So after the tech posted by infra dead, I was messing with it for a bit and got 45% (48 w/ ji2): f2, mb lift, j2, b3, ji3, f222 soul crush. Ending in f222 4 does 43%, 46% with a jump in 2. Ending in b23 4 does 42%, with a ji2 it will do 45%. I got 51% one bar with: ji2 f2 mb lift, ji2 b3 ji3 f2 BGB f222 soul crush. Without a ji, you will get 49%. d1 mb lift ji2, b3, ji3 f2 BGB f222 SC will get 44%, but I think I am whiffing one hit of the second f2 so you might be able to get 45%. Ending that combo w/ b23 4 gets 43%.