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Reptile...at advantage after EX elbow???

Teef I have to disagree with you on the x ray thing, Reptile has an awesome x ray that shuts down zoners completely and it gives you a crap load of advantage on hit. Im starting to think reptile doesnt need breaker at all unless he is fighting against cyrax, ermac, or corner with more than 50% dammage.
Teef I have to disagree with you on the x ray thing, Reptile has an awesome x ray that shuts down zoners completely and it gives you a crap load of advantage on hit. Im starting to think reptile doesnt need breaker at all unless he is fighting against cyrax, ermac, or corner with more than 50% dammage.
By any means I'm not an advanced player at all. However, I consider myself pretty knowledgeable, because I stalk MK9 info/forums and examine. I'm slowly getting there.

You would burn 3 meters of a bar, to do what like 30% damage? That's absurd IMO. The only way I see a naked X-ray viable for Reptile is if the opponent has a breaker, and low health, than you would use it, possibly armoring through their projectiles because they are mostly going to be trying to play keep away to stay alive. You can't follow up much after Reptiles Xray either if I recall correctly, you can dash, I think at most. (Unsure on this I KNOW you can do something after the Xray, but nothing huge)

Doesn't need breaker- Absurd, everyone needs breaker. Just because he's fighting Cyrax who can reset doesn't mean you save breaker exclusively for Cyrax. And it's not all about using meter only when being damaged, which is what I seem like your line of thought it. MK is not all about combos and damage, people should drop that crap.

You can use EX Dash to get out of corners, you don't need to waste 2 bars and break, well unless you're caught, but that's stupid.
You can use EX for dash, I believe EX Green hand after EX dash does something, Teef might know better.
EX slow ball is great for set ups after 321 or getting in on a character. You can even cancel balls to play mind games.
Not to sure what OKI means, but Teef covered it, I don't exactly recall, but it was good from what I remember. My memory is shitty.

And I'm an average player. Breakers are Godlike. You can do a normal BnB and get as much damage as a Xray, more so with a single bar. Haha.

On block- 321 EX Dash, D+4 Acid Hand, mix up, I think if caught can be followed by slide.

String- 1221 F2 EXFB 321 Slide.
Karried what you are saying to me is that you wouldnt burn 3 bars of x ray when you are being out zoned. So you would rather die than wasting 3 bars? Ex acid hand isnt worth it, maybe in a corner combo to finish an opponent off. When x ray hits, you have a huge advantage because your opponent is on the ground a lot longer than normal knockdown. From here you could move in, even do a triple/double dash or force ball.

And your argument of ex dash out of the corner is fine, but when you get hit my a corner combo you CAN NOT ex dash.... Further more if you are pressuring and opponent in the corner, he does a wake up (kl spin) then break is great to keep him in the corner.

Breaker is great and all but breaker is a defensive move rather than aggressive (unless in the corner situation above), I wasnt saying reptile shouldnt use breaker. I said his ex might even be better in a lot more situations and more worth than a breaker just like how meelina ex tele kick a lot of times can be more worth it than the breaker. And remember you ussually break around after 2-3 hits, so you would lose about 7-15% initially before using breaker, and this isnt cover the risk that your opponent might drop the combo. And you also build meter when you get hit, so not breaking could be a good choice. Of course if you need to break to live and see it as an advantage, dont hesitate


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Generally the instances you'd use X-Ray aren't when being outzoned. Reptile was given armor on EX slide so he wouldn't have to burn 3 bars to get in on characters he had trouble getting in on without it. X-Ray's good to secure rounds and because of the options Reptile has after an X-Ray, it really makes opponents fear it for whatever reason. It's also one of Reptile's best anti-airs.

EX elbow is useful for getting out the corner but you have to be careful because just about every character can punish it in some way, some for an actual combo. It's not without its risks. Sometimes spending the extra 2 bars is worth it over trying to EX elbow.

Breaker has various uses depending on when and where you do it, especially when you break in the air, since you recover faster. It's not just a defensive tool, but can work somewhat as a failsafe for risky choices.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
X ray is very useful imo. I don't use it all the time but it's great to check anyone with any type of zoning game. People don't want to eat 30% and then get pushed into the corner just to throw a projectile. Once you have that meter you cant be zoned for the most part and people will respect it if it's a threat which will help you get your projectiles on screen instead. Also like thtb said it's a great AA.


There's situations where you should save the meter depending on round/life/character and how much meter they have also.


Kenshi Moderator
IN my opinion, the only reason why reptile X ray is good is because of the Follow up after. Whether dash into cr+4~ mix ups, or dash into f+2~ pressure/mix ups/ or even combos

though, i myself dont use x rays! no point, ESPECIALLY now with the armor or slide. and i am not gonna waste 3 meters just to counter, anti air or Punish...etc
unless it's for fun or to end the match.

also, just FYI! ex slide is A GREAT AA tool :S .....and people should start using it when needed! it's pure Anti Cross ups and Anti Jump ins as well due to armor. generally Slide is a good AA, and can be used in both Cross ups and jump ins as AA

just an FYI

Scoot Magee: DUUUUUUDE.....NEC :)?
Teef i have been trying to get ex slide to anti air, most of the time reptile hit box is so low and it only hit in front of him so your opponent would just go over reptile. The reptile slide isnt as good as sub zero as AA because sub zero slide hit box is very wide horizontal


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Teef i have been trying to get ex slide to anti air, most of the time reptile hit box is so low and it only hit in front of him so your opponent would just go over reptile. The reptile slide isnt as good as sub zero as AA because sub zero slide hit box is very wide horizontal
Nag man try it as an AA its fantastic trust me.

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