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Dojo Trainee
Something to get you hyped for Mortal Kombat 12. I was blessed to get to tour NetherRelm Studios last year while most employees were working from home. (Yes our group wore Mortal Kombat masks) The tour was the same basic tour most YouTubers take. We got to nerd out in the main hall with the giant Scorpion statue. (there's a Kung Lao statue as well) We visited the mocap studio and play with some epic weapons. Next, we visited Goro's Lair but none of the games were turned on. We ended with a peek into what our guide called where the magic happens. Our guide opened the door for maybe 10 seconds. Luckily I have a pretty good memory. Only one desk had a light on. It had 5 pictures push pined above it. Picture 1 was what looked like Havik, Rain, Tanya, and an Outworld Army standing on a cliff overlooking a Palace surrounded by waterfalls (Edina).

Picture #2 Split into 2 pictures/Krypt Guy placing a gem into the bottom of a Warrior Shrine statue. 2nd side of the picture: Krypt Fight on top of the picture in big letters and Johnny Cage vs Possibly Krypt guy fighting on the Warrior Shrine Stage. Picture #3 was Taven with a Dragon tattoo on the left side of his face and neck. Picture #4 Next to him was Deagon with a Dragon tattoo on the right side of his face and neck. Picture #5 was a sketch of Krypt guy digging in the living Forrest (looked amazing) This could all just be Koncept art that wasn't used, scrapped DLC, or fan Art the developer wanted to display? Thought that you might find it interesting. It was a dream come true to visit the studio and I already want to go back. I really want to meet more of the team. I saw one other thing but I respect the team and hope it doesn't leak. I just thought you would find it interesting and hopefully see the Krypt expanded.

Has anyone else visited NetherRelm Studios in Chicago? We tried to go to Galloping Ghost Arcade but it was closed.


Dojo Trainee
Why only share this now, did you have to sign a contract that you couldn't talk about it for a year? And that concept art definitely sounds like it was meant for MK11. Nothing regarding MK12 tbh.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
I went to Disney Land 4 years ago, they told me Mickey Mouse was going to be a guest character in MK14.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
She is defiantly one of the best original characters from Deception and a very worthy entry into the modern game if they make another one. If you are looking for awesome never updated characters she would be up there in the top of my list for sure.
Woah, you know I've never looked at it in that way. I've seen the light
Good. Now you know.

Wrong. Reiko and Daegon have potential.
Name 12 ways they could be worth a damn.

And no "being cool in thstory mode!1" will not be accepted, I want movelist ideas.

A year ago I would've added Li Mei to the crap list but you know what? There's some stuff you could do with Li Mei.
Reiko? He's been everywhere lately and all I see is a storymode npc AT BEST. Daegon and Taven are incredibly generic.


Personally, I think most 3D era characters should be left to the sands of time. I know that era has it's fans, people who grew up with those titles, but they're considered the lowest point of the franchise for a reason.

The majority of the new characters from the modern trilogy are far better than the bulk of those 3D era characters.

Personally I'd take excellent guest characters over Havik, Ashrah, Bo'Rai Cho, etc., and I'm not the biggest fan of guest characters.
Personally, I think most 3D era characters should be left to the sands of time. I know that era has it's fans, people who grew up with those titles, but they're considered the lowest point of the franchise for a reason.

The majority of the new characters from the modern trilogy are far better than the bulk of those 3D era characters.

Personally I'd take excellent guest characters over Havik, Ashrah, Bo'Rai Cho, etc., and I'm not the biggest fan of guest characters.
When it comes down to it I'd say Fujin/Quan Chi/Shinnok/Tanya/Kenshi/BRC (Begrudgingly) were great successes.
While Rambo, Robocop, Terminator, Cetrion, Jacqui Briggs, Frost as a lesser Cyborg Sub-Zero didn't work as much.

Most of the 3D Era is best left forgotten but there are still some ideas to explore with some. It's just recognizing the ideas to explore like Body Contortionist with Chaos Magick or a Xianghua/Wu Xia female fighter vs Reiko who can only throw ninja stars and do a silly popup kick or Kira the Sonya/Kano fusion.

Afk Skinny

3D Krusader
With the recent praise a lot of the 3D reps have gotten in the nrs era, there's no reason to assume they'll be the same as they were in Midway era and think they won't do anything to improve on them. I want to see how nrs can liven up these 'duds'. I wanna see them take risks, roster has been way too safe, I would gladly take a re-imagined Ashrah, Li Mei, and Havik over Kano, Sonya, and Jax for at least 1 game


Thrill Kill
I think hating the 3D era characters is just a meme. Most of those who have been brought back are way better than they were back then, so I'd like to see more.

Good: Quan Chi, Shinnok, Tanya, Kenshi, Fujin, even Bo Rai Cho and Tremor

Bad: Frost

Okay, there's some characters like Jarek, Dairou, Kobra, Kira... that are just terrible. But it's only a handful of them!

I would gladly take a re-imagined Ashrah, Li Mei, and Havik over Kano, Sonya, and Jax for at least 1 game
What? No

Every playable character from MK1-MK2 should always be base roster.


When it comes down to it I'd say Fujin/Quan Chi/Shinnok/Tanya/Kenshi/BRC (Begrudgingly) were great successes.
While Rambo, Robocop, Terminator, Cetrion, Jacqui Briggs, Frost as a lesser Cyborg Sub-Zero didn't work as much.
For my own part, even though Mortal Kombat 4 was the first 3D game in the series, I don't consider it a 3D era game because it's (more or less) Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 on a limited 3D plane, and the characters are still Tobias characters. So I don't consider Shinnok, Quan Chi, Fujin, or Tanya to be part of the 3D Era. I'm talking about new characters from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Mortal Kombat: Deception, and Mortal Kombat: Armageddon.

Bo'Rai Cho is not a success though. Ever. He's a character that should never be playable ever again. I don't have an issue with Kenshi. Frost is redundant. Terminator, Robocop, and Rambo are guest characters and they worked well for what they were. I preferred Terminator and Robocop over Freddy and Jason, for example. There's nothing wrong with Jacqui or Cetrion.

To each their own though.

Every playable character from MK1-MK2 should always be base roster.
100% agree on this.

Afk Skinny

3D Krusader
What? No

Every playable character from MK1-MK2 should always be base roster.
Why though? Even NRS doesn't hold to this with Reptile, and were it not for the outcry, Mileena. In fairness I will say Jax is more interesting than Sonya and Kano. But those 2 really can stand to miss a game or 2. Lets be honest, as long as the name is Mortal Kombat, Scorpion and Subby and random genre of guests are in. It's gonna sell like hot cakes, they can afford to take chances on the roster
"Nothing wrong with Jacqui or Cetrion" yeah Big disagree on that one.
To each their own indeed.

It's a shame about Frost being redundant, I like that she has Sub-Zero's old Ice Shake and the Icicles/Dive Bomb work better for her as a general concept than it did on Cyber Sub. She's always struck me as the one who should have unrefined ice weapons and an aggressive playstyle while Sub-Zero has Ice Swords, Axes, Hammers, Daggers, Clones and should be the patient defense oriented character.

Sub-zero has had so many moves throughout the years, I do think Frost having some of them makes her worth keeping just not the Cyborg crap. And she's not even a classic enough cyborg for people to enjoy in that regard either.

So yeah initially I thought it was alright but in the end... the Frost diehards were right, keep her as a human.
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Are you talking character/story, or Tier Lists? I'm talking about character and story, and there's nothing wrong with those two.
I'm gonna level with you, I don't care about story anymore. I'm quite sick of pretending like it's some big important thing.

I don't play MK for years because of the story, don't get me wrong it's nice the first couple weeks. There's bits and pieces of lore I like but after that I'm done, I want to play the fighting game.

What can a character do? What playstyle do they bring to the table? Are they cool looking or do cool things? Kotal Kahn, Quan Chi, Sheeva, Kollector, Skarlet, Baraka, D'vorah, Mileena, Ferra/Torr, Reptile... these are jobbers. But I would take any of them in a new MK because they have so much personality and uniqueness when it comes to gameplay. This is why Kenshi and Kano are also popular, when's the last time they won a story mode battle?

MK11 Jacqui was a collection of crap thrown at the wall to see what stuck in hopes that people would like her. Didn't work, people despise Jacqui on account of her gameplay NRS never bothered to properly deal with. She's been frequently mocked as a "fan favorite" and as for the story mode you could remove her and nothing would really change. She's only there to give Jax a character arc and that's pretty pathetic if you ask me.

Cetrion? What can I say about her gameplay except ResidentSleeper? She had a decent concept on paper as the goddess of life but in execution she played like an Injustice character. After Customs everybody evolved and there are many ways to play a character these days but with her you can only play Cetrion one single way. So we move on to story and she ends up being not just a jobber but a doormat for her mother. She doesn't just die once, she dies twice, both times as a sacrifice to power up Kronika.

And this is where "jobbing in story mode" hurts a character like this, If you're a loser in story and boring in gameplay, What do you have? You can try and improve her ugly base design. I dunno about you but that's pretty dire to me.

"I'm Jim Cornette and that's my opinion."
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I'm gonna level with you, I don't care about story anymore. I'm quite sick of pretending like it's some big important thing.

I don't play MK for years because of the story, don't get me wrong it's nice the first couple weeks. There's bits and pieces of lore I like but after that I'm done, I want to play the fighting game.

What can a character do? What playstyle do they bring to the table? Are they cool looking or do cool things? Kotal Kahn, Quan Chi, Sheeva, Kollector, Skarlet, Baraka, D'vorah, Mileena, Ferra/Torr, Reptile... these are jobbers. But I would take any of them in a new MK because they have so much personality and uniqueness when it comes to gameplay. This is why Kenshi and Kano are also popular, when's the last time they won a story mode battle?

MK11 Jacqui was a collection of crap thrown at the wall to see what stuck in hopes that people would like her. Didn't work, people despise Jacqui on account of her gameplay NRS never bothered to properly deal with. She's been frequently mocked as a "fan favorite" and as for the story mode you could remove her and nothing would really change. She's only there to give Jax a character arc and that's pretty pathetic if you ask me.

Cetrion? What can I say about her gameplay except ResidentSleeper? She had a decent concept on paper as the goddess of life but in execution she played like an Injustice character. After Customs everybody evolved and there are many ways to play a character these days but with her you can only play Cetrion one single way. So we move on to story and she ends up being not just a jobber but a doormat for her mother. She doesn't just die once, she dies twice, both times as a sacrifice to power up Kronika.

And this is where "jobbing in story mode" hurts a character like this, If you're a loser in story and boring in gameplay, What do you have? You can try and improve her ugly base design. I dunno about you but that's pretty dire to me.

"I'm Jim Cornette and that's my opinion."
Okay, but judging whether a character should be in the next game or not based on current gameplay doesn't make a lot of sense since the games always play so differently.

Look at Jacqui in Mortal Kombat XL and Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate; they're totally different gameplay-wise.

For story and lore, the overall franchise is a glorified soap opera but it's still those back stories that help to make characters cool. If you look at the narrative structure, until "Aftermath," antagonists always lost in the modern trilogy since you don't play as them. So Cetrion, being on the antagonistic side, was doomed to loose.

Having said all that, I don't see what's wrong with the overall characters themselves. They're certainly not the highlight characters of the stories, but they're far, far, far, far better than the 3D era characters. Look at Bo'Rai Cho, a comic relief character who farts and pukes! Thanks but no thanks. I'll take Cetrion or Jacqui over him any day. Heck I'd take Kollector or Ferra/Torr too! At least they fit more with the tone of the overall world.

But again, to each their own. I still be playing the next game regardless of who's in, though I just hope that Kitana and Mileena are base roster.
For some characters "Current" is all we have to base our opinions on or it's just the 3D Games. Some characters from the 3D era have good ideas to explore, others do not.. like I said you gotta figure out which ones have potential and which ones are Jarek and Mavado.

Saying Jacqui is better than Hsu Hao is really not saying much.

And on the subject of Jacqui Briggs, the thing is you could change her moveset but I'm just so sick to death of her at this point.
You want to see her in 12? Here's what I'd do:

-Give her the Shotgun Arms that could Restand, No Full Auto, No DOT Goop, No Rockets, Just Shotgun Arms.
-The Jump never ever comes back, Divebomb/Groundpound can go, doing Gauntlet stuff from a jump can go. Essentially just keep her on the ground.
-The Muay Thai and the Lethal Clinch work. Keep it. Cybernetic Override and Robo Grappler? Nah that'd be too much.
-Give her the Flying Knee. I'd prefer the Knee because it's more suited to her than wholesale copying Jax's flying punch
-Tech-Dome is crap, trash it. Why isn't her Shield a real move? It's gear, it's a brutality, it's a fatal blow setpiece but it's not a real move?
-Why aren't her sticky bombs a real move? D'vorah can use her bugs to sting you once they're applied, Her sticky bombs could have worked the same way.

Now she's an in your face brawler like her dad but with a more gadget oriented approach. Same basic idea as 11 and X went for but improved because she's not jumping all over the place, she's standing out from her dad with her own unique stuff and it's not JUST Gun Arms. But again, I'd honestly rather she just go away. Make her MK11 ending canon.

And yeah there's a reason BRC is begrudgingly there, I personally hate the farty vomit stuff but he's got a unique movestyle out of it. People remember it. I still hate it.