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popping off and show boating in this community

what do you think right now for the community?

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I think popping off is good but the community also needs some calm people.
I like to think of myself as the Paula Abdul of the community when there's a lot of Simon Cowell's.
Hahahaha. Love the comparison.


PSN: Skkra
Dude fucking yes! Just like the hype on theo vs kdz nobody popped off nobody really was talking shit, but like because you knew the stakes the shit was hype.
Correct. One of the most poignant moments of MK9's Evo sendoff was when, after winning an insanely close game, 16bit simply leaned over on the chair with his head in his hands. No yelling. No celebrating. Just one of the hardest-working players to ever touch MK9 showing just how bad he wanted to win.

Moments like those can have much more impact than a trash-talking popoff, but again: it only means something to those of us who are invested in the storyline and character.

Filipino Champ has done an excellent job of getting you invested by making himself a villain in the community. If the FGC was being marketed, he'd be one of the characters to watch. Like him or hate him, he evokes a gut emotional response from you. And that is the key. That makes you want to watch: either to see him win, or hope that he loses.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
i like how when i popped off like 5 times at WB some people liked it, some people were saying shit like i popped off too much, like after every combo, etc. make up your minds people......at FR i popped off once, and i think it was my downfall, i wasn't hype when i got on stream to play REO, i definitely wasn't hyped to get my ass handed to me by zod aka @AK Pig Of The Hut idk i just tried to keep my composure and just play, instead of having my heart on my sleeve, and have the fight mean everything for me like i did at WB. if you want a story line to follow go back to SJ 2013 until WB, look through forum post about all the doubters and haters, etc and then look at what i did at WB (still salty that i choked though, i possibly could have won) that shit fueled me, and am bring back that passion for ECT and UFGT next month and MLG and CEO and evo june - july. stand by for special video tonight that am making for this occasion.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
how do you all think this community should be on a competitive level? do you think it should be more like the call of duty community where almost all the top players and pros hate each other and shit talk and pop off on one another constantly? or do you think it should be more like the starcraft community where everyone is buddy buddy with respect and there is not much shit talk?

as a stream monster, i think the NRS community should start becoming more like the call of duty pros. it would be great to see players constantly bashing each other on commentary or forums and then popping off and getting in each others faces in pool matches. it would be a viewers dream and would heighten my and many others entertainment level and experience. maybe start a little wwe story line telling kind of interview project where players get on to bash and call out every thing about another player. we listen to both sides and then they fight each other in pools or top 16.

i think all of this if done right would attract way more attention and draw in more players for our scene like marvel once had back in the golden age. having players start throwing chairs or smash their controllers into tiny pieces would be big ups too.
Here's an idea! Let people be their own personality! There is a decent amount of shit talk here, leave it be.


blink-182 enthusiast
if it's artificial hype then it almost always sucks. You have to be real, otherwise don't bother

Look at Phil Davis (boring wrestler) trying to talk all kinds of shit in the UFC to make people interested in him. He called out about 300 people, got laughed at, then got bodied

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
I think they need to pop off but not hate each other. Our scene is too small and growing for hate. Hype always helps garner interst though

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Just reading all the threads lately

The popoffs start in the right way and end in the personal way...... kinda like two drunk guys arguing about sports.
It always has the the hype..... but soon it just gets personal and mud slinging goes on.

That is NRS community. Two drunk guys who don't know when to just say "lets settle this once and for all" and instead say "Your mom"
Likewise Rico and P2W faced each other in tournament, and probably will again if they both keep playing -- but there's something special about a MM :D.

I don't think anyone can deny that a PL/REO MM late in the game's life would have been one of the most highly touted and heavily hyped matches in MK9's history.
well I believe the rico vs p2win beef started after their tournament match, it was actually the reason why they had beef to begin with. MM's are probably more hype to settle feuds because they are usually more than just 2/3 or 3/5 matches. Next to that when you are in tournament, not everyone can watch the match and hype it up, because they have to play some matches themselves.

Deleted member 5032

I must be really out of it, because I thought this thread was about pooping off a boat...


Pop-offs in and of themselves are fine. People invest a lot of time and money into these games and traveling to tournaments, so it is totally understandable for them to get excited.

Pop-offs done maliciously or to belittle a specific person however, are obnoxious and lame. The community should be more tightknit and less dramatic.


Original OBS mbr/VSM/G4S
how do you all think this community should be on a competitive level? do you think it should be more like the call of duty community where almost all the top players and pros hate each other and shit talk and pop off on one another constantly? or do you think it should be more like the starcraft community where everyone is buddy buddy with respect and there is not much shit talk?

as a stream monster, i think the NRS community should start becoming more like the call of duty pros. it would be great to see players constantly bashing each other on commentary or forums and then popping off and getting in each others faces in pool matches. it would be a viewers dream and would heighten my and many others entertainment level and experience. maybe start a little wwe story line telling kind of interview project where players get on to bash and call out every thing about another player. we listen to both sides and then they fight each other in pools or top 16.

i think all of this if done right would attract way more attention and draw in more players for our scene like marvel once had back in the golden age. having players start throwing chairs or smash their controllers into tiny pieces would be big ups too.
I have talked about this with many (including jamessmk )and as much as I hate drama I luv it and this community needs it. Lbsh who cares how you play or hold a controller/stick. Drama sells I stopped caring about most fgc games until mk9 and the whole pl vs Reo and cdjr thing. But I still think respect should be there. I dunno if cod community hates each other if so I don't support that. But I love me some drama.
Look at wwe we all know it's fake but many enjoy the stories and watch it for that. Imo that's drama and I hate to vote drama but I have to.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
KDZ skill gap + EVO win is equal to just about anything in MK9. We also had EC vs. WC at NEC and will have it again at Anaheim in a major way.

There was Rico vs. KDZ, Theo v. KDZ, Tom v. Theo, Frantastic/Arma v. Forever King, Jupiter/REO/MMH drama, KDZ vs. Perfect Legend, 16 Bit and Incomplete Meta v. Chef, Tom vs. Wound, WW of America drama, P2win vs. the world.. The drama quotient has led to a ton of storylines this last year. More than in the 1st year of MK9
Honestly, I don't think any of those equal any of the hype and drama to MK9.


"On your Knees!"
But if we did talk shit the staff moderators will be all like "Oh sir you need to stay on topic etc." or else they block you from commentating. So as long as the staff moderators stop being like baby back bitches, then the boasting and talking shit would be better. Makes up for more hype and can tell the reals from the fakes in this community.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Honestly, I don't think any of those equal any of the hype and drama to MK9.
Having been around for both, the hype for the first year has been on another level entirely for IGAU. Most of MK9's most talked-about lifetime moments came in this second-year period we're entering now. It really started taking off with MLG Columbus, which was near the end of March 2012, and hit fever pitch with the period between MLG Anaheim and EVO. But the pre-March IGAU hype and number of important storylines from Day 1 has far exceeded MK9.

And that's just majors.. Not even including all the hype from weekly tournaments like GBS, the Break, WNF and AK. There are some ridiculous moments every single week at this point.

Tournament-quality wise, the number of absolutely insane matches across the board at each event and the number of striking upsets is probably unparalleled right now. What happens next is anyone's guess.

I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that the community and its local scenes were far more entrenched when IGAU dropped, and the field of competition is consistently larger. MK9 was building from the ground up, while Injustice started at 70mph and hasn't let up since.
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