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Breakthrough Rain: New Outlook


Go to hell.
Rain used to be thought of as a rushdown character, with all this frame advantage on RH cancels and these glorious mix ups. While in most MUs Rain's RH pressure is very good and very viable, and some (like Kitana) absolutely necessary, most MUs should be played with footsies.

Footsies? Nenray y u go ful reetrd? Rain's 4RH has amazing reach and at just 10 frames, is a perfect punisher. Rain also hits extremely hard, and has decent tools to check people. His super armor is near ice clone level at blowing up footsies, and far superior at stopping pressure. Rain's pokes are mediocre, but with moves like B2 and 4 that have serious reach (and B2 gives Rain a crazy hitbox), I think trying to out think, out footsie, and be more patient than your opponent is the way to go. Stop using Rain like a flamboyantly dressed Johnny Cage and use him like a Raiden with less teleport and more swag.


Truth and Ugly
You'd be amazed at the shit I've been reading/hearing over Xbox live about Rain, and I'm not even going to act like I know Rain's ins and outs.
Well preach the good word sir! Hopefully some of those fools will realise some of Rain's potential, though it's crazy hard to play defensive/reactive footsies online :(, I tend to just eat jump ins and crossovers till I just spam geyser like Rain's in da club gettin his bounce on.

Big D

Relevant In An Irrelevant Time
I really hate to RAIN on people's parades, but I play ERMAC and I think Rain is kind of bad...Dont ask why...its just how I feel.


Show me what you can do
I don't claim to know anything about Rain, but I always felt he was more footsies based. The whole "DAMN I'm good" persona didn't seem right. I'm thinking of picking him up as a third, so it's nice to see I wasn't wrong. (Not claiming I was right...)

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Superior to ice clone?

Can you throw it whenever u want? No. Can it be used mid air to cancel jumps? No. How about option select? No. (not really sure on this one lol)

nenray pls... U dun gone full retard


Go to hell.
He also said far superior at stopping pressure...

Not really cause u only have it with meter.
Uh clone doesn't pop half the time in CQC, while super armor isn't proximity based and takes more than one hit while leading to way more damage. They are both great moves, but en roundhouse>>>clone. It's meter based but who gives a shit when you get 40-50% and super armor.

And who needs clone for AA when I have 4, 2, B21+2? Option selects aren't super great either.

Stop being butthurt about your fish bro :p Purple is better than blue any day


xbl-OBS trustinme
rain is one of the very few characters ive never changed my opinion on,ive always said he's really good.


Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
Rain's footsies are good, but can not revolve your whole game around them. Rain's footsies are very good when he is in range of punishing with 4rh, and JIP range. in this range you can use his great standing 1, and D1 AA, Armored dash, and apply pressure pretty easily. If you stay just outside this range rain is kinda fucked, you can't use lighting, waterport, aqua blast, d4 or standing 4 without the fear of being whiff punished, and if your opponent has the life lead he can pretty much stay hear and laugh at you.
now, the good thing about rain is his damage, once you land 40 - 50% and get the life lead, make your opponent come to you, and take another 50% when he fucks up =)
Rain is a tank, play him like one
I think rain is great. Quick punishers, big damage, ridiculous armor. He has shit zoning and a big hitbox. But his armor can nulify his cons to a degree.


you don't get it, do you?
What's the deal about all the rain hype here? His damage is nice, but that's about it, all his tools r from mediocre (RH) to complete bullshit .


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Standing 4, Standing 2, B2, B2 1+2 and B23 are all amazing footsie tools, not to mention the RH cancels of some of these and the water gun move, which is good for spacing.

Hey....and as an aside Rain players...has anyone toyed with the idea of using water bubble to lame people out?

Follow me here....

In my mind, Rain is all about footsies, limited pressure, and heavy punishes. Say you get off a good 40% punish...which is easy for the character...what if you used a water bubble in the middle of your next combo to push them full-screen?

Enhance it, and you drain some meter. Use B2, water gun, etc to space them out and if they get in, armor through the offense and put them right back to full screen with the bubble again.

Does this have any validity?


kung lao swag walker
Clayman, you couldn't be more incorrect. Damage, armor, strong punishes and footsies....what more could you want?
You know that man don't exist he is just a troll. I mean c'mon anyone with any fg sense can tell you smoke is hella good in this game. That character has never left top 10 in the tier list


Standing 4, Standing 2, B2, B2 1+2 and B23 are all amazing footsie tools, not to mention the RH cancels of some of these and the water gun move, which is good for spacing.

Hey....and as an aside Rain players...has anyone toyed with the idea of using water bubble to lame people out?

Follow me here....

In my mind, Rain is all about footsies, limited pressure, and heavy punishes. Say you get off a good 40% punish...which is easy for the character...what if you used a water bubble in the middle of your next combo to push them full-screen?

Enhance it, and you drain some meter. Use B2, water gun, etc to space them out and if they get in, armor through the offense and put them right back to full screen with the bubble again.

Does this have any validity?
I don't know about fully shutting anyone down, but during online play I sabotage any non-skilled, non-teleporter's wake up game by throwing a water bubble at them if I knock them down full screen (like with a geyser kick or something). Almost always build meter and leave them with a standing/crouching block midscreen. I'll have to toy with your point a little more. I bet it would make certain matchups a lot easier.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I'm not calling this idea new tech by any means, but there may be something to it.


I'm not calling this idea new tech by any means, but there may be something to it.
I'll probably be one of the last people to trust on this site since my only real matches are all online (no one to play with in Mankato, MN :(), but I'll give it a shot a few times and provide you with my data.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I was also thinking that, after the full-screen push, you can bait with RH cancels and maybe, cancel from RH to lightning or something else depending on what your opponent does.