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Presidential Debate 2012


It's just a teleprompter reader vs another teleprompter reader. I would never waste my time watching one of these scripted debates. It's clear that Mittens Willard (his real name) Romney is just a fall guy.


Master of Quanculations
Kerry was a much better debator than Bush Jr. Look how that turned out.
Yeah but Kerry's party wasn't on the side of voter fraud. Romney got away with murder tonight. Blatant lies about his tax plans, and Obama let him get away with it. Obama wouldn't fight against the numbers being thrown at him. He looked bad. This was exactly what Romney needed. Add in the voter suppression laws and the fraud that was just committed by their registration offices, and he can take this thing.


Command Grabber
The people like Obama not Romney that much was clear to me. I think Romney will lose because people just don't like him. The average person doesn't care about what Romney said. He just comes off as a prick.


Master of Quanculations
The people like Obama not Romney that much was clear to me. I think Romney will lose because people just don't like him. The average person doesn't care about what Romney said. He just comes off as a prick.
Obama didn't get to hit him for all his shit. That's why Obama lost. It's because he rolled over. He never got to attack Romney for his and his party's attacks on women's reproductive freedom. The stripping of funding from family planning centers. The tax evasion through the Cayman islands. The anti-gay policies. And Obama just completely let Romney lie about his tax cuts for the wealthy. What a train wreck.


Command Grabber
Obama didn't get to hit him for all his shit. That's why Obama lost. It's because he rolled over. He never got to attack Romney for his and his party's attacks on women's reproductive freedom. The stripping of funding from family planning centers. The tax evasion through the Cayman islands. The anti-gay policies. And Obama just completely let Romney lie about his tax cuts for the wealthy. What a train wreck.
I wish he would've called Romney out for his bullshit American flag lapel pin. Adding nonsense on top of the American flag and parading it around like you're better then everyone else? Not how you get on MY good side.


Romney is a smug ass hat. I don't even pay attention to politics and that much I know. I think Obama takes this election going away, or maybe that's just me hoping that Romney doesn't win.
Initially listening to the debate, I feel like Romney won it with public speaking ability and his calling out of Obama. Obama quoted too many sources, cited too many hard facts, and was at times boring as he was just rattling off things instead of doing what a president is supposed to do; be an influential figurehead. Obama approached it with science and logic, with the mindset of a congressman, not a president... whereas Romney authoritatively controlled the debate (and repeatedly told the moderator he's a scrub and to go die of aids), brushed off evidence and told people "look, this is the way that it's got to be. You can site your sources all you want but the bottom line is ________."

I'm not speaking specifically to the content of what they said, just the way they presented themselves overall. Going on that alone, Romney won by a landslide, and to a lot of people that is quite influential, regardless of the underlying facts and issues... presentation is key, especially in a society as shallow as ours in the US.

Just my 2c


LBSH guys. We all know Ron Paul will sweep this election through undecided voters.
Ron Paul is the real deal, he doesn't need a teleprompter, but he won't even be on the ballot. I've seen far more (probably 10 to 1) Ron Paul bumper stickers than Mittens Romney stickers. My mormon neighbors across the street don't even support Mittens Romney.


Come On Die Young
In the debate, I agree with the general sentiment here that Romney looked like a winner despite what any of the facts are. He went on the offensive without sounding like a right-wing extremist. Constantly citing his work as governor in a blue state was definitely an appeal to independent voters. However, I thought Obama's closing statement was stronger (even if Lehrer was like "mr... m... mr pres.... mr.... the time.... stahp"). He called Romney out on his bullshit of not giving specifics and not going into the election with a clear plan for issues like taxes and healthcare, whereas Romney gave himself an opportunity to have the last word and didn't deliver much there.

Either way, I really cannot possibly see Obama losing the foreign policy debate. That's like a 9-1 matchup in Obama's favor. The town hall style one is going to be interesting though, and I think the most important going into the election.