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popping off and show boating in this community

what do you think right now for the community?

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as a stream monster, i think the NRS community should start becoming more like the call of duty pros. it would be great to see players constantly bashing each other on commentary or forums and then popping off and getting in each others faces in pool matches. it would be a viewers dream and would heighten my and many others entertainment level and experience. maybe start a little wwe story line telling kind of interview project where players get on to bash and call out every thing about another player. we listen to both sides and then they fight each other in pools or top 16.

i think all of this if done right would attract way more attention and draw in more players for our scene like marvel once had back in the golden age. having players start throwing chairs or smash their controllers into tiny pieces would be big ups too.
This pretty much goes against everything I believe and stand for.

Fuck the stream monsters
Fuck the storylines
Fuck the golden age

Fight for yourself.


Administrator and Community Engineer
There's a balance somewhere between everyone hating each other and everyone liking each other. Like at 2012's MLG Anaheim, there was plenty of smack talk and rivalry heading in.. But after all was said and done, people came together and congratulated each other, and the losers vowed to fight harder and come back stronger next time.

That's the difference between making a community stronger and tearing it apart.

Everyone has to remember that at the end of the day, playing or doing well at a video game doesn't make you any better than anyone else. No matter what, you are still only as good as you are as a Human Being.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Things are pretty chill at the moment, which is cool, but I personally like when there's drama lol. It brings more traffic, TYM gets poppin, and the hype build up is incredible. A majority of the time, that drama starts up other drama, and by the time majors come around, the amount of blow ups are insane.

I still think IGAU has yet to have that huge drama filled event yet, while MK9 had TONS; the Gross vs PL VXG special, the Kitana Forums down each others throats, Pig's success with Kenshi, 16Bit vs KhaoTik rivalry, etc.

Maybe this is just the calm before the storm. MK is our main game so I expect to be a ton of Drama when MK10 comes out and I'll have my popcorn ready.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Things are pretty chill at the moment, which is cool, but I personally like when there's drama lol. It brings more traffic, TYM gets poppin, and the hype build up is incredible. A majority of the time, that drama starts up other drama, and by the time majors come around, the amount of blow ups are insane.

I still think IGAU has yet to have that huge drama filled event yet, while MK9 had TONS; the Gross vs PL VXG special, the Kitana Forums down each others throats, Pig's success with Kenshi, 16Bit vs KhaoTik rivalry, etc.

Maybe this is just the calm before the storm. MK is our main game so I expect to be a ton of Drama when MK10 comes out and I'll have my popcorn ready.
KDZ skill gap + EVO win is equal to just about anything in MK9. We also had EC vs. WC at NEC and will have it again at Anaheim in a major way.

There was Rico vs. KDZ, Theo v. KDZ, Tom v. Theo, Frantastic/Arma v. Forever King, Jupiter/REO/MMH drama, KDZ vs. Perfect Legend, 16 Bit and Incomplete Meta v. Chef, Tom vs. Wound, WW of America drama, P2win vs. the world.. The drama quotient has led to a ton of storylines this last year. More than in the 1st year of MK9
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KDZ skill gap + EVO win is equal to just about anything in MK9. We also had EC vs. WC at NEC and will have it again at Anaheim in a major way.

There was Rico vs. KDZ, Theo v. KDZ, Tom v. Theo, Frantastic/Arma v. Forever King, Jupiter/REO/MMH drama, 16 Bit and Incomplete Meta v. Chef, Tom vs. Wound, P2win vs. the world.. The drama quotient has led to a ton of storylines this last year. More than in the 1st year of MK9
The problem with these stories is in mk's time, most beefs were settled in money matches/tournament matches. Injustice beefs somehow end up just dieing. The purpose of feuds is often to build hype for matches but it is not hype anymore if the matches dont actually happen.


Administrator and Community Engineer
The problem with these stories is in mk's time, most beefs were settled in money matches/tournament matches. Injustice beefs somehow end up just dieing. The purpose of feuds is often to build hype for matches but it is not hype anymore if the matches dont actually happen.
Almost everything I listed was settled either in tournament or a MM.. Not sure what you mean.
Almost everything I listed was settled either in tournament or a MM.. Not sure what you mean.
kdz vs denzell skill gap and rico vs p2win are probably the biggest feuds we had in injustice. I don't think these feuds were ever properly settled. Tom vs wound or pig vs kdz never happened I believe.

edit: pl vs reo was big too. What tournament was it at where PL lost to Forever king and then reo and pl started to challenge each other but they didnt actually play.


Administrator and Community Engineer
kdz vs denzell skill gap and rico vs p2win are probably the biggest feuds we had in injustice. I don't think these feuds were ever properly settled. Tom vs wound or pig vs kdz never happened I believe.
Denzell and KDZ will both be at Anaheim. Tom v. Wound is upcoming, challenge was made for UFGT. The only reason P2W v. Rico probably won't happen is the fact that only doctors can risk $1000 sums ;) but it's not like people were dropping a grand per match in MK9 either.

And honestly, the biggest MM of all time in MK9 never happened, even when Rolando offered to put up $5000 and free plane tickets for it.
Denzell and KDZ will both be at Anaheim. Tom v. Wound is upcoming, challenge was made for UFGT. The only reason P2W v. Rico probably won't happen is the fact that only doctors can risk $1000 sums ;) but it's not like people were dropping a grand per match in MK9 either.

And honestly, the biggest MM of all time in MK9 never happened, even when Rolando offered to put up $5000 and free plane tickets for it.
The beef between KDZ and Denzell kind of died down anyway. I don't know why but it just doesn't feel the same. PL vs reo's moneymatch imo wasn't that big of a deal, they faced each other at evo 2013 anyway and it wasn't that special anymore because they fought each other at evo 2011 and 2012 already, but they have yet to face each other in injustice.


Administrator and Community Engineer
The beef between KDZ and Denzell kind of died down anyway. I don't know why but it just doesn't feel the same. PL vs reo's moneymatch imo wasn't that big of a deal, they faced each other at evo 2013 anyway and it wasn't that special anymore because they fought each other at evo 2011 and 2012 already, but they have yet to face each other in injustice.
Likewise Rico and P2W faced each other in tournament, and probably will again if they both keep playing -- but there's something special about a MM :D.

I don't think anyone can deny that a PL/REO MM late in the game's life would have been one of the most highly touted and heavily hyped matches in MK9's history.


martian billhunter

You can't just start yelling and getting in people's faces and think that that creates hype. It doesn't. And here's a little secret: it will NOT attract a crowd, or build up our scene. It'll just look like grown men acting like children. "So, Skkra, what DOES create excitement?" Why, I'm glad you asked! CHARACTER INVESTMENT AND RELATABLE HUMAN DRAMA. That. Is. It.

If you're an outsider, and you see a bunch of guys popping off... it's just a bunch of guys jumping around. It only matters if you're already invested in their storyline. The Smash Brothers documentary was an incredible feat because, starting with a only very slight interest on my part, I became emotionally invested in the characters. In order to get more people interested in this scene, we need to create an outlet for outsiders/viewers to get to understand the players. Once you have begun to care about a players story, everything changes.

After Justin Wong beat Chris G at Evo this past year, he was flying all over the stage. OK, sure, anyone would be excited about a big win. But that's not what was so exciting. It's the old-school king against the new favorite. A juggernaut using the best team in the game against the original champ who won't switch off Storm simply because he truly loves the character. And when things looked absolutely hopeless, Justin dug down and came all the way back. If you just watch that set, OK, it's exciting. But if you've been following all year - seeing Chris G basically dominate all year long, seeing Justin grinding so hard with his mediocre team - that win becomes epic, because you are emotionally invested in Justin's journey, and because you relate to his struggle with struggles in your own life.

That emotional connection and resonance is what makes watching any competitive endeavor so exciting. That is what we as a fighting game community need to create with viewers in order to present a compelling viewing experience that they give a damn about. So the question is not "do we need more pop-offs?" It's "how do we establish this connection with observers?"


This mean you don't like me?
It's all about the story line behind the excitement, not random disrespect as some think it is.

Why do you think Twitch plays Pokemon was so popular? Because it's Pokemon? Nay. It's cause of the experience that the users shall treasure.....forever...


Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Denzell and KDZ will both be at Anaheim. Tom v. Wound is upcoming, challenge was made for UFGT. The only reason P2W v. Rico probably won't happen is the fact that only doctors can risk $1000 sums ;) but it's not like people were dropping a grand per match in MK9 either.

And honestly, the biggest MM of all time in MK9 never happened, even when Rolando offered to put up $5000 and free plane tickets for it.
Wound isnt going to ufgt and Rolando offering $5000 ia kind of a joke now


Dojo Trainee

You can't just start yelling and getting in people's faces and think that that creates hype. It doesn't. And here's a little secret: it will NOT attract a crowd, or build up our scene. It'll just look like grown men acting like children. "So, Skkra, what DOES create excitement?" Why, I'm glad you asked! CHARACTER INVESTMENT AND RELATABLE HUMAN DRAMA. That. Is. It.

If you're an outsider, and you see a bunch of guys popping off... it's just a bunch of guys jumping around. It only matters if you're already invested in their storyline. The Smash Brothers documentary was an incredible feat because, starting with a only very slight interest on my part, I became emotionally invested in the characters. In order to get more people interested in this scene, we need to create an outlet for outsiders/viewers to get to understand the players. Once you have begun to care about a players story, everything changes.

After Justin Wong beat Chris G at Evo this past year, he was flying all over the stage. OK, sure, anyone would be excited about a big win. But that's not what was so exciting. It's the old-school king against the new favorite. A juggernaut using the best team in the game against the original champ who won't switch off Storm simply because he truly loves the character. And when things looked absolutely hopeless, Justin dug down and came all the way back. If you just watch that set, OK, it's exciting. But if you've been following all year - seeing Chris G basically dominate all year long, seeing Justin grinding so hard with his mediocre team - that win becomes epic, because you are emotionally invested in Justin's journey, and because you relate to his struggle with struggles in your own life.

That emotional connection and resonance is what makes watching any competitive endeavor so exciting. That is what we as a fighting game community need to create with viewers in order to present a compelling viewing experience that they give a damn about. So the question is not "do we need more pop-offs?" It's "how do we establish this connection with observers?"
Dude fucking yes! Just like the hype on theo vs kdz nobody popped off nobody really was talking shit, but like because you knew the stakes the shit was hype af.
And to anybody on just looking in has no idea why people were excited


Cold day in hell...
Either way the shit talk and the drama shouldn't be forced. Everyone should just be authentic. Look at guys like pig or 16 Bit. They get extremely hype and pop off and the like but it's authentic and it works because like an athlete celebrating a score you can feel their excitement. If someone else wants to be stoic and just shake hands and walk off that's cool too. Just be authentic and let the story lines and hype build behind that.