood and really doesnt want him in game but then there is other ppl that just wanted other characters first like Black Manta, Swamp Thing or Poison Ivy and then they would want red hood so they voted with a no... its just really hard to judge with this TYM poll specially since TYM isnt the only community Injustice has

wee tee

OFC there is teh ocasional guy that just hates Red Hood and really doesnt want him in game but then there is other ppl that just wanted other characters first like Black Manta, Swamp Thing or Poison Ivy and then they would want red hood so they voted with a no... its just really hard to judge with this TYM poll specially since TYM isnt the only community Injustice has
Yea, I know, but I didn't suggest that they all dislike him. I was just surprised, that's all. But whatever, I don't care. Hopefully there will be two more chars and if one of them happens to be SwampThing, great. If not and it's RH or some other mope I never really cared about but has a badass playstyle and unique look I won't complain the least.

Just give us these friggin' DLC for the Wii U soon, Boon!


Finding a Main
this poll above is really outdated... there where some ppl that even came here saying they wanted to change their votes cause of the ppl in this thread and how they enlightened some of them, but i think we shouldnt judge this by majority doesnt want him as much as some ppl like yourself would prefer otehr characters first...

OFC there is teh ocasional guy that just hates Red Hood and really doesnt want him in game but then there is other ppl that just wanted other characters first like Black Manta, Swamp Thing or Poison Ivy and then they would want red hood so they voted with a no... its just really hard to judge with this TYM poll specially since TYM isnt the only community Injustice has
Yeah I'm sure there would be more Red Hood votes if it was redone.


Jus chill'n
Yea I would rather have characters like a Black Manta or a Mirror Master, Swampy or even Atrocitus.
But that doesn't mean I don't like Red Hood. I actually really like Red Hood. Red Hood to me is like a DC version of The Punisher. My second favorite comic book character all time. So I have nothing against the character except the fact that he was a Robin and is a Batman character. That's it!
I'm sure if he does make it in the game. He'll be a great addition and will be fun to play.:cool:


My ideal last two DLC characters would be Swamp thing and Atrocitus. But I wouldn't mind If Red Hood got in, At first I didn't really care for him but after looking at his design for a while he grew on me. I just hope there is two more DLC characters, after that NRS can move on too MK10.

wee tee

Red Hood to me is like a DC version of The Punisher. My second favorite comic book character all time. So I have nothing against the character except the fact that he was a Robin and is a Batman character. That's it!
That's what I was just thinking. Although the Punisher comparison doesn't really work in favor for RedHood imho. He just looks really childish and what I read and saw he acts like it too. But no offense, that's just my opinion, to each their own.

Btw, just started buying comics again, but haven't got the possibility to check them out locally, since they don't have a lot in stock. Any Punisher series you'd recommend atm? Bought the regular and WarZone series back in the 90s if that helps.


That's what I was just thinking. Although the Punisher comparison doesn't really work in favor for RedHood imho. He just looks really childish and what I read and saw he acts like it too. But no offense, that's just my opinion, to each their own.

Btw, just started buying comics again, but haven't got the possibility to check them out locally, since they don't have a lot in stock. Any Punisher series you'd recommend atm? Bought the regular and WarZone series back in the 90s if that helps.
hmm i can see where you would find him childish... hmmm yes Red Hood at points in his Red Hood carrier has had a lot of situations where some ppl could see that behavior as childish...but mostly thats just his batman Ark stories that he goes thru a whirlwind of emotions and may seem that some of his decisions are somewhat childish... honestly even tho i like Red Hood and the outlaws i think they are somewhat turning that book into a telenovela and i dont like it either... theres a lot of drama and theres the hot guy and the somewhat nerdy one that got the hotty god knows how.. the dialogue is a bit weak and events seem somewhat forced at times... i hope it gets better since i stoped at the nr14 cause i wanted to catch up with the rest of the ne 52 events...


Jus chill'n
That's what I was just thinking. Although the Punisher comparison doesn't really work in favor for RedHood imho. He just looks really childish and what I read and saw he acts like it too. But no offense, that's just my opinion, to each their own.

Btw, just started buying comics again, but haven't got the possibility to check them out locally, since they don't have a lot in stock. Any Punisher series you'd recommend atm? Bought the regular and WarZone series back in the 90s if that helps.
Oh yea... I agree! They're very similar in some ways and not so much in others. The Punisher only has one goal and that's to PUNISH! He stay's in that zone and doesn't fk around.

Check out The Punisher Vol4 #3
Classic Punisher and a must own!
For a classic series you'd wanna check out The Punisher War Journal....Awesome!