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Reptile now 100% not in MK11?


RIP Akira Toriyama
I wouldn't mind seeing him as DLC. Just don't make him a nobody like in every game.

Also, I'm probably one of few who really loved his MK4 design. I hope to see him return in similar capacity.

Cassie Cyrus

Have you ever seen the Rain?
Lol @ people who still want Nostalgica Human Reptile after so many years, while there are like too many humans already.

Lol @ people that actually thought Reptile had any chance to be base roster, after they revealed one of his powers was in that tower on day 1.

Reptile will probably be DLC along the line, not in the first pack, then in the second of third extra. BUT If he doesn't how up, his inclusion in MK12 will be much better, like Noob Saibot. Also that new move of Erron Black doesn't say shit about his inclusion.

I love Reptile and I would have picked him over Cassie, Jacqui or Cetrion anyday...


Maybe Reptile and Erron are just buddies now... Reptile teached Erron some cool acid tricks and Erron gave Reptile a hat and his caltrops. :)

Hope he will be DLC... him, Mileena, Ermac, Sindel and Smoke missing for a perfect roster.

Also hope that if he makes DLC they put more thought into his moves. I believe Reptile was the least played character in MKX because he wasnt fun to play with not because of Reptile himself.


I like Reptile, but the sad truth is that he hasn't really been interesting as a character since MK2. He's just been there because he's the "green ninja" and he was only interesting to begin with because he was the first secret character.

He's a jobber, through and through. He's only in the games to be stomped on by everyone else. His motivations and goals have been the same since day one and he's never evolved as a character at all... and no, I'm not talking about his aesthetics or designs.

But as said, I like him. He's always fun to play as, imo. I just wish NRS would do something with him instead of just putting him on the roster just to be on the roster. And now he's not even that. It's a tragic end to his character, but hopefully it'll change in future games.


Thrill Kill
Reptile is like that person from high school that never grew up. While even Rain and Nightwolf moved on with their lives to become better, Reptile kept being the same. He just wanted to bring back his race and be someone's henchman.
He thought he could be friends with the new cool guys Kotal Kahn and D'Vorah but they looked down upon him. Kotal made his own group of friends and D'Vorah went to the bad boys Shinnok and Quan Chi.

Reptile is the pal from your past that still wears his cap backwards and acts like a "cool skater kid" from 2002.
He never moved on. His old friends are tired of him and do not invite him anymore. That's why he's not in MK11.


d2 Spammer
Pffft nah. That's either gonna be Johnny Cage or Liu Kang. Maybe both lol.
It'd be characters they could make superhero outfits for like they did with Sub and Raiden. Clearly Reptile is the most heroic character with the best fashion sense. I think the winner here is obvious.
Gonna miss reptile. But honestly love the ninja style. Should just have scales ala Shao Kahn updated look. Making him a lizardman in appearance ruined him
I aim to see his absence as a vacation granted to him by Kotal. Lord knows he deserves it for making all the protags of MK story modes look good (Johnny, Takeda, Taven, Jacqui) oh yeah and once again all Erron borrows is the crapgarbage Acid Puddle from X. Y'all acting like he died.

Reptile is like that person from high school that never grew up. While even Rain and Nightwolf moved on with their lives to become better, Reptile kept being the same. He just wanted to bring back his race and be someone's henchman.
He thought he could be friends with the new cool guys Kotal Kahn and D'Vorah but they looked down upon him. Kotal made his own group of friends and D'Vorah went to the bad boys Shinnok and Quan Chi.

Reptile is the pal from your past that still wears his cap backwards and acts like a "cool skater kid" from 2002.
He never moved on. His old friends are tired of him and do not invite him anymore. That's why he's not in MK11.
Nah Nightwolf is the type of guy everybody forgot existed and Rain is the type of dude to work at McDonald's angrily stating how he deserves better.
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Online Scrub Lord
He's definitely out unfortunately. He's one of my favorite characters and it sucks for him to sit out of MK11 especially. Mk11 is gonna be so good and it would have be fun af to destroy the neutral with reptilian dash in this game! haha
That's a good observation about Reptile not being in the game because of the emphasis on neutral. Hopefully that means Mileena won't be in either. Fingers crossed.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
He's a lot cooler than boring ass kano, that's for sure.

Acid and Invisibility abilities > knives and punching
Yea a fukn acid spitting lizard is better than the terminator even though a lot of people asked for the terminator...Nice try
I love how people speak for characters like it is actually their fault they never evolved, while it is NRS bad writhing abilities that keep those characters as jobbers.
Reptile is by far more interesting than the 80% characters of the franchise. NRS have mistreated him again and again. Like you say, people create their opinions based on what NRS decide, and want people to think.
Cmon, Johnny cage is a character perfectly replaceable since first game, but NRS make of him an "icon" since MK9 they have given him an exaggerated protagonism, even saturate the trailers with stupid scenes "supposedly funny" to make people think that he is an interesting character.
IDK if that is based on the Developers favourites, and no one likes reptile in the entire NRS... but is so sadly how they waste characters that doesnt need that plus of protagonism (like JC) to be an interesting character.
This time Reptile was sacrificed to justify that erron black is part of the roster, because men with guns we already have a lot in the game.