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Guide - Vicious [Pre-XL] Beginner's Guide to Vicious


Nothing wrong with Vicious, but I think every F/T player should seriously look into Lackey as well. Having the best d1, armored launcher/anti air
and one of the strongest corner games out of all the characters in this game, sure comes in handy in a lot of matchups.

I started out with Vicious only as well, but slowly, Lackey became my go-to variation. I only use Vicious in specific matchups now, such as Royal Storm/Mournful Kitana, Grandmaster Sub etc. I think Vicious counter zoning isn't that strong against some zoners like Balanced Kenshi and Summoner Quan Chi. I'm better off picking Lackey and then destroying them when I push them into the corner. Plus you need to able to punish hard when they fuck up, Vicious is ass at punishing.