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Question Punish Options?

Disaster FX

Boom Bap Dragon
Punish options are dependant heavily on who you are fighting and what you're punishing. If you're doing a check on something like say a Green Lantern trying to B12 xx trait you on block, D12 is my go to string. From there, the two best options are:
Cancel to Phantom Strike: If they block Phantom Strike it because you weren't quick enough, you remain safe and if you want another 10% on your combo for cheap MB only comes out on hit. Similar tactic to Aquaman poking and ending strings with MB Trident Rush.

Cancel to MB Close Ground Blast: If they block the MB Ground Blast, you push them almost full screen and they take 6% chip. And depending on spacing, they may be unable to pushblock.

My go to punish is always F21U2 if I know I have the punish. It's not too slow for it, the timing just takes getting used to and you have to commit to the string rather than hit confirm.


Prepare to be broken!
Well green lanter surely rapes the crap out of me and I can't seem to punsish any of his crap. Though maybe it's the online lag from your are telling me? =_=


In my experiences online with Zod thus far armoring a b3 or f3 seems to be a pretty good option but not always the best. Its true that they made him so slow that punishing anything is just ridiculously difficult unless its something really unsafe. Its like I said in an earlier post. I don't think Zod was thoroughly tested among the entire cast. I think there was a lot of Zod on Zod action because Zod only really seems to punish Zod and a few others. The frame data says these moves come out at this speed and that but when I read something easily, block it, and go to punish and get caught because Zod decides his foot can take its sweet time reaching a character then I have my doubts. Also I see a lot of people saying d12 but let's be honest, that move has very little range and there isn't much combo potential off of it when it really counts. You're not going to block everything and so between their huge combos hitting and that whee little punish combo hitting who do you think is going to win out. Zod needs speed and a patch on his trait. I don't know what they were thinking making him this slow. Sure the moves start up in a relatively decent amount of time but go hit f12 on Zod and then go hit say f23 on Superman and notice the huge difference. And the word is out that Zod is slow, no one fears you unless the trait is up or if they have wickedly slow reaction speed. Now combine Zod's already slow speed with online lag and you've got yourself a formula drastically in the opponent's favor. I am not saying he's unusable because I do main him and I'm not saying he is entirely incapable of punishing but when we match him up against the countless Supermans, GL's, BA's, Aquamans, and other favored characters out there, he doesn't exactly have many options. But some times you can catch them off guard with a well placed HB. And yea GL, Superman, Black Adam, and Aquaman have been really touch match ups for me. O and Batgirl can be a bit of a pain.

Edit: Ok so for punish options. To play Zod you need to know the game quite well. No one has mentioned the reversal window. Rarely do we get stuffed by lows, or at least in my fights, when trying to punish. I started using the reversal window to pull out Zod's parry to get quick little damage and breathing room. Also the side arm has the same amount of start up as the ground Zod Charge. It stumbles the opponent backwards and if you are consistently faster than them you can dash right in into a full combo. Lots of testing to be done with the guy. He is still pretty new.

A New Angel Is Advent

mutton basher
So yes F2 is a pretty good go to on the previously mentioned unsafe moves. Seems like the best universal. I've had some success at countering a point blank DS sword flip with 112 close db2 and batgirl teleport with 22db2 for an easy 40%.


Mortal Kombat Philippines / Injustice Philippines
Cancel to MB Close Ground Blast: If they block the MB Ground Blast, you push them almost full screen and they take 6% chip. And depending on spacing, they may be unable to pushblock.

My go to punish is always F21U2 if I know I have the punish. It's not too slow for it, the timing just takes getting used to and you have to commit to the string rather than hit confirm.
d12 xx MB Close Ground Blast IMO is the best punish option. I have the most success with this one, leading to a ground blast setup or trait.

Whats the optimal damage you can get tho? Ive been doing d12 xx mb CGB, dash 123 (4 or xx gb)

I havent been landing a f21u2 punish consistently but its can be really good since you dont waste a meter for a good damage. And cancelling f21u2 to zod charge on block isnt really safe against some characters.


Fabled Villain
F21, Close Ground Blast (MB), Ji3, F213, Zod Charge/Phantom Strike


112, Close Ground Blast (MB), Ji3, F213, Zod Charge/Phantom Strike


A New Angel Is Advent

mutton basher
I've also found that B12 laser is surprisingly good at interrupting gaps in blockstrings. Gotta keep working at it until throwing it out is a calculated science.

A New Angel Is Advent

mutton basher
Allow me to be exposed with my answer so so far:
Against batman, sinestro, and flash it's been working some but I don't play any of those characters. Batman, after blocking but before a b23 getaway, against sinestro blocked b13 (I think, and it's negative on block but caught him before a tick throw), flash it was after a poke into an overhead. I'll stop before I post bad/inaccurate info, but this weekend i plan on fleshing this out when I get a couple people over who play said characters. I really need to put in more work before I'm confident with using this to switch advantage.

B1 is effective more due to hitbox than frames. So I push buttons when I'm pushed back to about the edge of his foot.