My personal explanation is a mix of a number of reasons:why can fighting games trigger anger and toxic impulses so hard and why do people give in to it?
take that question with a grain of salt
1) I'm one of the very, very few people who even play fighting games in my social circle. And by playing online since it became available, I realized I could consistently beat the majority of casual and average players, eventually managing to consistently beat good players, and now, trying to reach the level of beating excellent pro players. This all sediments itself in my head as the feeling of: playing fighting games is one of the very few things I do VERY well, and most people dont even play a fighting game to begin with, so I must be better than a very large number of people at this particular thing.
2) Since, according to the logic of the first point that I'm supposedly better than most people, it must mean I should be winning most of the time. If I lose, the entire validation of "IM SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD AT THIS ONE THING" creeps out in nasty ways. "If am not good at this, then what am I good for?" - cue toxic rage feelings.
3) Sometimes I make a hard read, react accordingly and still get punished by some dumb streak of luck, or the game fucking up or something random. This again brings up the rage, as "well I KNEW he was going to do it, I did everything right and still failed, this is just unfair". It would not be a big deal, were it not, again, for point 1.
Fortunately, these disfunctional feelings of relating worthness with how good I'm at playing MK (which is entirely silly and illogical for a plethora of reasons) have severely diminished in strenght as I got older and got into therapy (for reasons entirely unrelated).
Long post, just to see if someone else relates in some way to this?