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Rate Your Character! (Mortal Kombat 11 Edition)


Zoning Master
With no patch in sight and Shang Tsung's release being more than two weeks away, now is a good time to create this thread. I created identical threads for Mortal Kombat X as well as Injustice 2 in the past and received positive feedback so I hope you participate and share your opinion of your main character(s).

Please do not post any tier lists in this thread. Instead, use the official tier list thread here. However, your final rating should represent a score that is consistent with the community's current consensus of your character(s). In other words, a character like Geras should receive no abnormally low final rating.

If you would like to rate your character, please use the following format and criteria.

1. Offensive options – 5/5 : this category revolves around 50/50 mix ups, pressure, and throws, including the throw’s range, position, and krushing blow requirements.

2. Neutral game and footsies – 5/5 : this category revolves around normal attacks and special moves that control the space in your vicinity, including the air.

3. Defensive options – 5/5 : this category revolves around defense, particularly the universal wake up and reversal attacks (i.e., safety, range, and hitbox). Also consider other prevalent defensive options (i.e., 6 frame d+1s, low-profiling pokes, and teleport escapes from the corner).

4. Zoning and anti-zoning – 5/5 : this category revolves around options outside of footsies range such as a projectile or a long-ranged physical attack. Also assess a character’s ability to punish projectiles and close the gap from a distance.

5. Damage output – 5/5 : this category revolves around the damage that a character is able to acquire from combos. Evaluate the damage output from combos, including resets, as well as the quantity and quality of krushing blows.

--- My ratings ---

Noob (Black Sabbath)

1. Offensive options – 3/5

Noob’s mix ups solely revolve around throws as he has no overhead starters or strings that can be staggered. Fortunately, he is one of the few characters who has a krushing blow on both forward and back throw. However, forward throw leaves the opponent almost full screen away while the back throw leaves the opponent half screen away so hitting the krushing blow is a little bit more difficult than people think. Almost all of Noob’s offense is practically initiated from successfully hitting d+3 or b+1,1+3 xx spirit ball in combos. Both provide adequate frame advantage to threaten throws, which can then be mixed up with mid attacks such as b+2, f+4, and b+1,1+3. 2,1,2 can also be used to counter throw techs and uppercuts. Overall, nothing too good yet nothing too bad for this category. If both throws, or at least one of them, left the opponent much closer to Noob, this score would most certainly be higher.

2. Neutral game and footsies – 5/5

b+2 and f+4 are exceptional mid-range buttons while d+3 and d+4 are fantastic up close. b+1,1+3 is a 9 frame mid attack without a hurt box. f+2,2,1 is a 9 frame high attack without a hurt box. b+3 is also decent, though the krushing blow requirement on b+3,1+3 is impractical. As far as anti-aerial attacks go, Noob has an excellent d+2. f+3 launches and can be used as an anti-aerial attack because of its impressive vertical hitbox. The only drawback in this category is that poorly spaced b+1,1+3s are punishable by some characters. Even immaculately spaced b+1,1+3s are punishable by a handful of characters. Nonetheless, I am confident that Noob is deserving of a perfect score in this category.

3. Defensive options – 3/5

Noob has the same wake up 3 as Jade and Sub Zero. The range is limited and the hitbox is short. Even though wake up 3 technically hits mid, you can low profile the move, which is a major problem in some match ups. Wake up 2 has a very good hitbox but is -17 on block. d+3 is a phenomenal low poke with a great range, solid frame advantage on hit, and some low-profiling capabilities. d+4 is similar to d+3. There is less range but more frame advantage on hit. I subtracted two points from this category considering how easily wake up 3 gets low-profiled.

4. Zoning and anti-zoning – 3/5

Noob’s zoning game is slightly above average yet very disappointing for an advertised “premier zoning character”. Spirit ball is one of the most damaging projectiles in the game, but there is no EX version so opponents can easily neutral crouch or jump in order to advance. Tackle is a horrendous projectile because of its slow start up and recovery frames, inconsistent hitbox, and impractical krushing blow requirement. The tackle also disappears when Noob gets hit, which makes the special move worthless in projectile wars. As far as anti-zoning is concerned, Noob has a launching EX teleport, but the startup is slow at 30 frames and the hit range is high. Overall, I think he has nothing special for this category. A handful of other characters, who are not even considered zoning characters, have superior space control.

5. Damage output – 5/5

Although Noob’s krushing blows are one of the worst in the game, he has access to highly damaging combos. Combo damage usually ranges from 35% to 40% or more. Combos can also be finished in a reset that is +5 on block, but Noob is out of normal attack range except b+2. Nonetheless, I think the character deserves a perfect score for this category. Only Baraka and Sonya do more damage than Noob.

Final Rating – 19/25

Scorpion (Reborn)

1. Offensive options – 3/5

Scorpion's offense revolves around f+3 staggers and throws. The best options are f+3,4, f+3 and wait, f+3 and d+1, and f+3 and throw. These staggers are above average yet most definitely substandard in comparison to the other top tier characters' mix ups and pressure. Attempting to poke after f+3 results in a launching krushing blow but only once a match. Hitting f+3,4 for the remainder of the fight leaves Scorpion's opponent out of any okizeme threats. f+3.4 can be flawless blocked and punished by most reversal up 2s so the risk versus reward ratio is in favor of the opponent. Scorpion's forward throw provides okizeme and a krushing blow. The back throw leaves the opponent half a screen away and has no krushing blow. You can cancel strings into teleport which you can also cancel and go for throws, but if your opponent neutral crouches your throw, you eat massive amounts of damage and you cannot breakaway. In my humble opinion, Scorpion's offense is dangerous to apply against the superior rush down characters. He is therefore best used defensively, waiting patiently for the opponent to make a mistake so he can whiff punish with b+1,4,3 or EX teleport.

2. Neutral game and footsies – 5/5

Scorpion's primary mid-range buttons and strings include d+4, a superb long range low poke, f+3, an advancing mid attack that is only -2 on block that has a krushing blow follow up as a counter hit or punish, and b+1,4,3, a safe string that can be hit-confirmed into EX teleport on the second hit. d+4 is used to create space on block or initiate offense on hit. f+3 is best used offensively while b+1 is used for punishing and whiff punishing because of its excellent downward hitbox. One of the best aspects of Scorpion's footsies game is the teleport, which allows you to punish whiffed strings on the ground as well as the air. Speaking of the air, you can jump a lot more with Scorpion than with other characters because of the teleport's ability to bait anti-aerial attacks. If you jump forward, to which your opponent may react and perform an uppercut, you can cancel your teleport and whiff punish the uppercut.

3. Defensive options – 5/5

Wake up 3 is one of the very best in the game because of its speed, hitbox, and safety. Wake up 2 is less impressive but still very good. As far as low pokes are go, Scorpion has a 7 frame d+1 that is +10 on hit and only -3 on block. d+4 is +19 on hit and only -4 on block. d+4 also has a lot of range and some push back on block. Scorpion is the only character who has the ability to retreat as well as switch sides with two distinct teleport cancels so he has the best mobility in the game.

4. Zoning and anti-zoning – 5/5

The spear is much safer when whiffed than in previous Mortal Kombat games but is still more punishable than the average projectile. Thus Scorpion lacks a traditional zoning tool to stop opponents from advancing forward. However, Scorpion's anti-zoning game is so powerful that any score lower than a five should be regarded as severe downplaying. Scorpion's teleport is easily the best anti-zoning tool in the game because of its ability to be amplified on block, its ability to be performed airborne, and its ability to be canceled. Scorpion's teleport also hits mid and has the fastest startup out of any other teleport in the game. All projectiles must be used scarcely against Scorpion and from a closer distance where the player has a lot less time to react.

5. Damage output – 4/5

Combo damage in Reborn is average at 25-30% with one bar, but he has a couple of beneficial properties to combos that other characters do not. He can spend a second bar for another EX teleport to do more damage. He can also re-stand the opponent with EX spear and follow up with standing 4, which is +18 on hit. If you do not wish to spend more than one bar, you can end combos with either 1,1,2 or spear, both of which leave Scorpion in a good position for okizeme.

Final Rating – 22/25
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B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
Cassie (Digital soldier)

1. Offensive options 4/5:
F4 9F mid and 0 on block, pretty good stagger game, and safe. Safe Ex glowkick to cover gaps. Restands are good in this meta. Nothing she has in a low or overhead guess.

2. Neutral game/Footsies 5/5:
Great aas, and great range on normals to match.

3. Defense options 3/5:
Trash FB, Trash pokes, Below average wakeup options.

4. Zoning/Anti Zoning 4/5:
Crouch shot is a fast check and avoids most projectiles. Akimbo shot allows mind games for keep away.

5. Damage Output 3/5:
Average midscreen damage for a bar, Trash meterless damage midscreen/corner. Gets less damage for bar in the corner, its bad. She can’t juggle into Fatal blow ever.

Final Score 19/25
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Administrator and Community Engineer
Jacqui Briggs (1st Round KO):

Offensive options -- 4/5. She doesn't have much in the way of 50/50s or zoning. But she has great pressure and can make you afraid to hit a button. Great staggers and the cancels. Plus her throw and tech-Amplify shenanigans. She has solid krushing blows that take a bit of work to set up, but have good payoff.

Neutral Game/footseies -- 4/5. Very good again. I'm only not rating her 5/5 here because there are a few characters that outrange her on the BnB-starting buttons, and on their longer pokes (like d4s). But what she lacks in range in on her starter, she makes up with speed. F31 is an excellent whiff punisher given how fast of a mid it is.

Defense options -- 3/5. Her u2 and u3 are good -- nothing special. Her d2 and s1 are fantastic anti airs. Good pokes. No mobility option, average walk speed.

Zoning/anti-zoning: -- 2/5. You've got to bite the bullet here as a Jacqui main, since her most popular and dangerous variation can't zone or counter-zone. Just have to be patient and walk your way in, so she doesn't really play that game.

Damage output -- 4/5. She has very solid BnB damage, can go upward to Holy Cow damage territory when she has krushing blows locked and loaded. 4/5 only because she's not Sonya Blade.
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1. Offensive options: 4/5 he has a lot of options but unfortunately they are all OSable despite being all unsafe. People will never be ready 100% of the time for his mixups tho so I'll give him an above average score.

2. Neutral game and footsies: 3/5 his neutral is decent, his knife toss is probably second only to Sonya's ring, his B3 is an ok mid, F3 keeps people in check but has no real reason to be that negative, ball is a good reversal punish and his air ball is a "don't anti-air me" move that helps him get his offense started with his jump ins.

3. Defensive option: 2/5 and the only reason he gets a 2 is bc both of his wakeups are good. He has no fast mids to check people mashing pokes, has no 7 frame punisher, his highs don't jail after successful counterpokes but the one thing that sets him back is the fact that he is absolutely free to decent jump-ins, his better options are S1 and D2 but they are hella inconsistent. At the current state, if you have a semi-decent jump in you basically have free pressure on him.

4. Zoning and anti-zoning: 4/5 his knife toss is really good, a very underrated projectile that can win all trades (including against Sonya's ring from a specific distance), Balls and F3 can keep all zoners in check. Overall it is pretty hard to get in on him when he wants to keep you out, and it is even harder to keep him out when he wants to get in.

5. Damage output: 3/5 His dmg output is above average, but he is also the riskiest character in this game, so risking my life for 30%ish conversions is not really that impressive. If you know how to OS his 24 mixups he is reduced to mixing you with D1 xx ball or D1 xx cmd grab so it gets even lower. Plus with snakebite not being part of any competitive loadout and his only real punisher being a 9 frame high his dmg output sucks on tight punishes and a lot of characters can abuse that.

Final grade: 16/25. I think this score doesn't really translate how good he can be, especially on an FT2 scenario, and if I could choose I would rather play a game where all characters have as many flaws as him rather than playing Errons and Scorpions.


This is my billionth life cycle.
Jacqui Briggs (1st Round KO):

Offensive options -- 4/5. She doesn't have much in the way of 50/50s or zoning. But she has great pressure and can make you afraid to hit a button. Great staggers and the cancels. Plus her throw and tech-Amplify shenanigans. She has solid krushing blows that take a bit of work to set up, but have good payoff.
Even though she doesn't have a high/low 50/50, I would think Jacqui has the best pressure and staggers in the game. Who, if not her, has a 5/5 here?

I think you snub her in Defense a little as well, her throw tech is devastating. We saw how much of a game changer it was at CB, and it was very clear that Scar was playing around it and purposely throwing SF very little in the GF.
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Regina George of discord
Kitana FanFare

Offensive options: 3/5

She has good staggers and a good grab range but her grabs don’t leave her in the best position.
However, her corner game is what makes it 3/5 instead of lower imo.

Neutral game/footsies: 5/5

She has good ranged mids, hitconfirms, good anti airs, good air attacks.

Defensive options: 3/5

Her pokes are average on speed but she has a great D4, her u2 has a bad hitbox that will whiff after flawless blocking a lot of moves and on wake up both her u3/u2 are pretty average.

Zoning/anti zoning: 3/5

Her fan toss is.... ok for checks but her zoning is pretty whatever, her counterzoning is meh since she has one of the slower projectiles and the MB aversion won’t even come out on projectile wars most of the times. She has square wave as a check at least.

Damage output/ 4/5

Her damage is average and she always has the krushing blow quick execution option to make it better, in the corner it’s better.



Zoning Master
Even though she doesn't have a high/low 50/50, I would think Jacqui has the best pressure and staggers in the game. Who, if not her, has a 5/5 here?

I think you snub here in Defense a little as well, her throw tech is devastating. We saw how much of a game changer it was at CB, and it was very clear that Scar was playing around it and purposely throwing SF very little in the GF.
I agree with both of your statements.

f+3,1 has to be the best string in the game. 9 frame start up. -2 on block and out of lots of characters' throw and low poke range. Cancelable without any resources. Special cancelable to launch.

My final rating of Scorpion will either be 22/25 or 23/25. Jacqui's score should be similar.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Searing Rage Scorpion

Offensive options: 2/5
Neutral Game/Footsies: 4/5
Defensive options: 3/5
Zoning/Anti Zoning: 5/5
Damage output: 4/5 without BS buff, 5/5 with BS buff.
Punishing Efficiency: 2/5

Infinite Warden Geras

Offensive options: 5/5
Defensive options: 4/5
Neutral/Footsies: 4/5
Zoning/Anti zoning: 4/5
Damage output: 5/5
Punishing Efficiency: 5/5

First KO Jacqui

Offensive options: 5/5
Defensive options: 1/5
Neutral/Footsies: 4/5
Zoning/Anti Zoning: 1/5
Damage Output: 5/5
Punishing Efficiency: 5/5


Erron Black - 52 Kard Pickip

Offensive options: 5/5

Best staggers, mix-ups, and 50/50s in the game. Yes, even your grandma can make a comeback with Erron Black.

Neutral game/footsies: 3/5

Main footsie string is F+3,2 which is subpar since half the cast can flawless block without using meter to jab full combo punish it or low profile interrupt mash a poke. Aside from that, F+4 and Rattle Snake slide are your main "footsie" tools.

Defensive options: 2/5

Good pokes, weak anti-airs, poor aerial control, bad punishment game (no good reversal specials), garbage wake-ups, bad movement speed.

Zoning/anti zoning: 5/5

Best zoning and anti-zoning in the game.

Damage output: 4/5

Can combo off almost everything mainly for 30% without fatal blow.

Final Grade: 19/25

Erron Black - Barking Irons

Offensive options: 5/5

Best staggers, mix-ups, and 50/50s in the game. Yes, even your grandma can make a comeback with Erron Black.

Neutral game/footsies: 3/5

Main footsie string is F+3,2, which is subpar since half the cast can flawless block without using meter to jab full combo punish it or low profile interrupt mash a poke. Aside from that, F+4 and Rattle Snake slide are your main footsie tools.

Defensive options: 2/5

Good pokes, weak anti-airs, poor aerial control, bad punishment game, garbage wake-ups, bad movement speed.

Zoning/anti zoning: 1/5

No scud shot, no gun shot strings, no acid. But he has a 100 start up frame dynamite.

Damage output: 2/5

Strings into slide off main starters and subpar execution-combos for a defensive bar that don't do 30%.

Final Grade: 13/25
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Administrator and Community Engineer
Even though she doesn't have a high/low 50/50, I would think Jacqui has the best pressure and staggers in the game. Who, if not her, has a 5/5 here?

I think you snub her in Defense a little as well, her throw tech is devastating. We saw how much of a game changer it was at CB, and it was very clear that Scar was playing around it and purposely throwing SF very little in the GF.
I’m rating based on Dave’s criteria. With a different system it might be different.

As far as who’s a 5/5, I’d say Sonya. First you have to get through the zoning to approach her, so she sets the tempo. Then she has equivalent footsies, but also mix leading to 40% without needing the KB. She is currently the best of all worlds when it comes to offense.

It’s only a point though, and the difference between 4 and 5 isn’t that huge. So it’s negotiable.

With regard to defense it’s Dave’s criteria again. Her u2 and u3 are serviceable but aren’t the type that you need to give a wide berth to like some other characters (safety, range, and hitbox, as he listed). She is not particularly mobile. But I think her great offense makes up for those tradeoffs.
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Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Skarlet Heart Pierce

Offensive Options: 4/5
7f Jab, KB on both throws, insane dash cancels forward or backwards with good space coverage, good stagger strings even if full of gaps, has at least one which once blocked doesn't have a gap, has push back and its +6

Neutral Game /Footsies: 5/5
Among the best space control in the game, huge ranged normals, ways to make it safe, best walkspeed in the game currently, very hard to approach if she mantains movement

Defensive Options: 3/5
Struggle at blast radius, even only has one poke that its +8 can't use other buttons up close, Parry should do wonders but its slower than her quickest jab so don't expect to deal every issue, has a Teleport to escape corner

Zoning/ Anti-Zoning: 4/5
Teleport is good to escape but not as much to counter zone since the startup is slower, has a bunch of varied projectiles with 2 of them being safe at blast radius on block and a 3rd one being plus

Damage Output: 3/5
Her overall combo are very limited and don't do as much damage without optimals that are extremely difficult to do, still most of this lack of solid 300 damage adds up if you take in consideration the time She keeps someone out blocking every kind of move while she is in her ideal space for control, and then they end up getting hit by a launcher.


Administrator and Community Engineer
IMy final rating of Scorpion will either be 22/25 or 23/25. Jacqui's score should be similar.
I’m not sure how that’s possible for her to reach 23 points, since you assigned 5 points to zoning and she can neither zone nor counter-zone.

She’s one of the stronger characters in MK11, but you don’t seem to be following your own system here. Even if she was 5/5 in every other category, the math wouldn’t add up.


Zoning Master
I’m not sure how that’s possible, since you assigned 5 points to zoning and she can neither zone nor counter-zone.
I agree that she cannot zone, but she has above average counter zoning capabilities. As I have explained before, the dash punch is safe, travels half screen, and punishes some zoning and anti-zoning tools on block, with a krushing blow at max range. Opponents are tempted to neutral crouch and punish the dash punch, which means they are neither zoning nor walking backward. You use this opportunity to advance forward or punish neutral crouching with the b+2 string if you are in range. Sonic Fox closes the gap against Dragon's Cetrion in this manner.

In my opinion, Jacqui ought to receive a perfect score for both the offense and footsies categories, respectively. As someone else asked, what is better than a very safe, 9 frame, mid-hitting string that can be canceled without any resources and hit-confirmed into combos? I also think she deserves a higher score for defense considering the anti-throw tech, which you did not even mention in your original post. If you contemplate my feedback, the final rating may not be as high as Scorpion's, but the number should most certainly be in the 20s.

I am aware that the system is imperfect, yet before I created this thread, I genuinely spent some time examining the categories and selected each one with great care. If people are not downplaying, and I am not suggesting that you are, the final number should be consistent with current tier lists.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
I’m not sure how that’s possible for her to reach 23 points, since you assigned 5 points to zoning and she can neither zone nor counter-zone.

She’s one of the stronger characters in MK11, but you don’t seem to be following your own system here. Even if she was 5/5 in every other category, the math wouldn’t add up.
Her ability to reversal dash punch punish/check you safely from halfscreen is a 2/5 score in counter zoning? Nobody’s buying that


Good? Bad? I'm the one with the fans
I’ll take a stab at it, though I’m willing to bet many will disagree.

Kitana: Fan-Fare

Offense — 3/5

No 50/50 mixups. No overhead starter. One low starter that doesn’t lead to much. Pressure is so-so, with most strings being -5 or more except one string being -1 that has a gap. However, her pressure is made slightly better by her sheer number of staggerable strings and easy hit-confirms. Conditioning is a must, which allows for throw mixups like B2~throw. Her krushing blows are great, with one essentially usable on demand, and two more that play into her game naturally. Only one that is extremely situational (square wave).

Neutral Game and Footsies — 4.5/5

Her biggest strength. B231 and B142 make great whiff punishers that lead to full combo and the latter of which has a built in krushing blow. Square wave is a fast mid check from the mid-range. Fan toss is a quick, good mid-range check. D1 and D4 are excellent pokes that low profile and D1 doubles as an anti-air with correct spacing. Instant forward jump 1 can anti-air on reaction (starts up in 8 frames with 6 active frames after) and lead to full combo when you touch the ground. Air fan toss can make opponents reluctant to go into the air. Only things stopping this from being 5/5 is her fastest forward advancing mid is 13 frames start up and the loss of her ability to convert from anti-air fan tosses.

Defense — 4/5

All of her useful strings are safe with only two those having notable gaps which can be avoided for the most part. Her wake-up options are where she’s hurt the most. U2 is great as an anti-air wake-up, but abysmal for any other application. As a flawless block reversal, U2 whiffs on so many normally punishable gaps that it’s absurd. U3 is a bit unusual in that it moves her backwards, making it better or worse depending on the situation. As a wake-up, it’s very easy to whiff punish. She has good range on most of her notable normals and strings save for 12, her fastest punisher. You can square wave out of corners, but it is very risky. D3 is her fastest poke at 7 frames, but has the absolute worst range of any move I can think of. Being female grants her a smaller hitbox luxury that allows her to duck many mids in the game (and even punish them) and d3 lowers her hitbox even further which can make many jump ins whiff. When/if this is corrected, I’d consider her defense 3/5.

Zoning and Anti-Zoning — 3.5/5

Kitana is not the zoning powerhouse she was in MKX, but she is still above average. Fan toss is very fast, and air fan toss is a base kit special. Amp fan toss, while both projectiles being highs, can catch people trying to jump in and can give an edge in a projectile war against certain opponents or if you have a life lead. Square wave has great range that can catch people trying to duck fans from the mid range as well. Royal protection, as an anti-zoning tool, is fairly useless. It won’t absorb double projectiles, and by the time you absorb one, another is on its way. The buff duration is far too short to give any edge in trading projectiles. It’s a move that needs reworked, honestly.

Damage — 4/5

Probably going yo be my most controversial rating. She gets 26% (29% with a jump in) from mid-screen for no meter +1-3% with a bar. 29% in the corner for no meter (31% with). While that may seem like it’s on the low end of the spectrum compared to many other characters, the thing is that she can get this damage just by touching you with anything that isn’t a crouching poke. Got a move that’s -9 or more? Eat 26%. Get touched by 12, b14, or b231? Eat 26%. Get flawless blocked U2 (when it doesn’t whiff)? Eat 26%. Add to this that at any time she can tack on a krushing blow at her discretion for upwards of 35-37%. Got caught with a d2 trying to tick-throw? Get ready to eat 46% if both krushing blows are up for NO METER. Her fatal blow, while not fantastic, is still easy to combo into which nets upwards of 37% before factoring in QTE button presses.

The point is that while her damage isn’t bursty like most characters, it is very, very consistent. Get touched 3-4 times, you die, because offensive meter is a non-issue for her.

On top of this, she also has two other krushing blows (b142, and b231d2) that play well into her gameplan. The square wave krushing blow is mostly useless, but can be handy for punishing Scorpion’s spear and Erron Black/Noob/Cetrion/Frost’s fatal blow for big damage. Speaking of, she can also punish every single fatal blow in the game for full combo or krushing blow with square wave in the case of Erron Black, Noob, Frost, and Cetrion.

Total: 20/25


cr. HP Master
Baraka- Marauder. Gonna keep this brief.

Offensive option- 3.5/5. B3 is a low combo starter. Has an overhead with B2, however, it can completely whiff and put you on the other side of some characters. 112 is a solid string that creates space and can be cancelled. 122 is a simple punish that is a KB.

Footsies- 3.5/5. F44 is a great whiff punishing tool and can lead to a KB. His B4 isn't talked about enough. Has great range and is a solid trip guard.

Defensive options- 3/5. Pretty average.

Zoning/anti-zoning- 3/5. Blade spark is a solid projectile and AMP has a mid. Can't counter zone certain characters like Skarlet and Cetrion.

Damage output- 5/5. This is where he shines. We all know his damage output is fantastic and hits like a truck.

18 points.
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In Zoning We Trust
Cetrion - Spring Cleaning Variation

1. Offensive options – 2/5

Minimal offensive options. Weak stagger game relative to the cast. All strings are negative on block, and her best string is full combo punishable, for her to stagger it with a full combo punishable special move. No mix-ups or frame trap offensive pressure. Some of the slowest normals startups. Inconsistent follow ups when at advantage. Very grab dependent, multiple unusable KB requirements. Must outthink your opponent up close to do what you need to do and once again create distance. Very close to 1/5. Though there are a few saving graces to avoid bottom barrel.

2. Neutral game and footsies – 3/5

Solid back movement ability, good whiff punishing with F2-combo, F1 has deceptive reach and good priority. Really good standing normal AAs. Good Air to Air. Great D4. Laughably bad D2. Can get outranged or out-prioritized too commonly. Characters who play as she does can out-shimmy her. On block almost always within range of opponents follow up, counterintuitive to her gameplan. Too easily low profiled on mids.

3. Defensive options – 4/5

Both D3 and D4 are very good at poking defensively. Can allow for whiff punishing follow ups after hit and a solid keepaway poke (s). Jump back 1 is very strong at crushing JIs. AAs are very reliable on both crossup and JIs. Wall, while unsafe, is a good check when using the far version alongside fear of AMP, as the unreactable speed often hits. Can keep opponents out of the air better than most. Teleport can get you away from pressure.

4. Zoning and anti-zoning – 5/5

I can write a book here so I'll keep it short. Best zoning in the game easy. Full screen and 3/4 screen multiple frame traps, different traps depending on hit or block, some that lead to full screen combo conversion. 32% KB with Air Boulder. When walked into a corner far Tele to have the entire screen again. Possibly the only character that can win some MUs at far screen the entire match. Too much to go into. Best zoner.

5. Damage output – 3/5

Damage output leaves a lot to be desired. No meterless starters. Low one bar damage. Low two bar damage. This is compensated by good corner damage and good zoning/chipping damage, as well as many ways to create the damage.

17/25 total.
Scorpion REBORN
Offense - 3/5
F3 is a great stagger. F3,4 KB really compliments his other tools, which are whiff punishers. Can be a bit dependent on throws. TP cancel OS offers more hit confirms than other variation.

Neutral/Footsies - 5/5
Can disregard footsies/ neutral as a whole. Can jump when he wants, get in when he wants, just doesn’t have to play it period.

Defense - 5/5
One of the better u3 wakeup attacks, TP cancels, & good pokes.

Zoning/Anti-zoning - 4/5
Teleport is one of the best anti-zoning tools. Can completely take away characters zoning options.

Damage - 4/5
His damage is respectable, & he can convert off of anything because of spear.

Final Grade - 21/25

Offense - 2/5
A lot of f/block gaps in her strings, slow starters, most hit high. B3,4,3,4 & F3,4,3 are decent strings.

Neutral/Footsies - 4/5
Great d4, good walk speed, b2 good space control and whiff punisher.

Defense - 3/5
Good pokes, gdlk d2, good wakeup u3.

Zoning/Anti-zoning - 5/5
Her UpRang and Straight Rang are average. AirRang and Low Spark are her better zoning tools. Glow is great for anti-zoning.

Damage - 2/5
She doesn’t hit very hard.

Final Grade - 16/25
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Positive Poster!
With no patch in sight and Shang Tsung's release being more than two weeks away, now is a good time to create this thread. I created identical threads for Mortal Kombat X as well as Injustice 2 in the past and received positive feedback so I hope you participate and share your opinion of your main character(s).

Please do not post any tier lists in this thread. Instead, use the official tier list thread here. However, your final rating should represent a score that is consistent with the community's current consensus of your character(s). In other words, a character like Geras should receive no abnormally low final rating.

If you would like to rate your character, please use the following format and criteria.

1. Offensive options – 5/5 : this category revolves around 50/50 mix ups, pressure, and throws, including the throw’s range, position, and krushing blow requirements.

2. Neutral game and footsies – 5/5 : this category revolves around normal attacks and special moves that control the space in your vicinity, including the air.

3. Defensive options – 5/5 : this category revolves around defense, particularly the universal wake up and reversal attacks (i.e., safety, range, and hitbox). Also consider other prevalent defensive options (i.e., 6 frame d+1s, low-profiling pokes, and teleport escapes from the corner).

4. Zoning and anti-zoning – 5/5 : this category revolves around options outside of footsies range such as a projectile or a long-ranged physical attack. Also assess a character’s ability to punish projectiles and close the gap from a distance.

5. Damage output – 5/5 : this category revolves around the damage that a character is able to acquire from combos. Evaluate the damage output from combos, including resets, as well as the quantity and quality of krushing blows.

My main character ratings.
  1. Offense 1/5 - Jade has some of the worst normals in the game, notably F2 which is i28
  2. Neutral 3/5 - Jade's D4 is one of the best in the game but it pushes them out far. The rest of her options in the neutral are okay but nowhere near as good as Kabal's. Overall her neutral consists of jumping and throwing air glaives like an idiot. Which gets blown up by anyone decent.
  3. Defense 3/5 - Her u2 is unusable, her u3 is unsafe on block and barely any hit advantage on it. Her d1 is 7f so average. Her greatest strength, the projectile immunity is overshadowed by how everyone has a way around it either in the form of a move that's immune, a teleport to blow -44 up with or an advancing move that leads to massive damage.
  4. Zoning and Anti-Zoning 4/5 - Jade's only strength but Skarlet does this better.
  5. Damage output 0/5 - She has the worst damage in the game hands down.
11/25 - Low/Mid tier.


Soul Stealing Loyalist
  1. Offense 1/5 - Jade has some of the worst normals in the game, notably F2 which is i28
  2. Neutral 3/5 - Jade's D4 is one of the best in the game but it pushes them out far. The rest of her options in the neutral are okay but nowhere near as good as Kabal's. Overall her neutral consists of jumping and throwing air glaives like an idiot. Which gets blown up by anyone decent.
  3. Defense 3/5 - Her u2 is unusable, her u3 is unsafe on block and barely any hit advantage on it. Her d1 is 7f so average. Her greatest strength, the projectile immunity is overshadowed by how everyone has a way around it either in the form of a move that's immune, a teleport to blow -44 up with or an advancing move that leads to massive damage.
  4. Zoning and Anti-Zoning 4/5 - Jade's only strength but Skarlet does this better.
  5. Damage output 0/5 - She has the worst damage in the game hands down.
11/25 - Low/Mid tier.
You are an even bigger downplayer than @Juggs.


I'll be back 3ing
Skarlet - Blood Drive

Offensive options 5/5:
Slowball, +6 oB 33, KB on both throws, access to the most advantageous re-stands

Neutral game/Footsies 5/5:

Defense options 1/5:
Low d1 hit adv, bad d3/d4, bad u2,

Zoning/Anti Zoning 4/5:
The cast have very good answers to her zoning whether it's a faster projectile, a faster projectile that goes under highs as well as knocks you down while being almost twice as fast as your equivalent high crushing projectile :mad:, an air projectile, a teleport or a dash punch to punish a flawless blocked tentacle

Damage Output 2/5:
You don't really do combos