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Rate The Injustice Story Mode.


Shadow Priest
I felt Superman was waaay out character. Good and Bad Superman was so boss, that he was out of character.

Shazam joined Superman out of fear? Whaat? Noo.. Shazam and Supes are damn near equals. Without a doubt, a lot of Shazam fans were disappointed.

Story was kind of clutched, but I'll still give it 5 Stars. Very entertaining.


Scary Bat
Hmm I don't think he did it out of fear, Shazam is just a kid in an adult's body. He just looked up to Superman I guess, in the story he says a lot that Superman is good/right, he's just a little bit naive in believing that Superman is faultless.

3 stars, because I liked a lot of the character interaction, but it was too short, more could have been done & some of the cutscenes were atrocious.


Shadow Priest
Hmm I don't think he did it out of fear, Shazam is just a kid in an adult's body. He just looked up to Superman I guess, in the story he says a lot that Superman is good/right, he's just a little bit naive in believing that Superman is faultless.
True. They fought on many occasions. Either resulting in a tie. Or Shazam's carelessness to show that at the end of the day, he's still a kid.

Again, Yeah, I can see Shazam is just a kid. But Superman killed him waay to easy, imo. I was left speechless.


Scary Bat
Other criticisms are that the villains are really under-utilized, I mean the story is basically heroes vs. evil Heroes ft. Lex and Joker.

Ares feels like he was added in last minute, he appears randomly in the story, says some stuff, and then disappears again without really adding anything to what's going on. Same with Killer Frost. And Hawkgirl.

Robotic Shark

you can never have too much honey
did any one else notice that when ever a hero fought his doppelganger the "good guy" always won kinda annoying

story was good but had some flaws so I give it a 4.5 out of 5


Well-Known Member
Liked the story.

Disliked the story mode.

I finished it in like 4 hours while doing homework. I was expecting more of an epic finale, some what like MK9's.
did any one else notice that when ever a hero fought his doppelganger the "good guy" always won kinda annoying

story was good but had some flaws so I give it a 4.5 out of 5
Yes I did, among numerous other glaring flaws: http://testyourmight.com/threads/the-story-mode-spoilers.30151/page-3

How did evil Joker get his nuke?

I give it a 4/10 with points for the dialogue and action cutscenes. The actual events of the story were gargbage, imo.

Edit: The entire story - team of heroes realise they can't save the day, so they call Superman. Everyone but Superman is superfluous.


Scary Bat
How did evil Joker get his nuke?
It's sort of implied Lex gave it to him.

But yeah I'm pretty disappointed in it, remember all the super-theorizing we were doing before the game came out? like who's on whose side etc. but it sort of ended up being a bit flat, they could have done something much grander with it. Off the top of my head I would have had it so when you cross over between universes someone has to replace you, to keep balance or some crap, that way you could have had Insurgency Bats round up some villains and send them over to normal earth to counter his bringing across a few heroes, he leaves normal earth Superman & some others there to deal with those villains and brings across the guys he needs to unlock the case.

That way you could have had story missions for all the villains as well, and they could meet their counterparts too!


Ill give it 4.5/5. Entertaing bad superman was pretty cool. I felt superman saving the was a little cheese.. at least they tried to do it without him and even ffought about themselves throwback.


I liked the story it's just a shame it was too short. I would've liked a bit more background information on the characters themselves to be honest, I don't really know the characters at all xD


Nothing gets past the Cold Field.
Since Killer Frost and Ares were the last ones to be revealed, I expected them to have a major part in the story especially Ares (I thought he was the main boss or some shit). But no, they appeared in the story like 2 times and that's it.



Shadow Priest
Since Killer Frost and Ares were the last ones to be revealed, I expected them to have a major part in the story especially Ares (I thought he was the main boss or some shit). But no, they appeared in the story like 2 times and that's it.

TBH.. Arez was out of place. 40% of the roster is just filler.


Scary Bat
Which would be nice except that Lex in world 2 is a legit, straight-and-narrow good guy who's never commited a crime in his life.
...Oh yeah! I was thinking of in earth one in the intro... I guess it's difficult to tell. In the prequel comic you don't see the nuke at all, when Joker 2 is captured he's nowhere near it
Other criticisms are that the villains are really under-utilized, I mean the story is basically heroes vs. evil Heroes ft. Lex and Joker.

Ares feels like he was added in last minute, he appears randomly in the story, says some stuff, and then disappears again without really adding anything to what's going on. Same with Killer Frost. And Hawkgirl.

Ares did stuff but he was used only as a plot device.

Without his interference EvilDiana would've convinced the Amazons to help EvilSupes.

He was necessary to reunite Aquaman with the rest of the team but that whole trip to Atlantis wasn't necessary to the story in the first place.

We could have gotten exposition when AlternateBatman found Wonderwoman and Ollie.

You are correct about Hawkgirl she was canon fodder.

You are technically correct about Killer Frost. Potentially her actions could've created an opportunity for the alternate reality Justice Leage to invade the Insurrectionists Hideout but that ended up going nowhere and EvilDiana ended up getting dissed twice by Deathstroke.


Monster Island Tournaments
Story started off good but then got way to bland. Not upping the ante for a final boss and just having a Superman vs Superman finale was anti climatic to say the least. After mk9 I was also expecting a story mode on par or longer in length and it was what half?

Also would it kill NRS to actually use the Unreal Engine? I'm not a graphics whore but some of the backgrounds in story mode weren't from this decade.

I give it a 5 out of 10. Comic is much more interesting.

Living Corpse

Story Mode: Pretty fun, was not expecting random mini-games which while were useful in removing some of my foe's health before a round giving me an advantage it was also a double edged sword in that because I didn't know it was coming nor have enough time to understand what was going on and read what buttons to press I'd more often find myself being the victim instead. Overall though the mode was a fun way of learning how to play different characters and the presentation was pretty good, giving a nice cinematic feel. I'm just a little down that, Bane, Grundy and Doomsday weren't really bosses. They were just big dudes.

4 out of 5.

Story: The story was kind of disappointing after being hyped up as "better then MK9's". It's not bad mind you, it's just not good either. It's so okay that it's so-so and does enough to keep me interested but not enough to make me not feel like I'm disconnected from the events going on. Basically it was like a dumb but fun summer block buster film in that it has enough action to keep you going but not a whole lot of depth to keep you thinking about it long after the end credits have gone by. It was just enough to get the job done.

If there is one thing I like it's that Superman came off as a villain I could believe. I know enough about comics to know that they've made him evil before but it was just the generic evil for the sake of being evil kind. Here I could actually believe it cause he isn't trying to be evil, he really thinks that he has to resort to this just to keep us safe, not realizing that ironically he has become our biggest threat.

As for killing Shazam, it's simple really he's been in total control of the world for so long that this combined with the guilt of knowing he killed millions including his wife and unborn baby he is mental unstable and when mentally unstable people have power long enough they on some level start to think of themselves as a god and may not even know that. So when you have someone with a god complex and a lot of power to back up that complex and you upset them they're gonna lash out. Especially if it involves a dead loved one or something they feel guilty about in this case both. Shazam should have kept his mouth shut but being a 12 year old he didn't stop and realize this would not be a good thing to talk about. And as for Ares I got the impression he was sort of manipulating the heroes by telling them some important info about Superman so there would be more conflict to fuel him.

Now I'll admit right here and right now I am by no means an expert on DC Comics, most of the things I know is either from the toons I watched when younger and second hand info from a friend who does read comics. I only have passing knowledge on guys like Nightwing, Raven and Doomsday and don't know jack squat about Doomsday or Green Arrow (though he became a favorite with his witty humor) so my little mini review is not from a DC Comic fan's point of view but from just a general populace point of view.

Despite not knowing who half the cast was it was easy enough for me to get into the story and game so I think that's a good sign that you don't need to be a Teen Titans fan and have an encyclopedia knowledge of who is who to enjoy it.

It could have been better but by that same token it could have easily been worse. I'd say rent it first and if you like it then buy it.

3 out of 5.

EDIT: Another thing that bugs me and I had this problem with MK9 is that at times it feels like only the fighters exist and no other people do. Sure we see signs of normal people and even see them in the background of certain stages but they're all so generic looking that they look like dolls and it just reinforces that weird feeling that only the fighters exist. I'm sorry but most of the "oh shit Earthrealm is being invaded" stuff doesn't come off as suspenseful half the time. Not to say it never does, it felt like something big was happening when Cyber-Sub save some human soldiers but just like MK9, IGAU feels like a big empty world most of the time which is a shame considering how well done the presentation is, sometimes cut-scenes come off as epic when there's a fight and you only notice in the back of your mind that no one is being killed or that the armies are small and there's no civilians running for their lives.