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superman rick rolls green lantern 6-4, dat down back 3 yo
also theres no way he beats black adam
and also deathstroke kicks his ass


Yolo is Power
I play both of them since the beginning, and I tend to think it as a 5.5-4.5 to Batman.
The more I play this matchup against good Batmans the more i feel this match is 6-4 in Batmans favor. GL has his death zone that id just a tad less than half screen. With good use of trait, Batman can move in for pressure and back out of this range with little risk. He's better up close and better at full screen. Best thing i have found is to trade often with missile to remove the bats, but by the time i actually get in a decent range they are back up and he's in and out again. Jumping at anything but close range seems dangerous. He will usually be dashing back just at the edge of air missile range so he can punish with grapple. When you get him to the corner he can send in bats, pressure into another bat, and/or crossup into b23 and be out of ideal range again.

Anyone have any tips for this matchup? Batman seems too safe with everything he does. The safety net of bats seems to make baiting anything out of him very difficult. I can make good reads all day, but there doesn't seem to be many options.

I'm seeking help from the corps.

Trip Se7ens

Nom Nom
I'm in the same boat. Really good bat players make it seem like I have no window to attack at all, between his j2, bats, high-low game, and constant pressure, I feel like I'm just reading on how to block and push block and breathe for long enough before his next assault.
Just finished a set with Pig Of The Hut playing the GL vs. Sinestro MU.

So this MU depends on a factor or two. On stages with reloadable interactables this MU is a solid 4-6 in favor of Sinestro. He can zone you until you reach him then just MB the interactable and you're full screen again.

On other maps I can see where it could be 5-5 or a very close 4-6 still. You can make your way in and punish nearly everything but you have to be careful not to finish your combos that let him out of the corner or knocks him full screen.

Second factor; this depends on is if Sinestro has his trait active or not. This makes getting in on Sinestro VERY difficult. Trait plus meter equals 4-6 at BEST. You can try to inch your way towards him risking the trait hitting you down giving Sinestro plenty of time to back dash to full screen again. Or you can just take the insane zoning chip hoping he'll waste the trait allowing you to start inching your way back in.

So as a whole I still say this is 4-6. If anyone believes otherwise, play Pig.


YOLO is power
I stand corrected, and agree with you guys on the 6-4 for Batman. Thing is, he needs to know which strings to throw at GL. If he really know what he's doing, it's a living hell, since he doesnt need to jump or anything that gives a window for us to try a LM or anything funny against him.

Trip Se7ens

Nom Nom
My best bet vs Batman is Push blocking and them either hitting him with a LM or B13 combo and hope he guesses wrong on block. Otherwise I try to machine gun him and get him to jump into a LM.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
Alright guys has anyone figured out a decent way to deal with cyborg, raven, death stroke and superman?

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
I definitely think that Sinestro goes even with or beats GL. The main problem is that GL has lousy mobility. Dashes get blown up by fear blasts, and jumping by boulders. He can walk in, but that gives Sinestro time to charge his trait. Trait charge has great recovery so it would be very difficult to punish him and once Sinestro has his trait, the MU gets a whole lot worse.


Online » Offline
I definitely think that Sinestro goes even with or beats GL. The main problem is that GL has lousy mobility. Dashes get blown up by fear blasts, and jumping by boulders. He can walk in, but that gives Sinestro time to charge his trait. Trait charge has great recovery so it would be very difficult to punish him and once Sinestro has his trait, the MU gets a whole lot worse.
I agree. However. When I dash a boulder into full combo it feels good. He is very negative on all 3 zoning options


Online » Offline
I have been ending combos in 223 when feeling stingy and don't want to go for a mb vortex. I find that I can dash in B+1 which gets me another combo. When they respect B+1, as always, I rock the F+3!

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
I agree. However. When I dash a boulder into full combo it feels good. He is very negative on all 3 zoning options
Lol yea, you have to be careful with boulder. However, his fear blast is not nearly as punishable when it is meter burned at closer ranges.


Gaming4Satan Founder
Alright guys has anyone figured out a decent way to deal with cyborg, raven, death stroke and superman?
Cyborg - unlike all other zoners it's very difficult (as in impossible) to block then advance forward. Instead, walk forward and pick your spots to hit or trade with EX rocket. For example after he does a fireball that goes over your head or on anticipation of him shooting one. It does good damage (17%) and is a UTKD that pops him towards you. This will allow you to dash in and apply pressure. After that try to make good reads and not let him get away.

Deathstroke and Raven are played the standard GL way you play zoners. Walk forward at them and block their zoning tools on reaction then you get a free dash forward and boom your in your optimal range.

If you're having trouble opening people up who are just walking backwards, just walk forward at them (walk forwards are nearly universally faster than walk backs). Try to block anything they do on reaction or react accordingly. Once you're inside b1's silly range walking backward gets full combo punished.

Superman is similar, except you want to jump forward over all his zoning tools (including air laser). The start ups are hella telegraphed. Air laser is full combo punish by lift if you're in range to walk up and even farther if you successfully jump over it.

If supes tries to keep you oh he's gonna have a bad time. It's when he tries to play footsies or rushes down that he becomes difficult.

His jump normals are trash and air dash cross ups are about as fraudulent a mix up as there is, but his f23 string is pretty GDLK. If he's really committed to f23 breath loops your options are limited. You can challenge with d1 but mathematically speaking the best you can hope for is a trade and that's if you're both frame perfect. If you're a frame slow you're risking a poke for getting blown up for huge damage. Not my preferred way of going about things.

Instead, you can pushblock, or, my preferred method, just continue blocking until he gets bored and tries an easy to see mix up. (22 scoop or 223 is the overhead / low game for supes. I think those are the inputs. Anyway, it's mad easy to block; just always low block for the scoop since its much faster and react to the overhead)

Since normals have negligible chip in this game (0.1-0.2%) you have little to fear from blocking long sequences like that. As opposed to Johnny Cage, who could chip 30-40% off for the same thing.

Patience is the name of the game. GL rewards patient, calculated play so satisfyingly it's ridiculous.


Gaming4Satan Founder
Lol yea, you have to be careful with boulder. However, his fear blast is not nearly as punishable when it is meter burned at closer ranges.
Yea, EX fireball is pretty much totally safe for sinestro.

I would say its even ATM. Sinestro absolutely rapes impatient GLs that's for sure.

One thing I haven't seen anyone touch on is that GL starts every match in his optimal range so right off the bat it's kind of GLs match to lose. If Sinestro gets caught before he gets out to full screen he has a pretty significant uphill battle.

Trip Se7ens

Nom Nom
Yea, EX fireball is pretty much totally safe for sinestro.

I would say its even ATM. Sinestro absolutely rapes impatient GLs that's for sure.

One thing I haven't seen anyone touch on is that GL starts every match in his optimal range so right off the bat it's kind of GLs match to lose. If Sinestro gets caught before he gets out to full screen he has a pretty significant uphill battle.
Yeah, but one dropped 223LM turns into 2231 and they are so far away and you slap yourself in the face because you just realized you gave the match away. T_T And online play makes for A LOT of dropped combos.
Yea, EX fireball is pretty much totally safe for sinestro.

I would say its even ATM. Sinestro absolutely rapes impatient GLs that's for sure.

One thing I haven't seen anyone touch on is that GL starts every match in his optimal range so right off the bat it's kind of GLs match to lose. If Sinestro gets caught before he gets out to full screen he has a pretty significant uphill battle.
Plus depending on how the first life bar is done he gets sent back to almost full screen. I cant tell you how many times those matches with Pig came down to a hit or short combo each. Best bet is to get him in the corner (that doesn't have a reloadable intractable) and keep him there. Otherwise it's difficult.

Sent from my SCH-R830 using Tapatalk 2


I've found that GL gets a free dash after any DS projectile after crouch blocking it/avoiding it. There's some frame trap he has, but I'm not sure what it is or if it even works on GL. The trap works on Lex, but I'm fairly certain GL has a faster forward dash than him. Either way, DS is not bad at all for GL. As long as you don't panic about chip damage, you'll get in easy and get to have your way with DS. I try to stay grounded as much as possible just because of his push back if you get hit in the air. A DS could read you on a jump, but there's no reading after dashing in after his own projectile.
You gotta be careful about that... The timing for dashing between duck and dash between 2 high guns is fairly strict and you won't have time to wait and watch for MB. Same goes for blocking low guns and dashing before high ones shoot you.

KowtowRobinson was talking about jumping air guns... That will lose to MB machine guns and he can do this on reaction to seeing you go up. It's a meh trade because you cost him meter, trade a bit harder than him but end up full screen. The real problem is when DS incorporates air guns if they hit you air to air you're full screen again. Personally I like the tactic in moderation just because it forces him to do more things that don't chip you for low block and are easy to spot a free dash chances... May not necessarily be the case when people really get down low air guns, but I will burn that bridge when I can see it.

Also 2nd health bar vs DS in the corner as well as anyone who you want to keep in the corner you should avoid all combos that take them out of the corner and lift them back into it. If they clash they end up out of the corner and full screen even if they lose.

Also why do people think he loses vs Sinestro? I mean it's probably one of Sinestro's better matchups but I don't see how he's supposed to win if you know how to be lame and pick your spots to dash in. You just sit outside his footsie range and inside lift range, then watch him have really bad options for taking initiative. If he wants to be lame and sit there you can use db2 into minigun to chip him and be safe. If he tries to charge his trait you get a free lift. If he throws anything but EX fireball you get a free lift. If he does have his trait charged just sit there and block a mixup or 2 before going back to plan A... I don't see it.


Don't you trade reasonably well with Cyborg projectile with normal OR? I didn't test it but I remember thinking that watching art vs jailhouse at next level last week... Could be wrong but if that's even close the MB OR will put you plenty ahead as I don't think Cyborg has a way to beef the damage of his projectile. So you just trade life down and build meter, then use the meter to gain a life advantage.

Trip Se7ens

Nom Nom
I still have no idea how to punish batman after his batarang slash, explosion, roll away. B1 is to slow, LM is too slow, and everything else is out of range and half of the time if I'm a split second too slow to react on a back dash or something, he is already in my face doing the bnb combo again and rolling away. T_T