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Rate The Injustice Story Mode.


The Prettiest
LOL Me too. And toward the end, I didn't know what Batman he was talking to.
It just confused me because the "real" Cyborg transformed to look like the other Cyborg out of nowhere and there was no way to indicate which one was which until after the real one met up with Catwoman and she owned him.


I'd give it maybe a 4/5, no more than that. It was entertaining, with a lot of action, but the story itself was kind of one-dimensional and lacked proper exposition or build up to a lot of the scenes. I'd say MK9's story was definitely better, and set a standard for story in fighting games which this one didn't quite live up to.


The Prettiest
I'd give it maybe a 4/5, no more than that. It was entertaining, with a lot of action, but the story itself was kind of one-dimensional and lacked proper exposition or build up to a lot of the scenes. I'd say MK9's story was definitely better, and set a standard for story in fighting games which this one didn't quite live up to.
One-dimensional? :16Bit


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Epic story, 10/10. It made sense because it pushed Superman over the edge..but perhaps another Superman may not have done such, like the one (the good one) who fought him that we all know...

I genuinely enjoyed it.


Lawless Victory!
For the majority of it, I did really enjoy the story mode. But the last chapter was kind of meh...although it makes sense story-wise and thematically, it's still kind of anti climactic. Like, oh we just used Good Superman, and he kicked the crap out of everyone and then we all went home. Man, really? You literally just brought in a deus-ex and he fixed EVERYTHING?! What the fuck's the point of the damn justice league or any of the other characters for that matter? The insurgents only actually win after Good Superman has been bought over...until then all they've done is had a few meaningless scraps with a couple of the same regime members...

Another thing I didn't like was every single person you meet, you beat the crap out of. Nobody talks or listens in the story mode until AFTER they get knocked out. Why's everyone so god-damn stubborn that you literally have to beat them unconscious just so you can talk to them?! Shit, half of them are on the same side as you!

Lastly, a lot of (the same) cannon fodder enemies (this happened in MK9 too). I'm pretty sure I knocked out Hawk girl and Frost twice. In the span of 24 hours. I know they got the power pills and stuff, but really - couldn't I have fought a couple of the regime army as well in between to mix things up a little instead of you know, beating on the same folk again. Maybe have a fight where your character loses in the story too?

That said, it did have a lot of balls though. Just wish the last chapter was a bit more than "Good Superman wins."

Overall I'd give it a 4/5.
I was expecting a more complex story with some type of twist because someone (I think hector) said the sub-boss was unplayable and the actual boss was a beefed up version of a playable character. None of these were true, so it was very anti climactic for me. I thought I would see darkseid or something as a twist.
Which would be nice except that Lex in world 2 is a legit, straight-and-narrow good guy who's never commited a crime in his life.
He's confused on which earth. In our dc earth , lex gave joker the bomb. In the alternate joker got it from a sub he high jacked. It's in the comic. Unfortunately the comic should have been the game
The game is good ,but a little bit of a let down. The comics story is so much better. I wished they would have included it for the first half. I truly thought that the story was going to be either about alien control (starro looks like the superman flags) or a trick by ares. I find it strange how evil the league becomes. At one point the game and the comic don't even match , Shazam says "nice to meet you " to Aquaman ,but in the comics they fought. There's no way green lantern would have let supes kill arrow ...or for that matter the corp letting lantern go evil. Who replaced him? There shouldn't have been a second universe in the game, it should have been about batman gathering support to fight superman. Wasn't this game suppose to be about the two fighting ? And yet they never do. Also it's half the campaign of mk9 .to damn short.


Justice 4 Firestorm
But the story of the comics was written after Tom Taylor (iirc) read the script for the game's story...


Likes nerds with big ...
Yeah, the comic storyline is a different animal to the storyline of the game. It's basically what a novelized version of a film is to the film. It's expanded and altered to fit the medium but with enough to keep them together.

That said, are the comics a worthwhile investment? I got issue #1 when they were giving it out for free and I enjoyed it. It actually added a lot for me to the opening cinematic of the game (I actually felt bad for the big dope Supes) but I feel lost to the depth of it all.