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General/Other - Kenshi **Possessed & Kenjutsu Guides in OP** Pig's Home for all Kenshi


Meta saltmine
I have a beard but no intentions on using Kenshi. So I should probably lend it to someone from this community.
My beard is cut close but it's there. Now it's time to let grow super long and rep Kenshi right lol. Anyways, whatup community. I'm new to TYM and look forward to playing Kenshi in MKX, whatup Pig, I've been a fan for many years. I'm looking forward to learning from you and all the other cool peeps in the Kenshi forum. Much love!

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player


We are returned! Death to the False Emperor!
I would however there's this "cannot carry weapons on a plane " law as well as one year mr wizard warned @AK L0rdoftheFLY that he can't bring real hatchets to Evo lol
Can't you stick it in your main luggage instead of your hand? I brought home a few combat knives from Turkey doing that. Maybe it's just in Europe, the US are more hardcore on airline security

Lt. Boxy Angelman

This thread could be perfect for my keeping up while I wait to get in the ring. I want to be the Ash Ketchum of Kenshi. In that, even if I never win a tournament or title, I want to be the very best that no one ever was.
This character has awoken a passion in me as an MK fan and a fighting game tourney competitor that I've never felt before. I don't just want to main him, I want to be known or him, synonymous with him, the Box that comes to mind when he's mentioned in conversation.
The problem is that I'm waiting on the PS3 release because poverty, which means I can't break in and break this character down until the 30'th of June. So anything I can learn, anything that's discovered, all things Kenny are more than welcome in my world, so i can put them in practice and slay our foes by the dozens once my wait is over.


Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player


Ji2 b1 rk d1 ex lift ji2 f32 tele slam 37% 11hits

Ji2 b1 rk run xx 421 ex rk tele flurry 37% 12 hits

Ji2 b1 rk run xx f32 ex rk tele flurry 40% 11hits

B32 run xx 421 tele flurry 28%

441 rk run xx f32 ex rk tele flurry 32%

441 rk run xx 1 run xx 44 sc 23%

441 rk run xx 4 ex rk tele flurry 27% last hit whiffs (OKi??)

441 run f32 ex rk *maybe tele flurry here* currently 29%

Corner reset
Ji2 f32 rk NJ2 f32 ex rk 22 RE stands 41% into standing reset both at 0

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